的串口通讯支持总是让人觉得有所不足 在使用VB 的MsComm ocx时 很多人都会在的开发中觉得很困扰 这里讲述的串口通讯类使用native代码 并且它是通API调用实现的 你会发现的串口通讯就是这么简单 在说明如何使用这个类前 需要说明的是 本类只是一个的串口通讯演示 你可能需要根据你的情况修改后使用 另外 本类的目的是通过例子教会你在无需ocx控件和第三方组件的支持下用开发串口通讯程序 所有并没有完善的异常错误处理 1 初始化并打开串口创建一个CRs 类的实例 并在调用Open方法前设置好串口通讯参数 例 Dim moRS as New Rs ()With moRs Port = // Uses BaudRate = // 波特率 DataBit = // data bits StopBit = Rs DataStopBit StopBit_ // 停止位 Parity = Rs DataParity Parity_None // 无奇偶校验 Timeout = //超时时间 msEnd With // 初始化并打开串口moRS Open () // 串口打开后 你可以随意地控制DTR/RTSmoRS Dtr = TruemoRS Rts = True为了处理异常情况 建议你使用Try Catch 2 发送数据本类为Rx和Tx准备了两个缓冲区(buffer) 发送数据时 只需要设置TxData属性为你需要发送的数据 然后调用Tx方法就可以了 例如 moRS TxData = txtTx TextmoRS Tx() 接收数据先调用Rx方法(参数为您需要从串口读取的字节数) 然后读取RxData属性 例如 moRS Rx( ) // 从串口通讯缓冲区里读取 字节Dim sRead as String=moRs RxData需要注意的是 当本类无法用串口读取到所需的字节数 程序线程在超时异常发生前是锁死的 超时时间通过Timout属性设置 如果你没有指明需要读取的字节数 本类默认使用 字节来读取缓冲区里的数据 版本信息 Project History st Public release Beta ( / / )Rev ( ) Added ResetDev SetBreak and ClearBreak to the EscapeCommFunction constants Added the overloaded Open routine Added the modem status routines properties and enum If a read times out it now returns a EndOfStreamException (instead of a simple Exception) Compiled with VS Net finalRev ( )Added Async supportRev ( )Minor bugs fixedRev a ( / / )Fixed BuildCommmDCB problemRev ( / / )Fixed problem with ASCII Encoding truncating th bitRev ( / / )Added IDisposable / Finalize implementationRev ( / / )Fixed problem on DCB fields InitializationRev ( / / )Added XON/XOFF supportRev ( / / )Added support to port number greater than Rev ( / / )Added CommEvent to detect ining chars/events(!)Updated both Tx/Rx method from Non Ovelapped to Overlapped modeRemoved unused Async methods and other stuff Rev ( / / )Fixed incorrect character handling when using EnableEvents()Rev ( / / )Fixed some bugs reported by usersRev ( / / )Removed AutoReset of internal buffers and added PurgeBuffer() methodRev ( / / )Update internal stuff now using Win Exception instead of GetLastError+FormatMessage APIsRev ( / / )Added IsPortAvailable() function (thanks to Tom Lafleur for the hint)Revised some API declarationFixed some problems with Win /Me OS (thanks to Alex Komissarov for the feedback)Rev ( / / )Fixed bug introduced on rev (sorry for that )Rev ( / / )Added SetBreak/ClearBreak methods for sending break signal over the line Rev ( / / )Fixed incorrect field on MCONFIG Structure Rev ( / / )Fixed bug causing troubles accessing already in use ports (folks thanks for the feedback!)Rev ( / / )Fixed bug on DTR property (thanks to Charles Olivier Théroux)Rev ( / / )CommEvent is no more raised on a secondary thread (please note that this is valid only if event handler is not associated with a static method)pEventsWatcher now uses a background threadRev ( / / )Fixed EscapeCommFunction declarationFixed incorrect Pariti enum entryRev ( / / )Fixed memory leak causing random program termination without any message Thanks to Ralf Gedrat for testing this scenario Rev ( / / )Fixed bug DisableEvents not working bug (Thanks to Jean Bédard) lishixinzhi/Article/program/net/201311/11852
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