一、Zeus Web服务器中配置安装
1、找一个zeus 4.3 for BSD的版本下载;
tar xvzf Zeus_43_FreeBSD4.tgz #把破解包直接解压在/root
cd Zeus_43_FreeBSD4/
按CTRL C 打入accept
Where should the product be installed? [/usr/local/zeus]: 回车
Installation options:
1. Full install of both admin server & web server
2. Stand-alone install of admin server
3. Clustered install of web server
H. Help
Choose installation option [1]: 回车
Enter the key filename, or leave blank for unlicensed mode: (这里输入你的key路径)
Please choose a password for the admin server: ****** (输入管理员密码)
Re-enter: ****** (重新输入密码)
What USER do you want to run zeus?[nobody]:(输入nobody,回车)
What Group do you want to run zeus?[nobody]: (输入nobody,回车)
Would you like Zeus to start at boot time? Y/N [Y]: (回车)
启动Zeus的命令为 /usr/local/zeus/start-zeus
停止Zeus的命令为 /usr/local/zeus/stop-zeus
重启Zeus的命令为 /usr/local/zeus/restart-zeus
二、Zeus Web服务器设置
打开浏览器访问:http://your.com:9090 (用户名admin,密码是你刚才设定的)
点“Virtual Server”,进入创建虚拟主机:
Virtual Server Name:主机名
Host Name and Port:域名和端口
Server Comment:随便
Document Root:web文件放置的位置
Webmaster Email Address:随便
点击“Create Virtual Server”按钮提交,提交后,现在将进入虚拟主机的具体配置:
Enabling Support for FastCGI Programs:选择“Enabled”
跟着往下找到“Adding a FastCGI Remote Responder”
Directory name:填/usr/local/php/bin/php
Location: Machine name: 填localhost
其他的全部不用填,点击“apply change”
Enabling PHP Support:选择Enabled
Process Management:并发请求,自己按需设置
点击“apply change”
左边的菜单中找到“Directory Requests”
Index Files:索引文件,按自己的需要设置
Directory Listing:一定要Disabled
点击“apply change”
再在左边菜单找到“htaccess Support”
Enabling .htaccess File Processing:选择Enabled
点击“apply change”
配置完了,点击上面的“This configuration has been modified. Click here for details or to make it take effect. ”,再点击 “commit”,完成了一个虚拟主机的设置。
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