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times() 函数 | 获取进程时间函数
函数原型 :
#include sys/times.h
clock_t times (struct tms * buf );
函数功能 :
说明 :
times() 函数返回从过去一个任意的时间点所经过的时钟数。返回值可能会超出 clock_t (一般为 long 型) 的范围(溢出)。如果发生错误,则返回 (clock_t ) -1 类型,然后设置相应的 errno 值。
系统每秒的时钟可以通过 sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); 函数获得。关于 sysconf() 函数的详细信息见:
上面 _SC_CLK_TCK 的值为 2,因为它在 /usr/include/bits/confname.h 头文件的一个枚举类型里定义。
struct tms 结构体定义在 sys/times.h 头文件里,具体定义如下:
/* Structure describing CPU time used by a process and its children. */
struct tms
clock_t tms_utime ; /* User CPU time. 用户程序 CPU 时间*/
clock_t tms_stime ; /* System CPU time. 系统调用所耗费的 CPU 时间 */
clock_t tms_cutime ; /* User CPU time of dead children. 已死掉子进程的 CPU 时间*/
clock_t tms_cstime ; /* System CPU time of dead children. 已死掉子进程所耗费的系统调用 CPU 时间*/
实例验证 times() 函数
测试代码-1 :
#include stdio.h
#include unistd.h
#include stdlib.h
#include sys/times.h
int main ()
struct tms time_buf_head , time_buf_end ;
long tck = 0 ;
clock_t time_head , time_end ;
tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK ); /*获取系统时钟(1秒里有多少个)*/
time_head = times ( time_buf_head ); /*进程运行到此时的系统时钟数(总的)*/
printf ("head_time is : %f \n " , time_head / (double )tck ); /*此时进程所处的时间点(单位为秒)*/
//system ("./time_test.exe");
system ("sleep 2" ); /*睡眠2秒*/
time_end = times ( time_buf_end ); /*进程到此时的系统时钟数*/
printf ("end_time is : %f \n " , time_end / (double )tck ); /*此时进程所处的时间点(单位为秒)*/
printf ("user time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_utime - time_buf_head . tms_utime ) / double )tck )); /*打印出用户进程到此所经历时间*/
printf ("systime time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_stime - time_buf_head . tms_stime ) / double )tck ));
printf ("child user time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_cutime - time_buf_head . tms_cutime ) / (double )tck ));
printf ("child sys time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_cstime - time_buf_head . tms_cstime ) / (double )tck ));
return (0 );
} ( (
运行输出 :
beyes@beyes-groad:~$ ./time.exe
head_time is : 17236892.770000
end_time is : 17236894.790000
user time is : 0.000000
systime time is : 0.000000
child user time is : 0.000000
child sys time is : 0.000000
上面蓝色部分的时间间隔刚好是 2s 。从上面看到,下面的时间值都是 0。为了验证问题,现在修改一下源程序:
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include stdio.h
#include unistd.h
#include stdlib.h
#include fcntl.h
#include sys/times.h
int main ()
struct tms time_buf_head , time_buf_end ;
long tck = 0 ;
clock_t time_head , time_end ;
int i ;
int j ;
tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK );
time_head = times ( time_buf_head );
printf ("head_time is : %f \n " , time_head / (double )tck );
for (i = 0 ; i 20000 ; i ++ )
for (j = 0 ; j 20000 ; j ++ ) {
time_end = times ( time_buf_end );
printf ("end_time is : %f \n " , time_end / (double )tck );
printf ("user time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_utime - time_buf_head . tms_utime ) / double )tck )); /*用户进程所耗费的时间*/
printf ("systime time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_stime - time_buf_head . tms_stime ) / (double )tck ));
printf ("child user time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_cutime - time_buf_head . tms_cutime ) / (double )tck ));
printf ("child sys time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_cstime - time_buf_head . tms_cstime ) / (double )tck ));
return (0 );
} (
beyes@beyes-groad:~$ ./time.exe
head_time is : 17184643.070000
end_time is : 17184644.280000
user time is : 1.200000
systime time is : 0.000000
child user time is : 0.000000
child sys time is : 0.000000
由于使用了大量的延迟,这时可以看到 user time 里耗费了 1.2s ,而 end_time 和 head_time 的时间间隔为 1.21s 约等于 1.2s 。
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include stdio.h
#include unistd.h
#include stdlib.h
#include fcntl.h
#include sys/times.h
int main ()
struct tms time_buf_head , time_buf_end ;
long tck = 0 ;
clock_t time_head , time_end ;
int i ;
int j ;
tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK );
time_head = times ( time_buf_head );
printf ("head_time is : %f \n " , time_head / (double )tck );
for (i = 0 ; i 1000 ; i ++ )
for (j = 0 ; j 1000 ; j ++ ) {
open ("Cannon-1.txt" , O_RDONLY );
time_end = times ( time_buf_end );
printf ("end_time is : %f \n " , time_end / (double )tck );
printf ("user time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_utime - time_buf_head . tms_utime ) / double )tck ));
printf ("systime time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_stime - time_buf_head . tms_stime ) / (double )tck ));
printf ("child user time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_cutime - time_buf_head . tms_cutime ) / (double )tck ));
printf ("child sys time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_cstime - time_buf_head . tms_cstime ) / (double )tck ));
return (0 );
beyes@beyes-groad:~$ ./time.exe
head_time is : 17189923.210000
end_time is : 17189923.650000
user time is : 0.160000
systime time is : 0.280000
child user time is : 0.000000
child sys time is : 0.000000
在上面的输出中可以看到,systime time 这时不再为 0,这是因为程序中使用了 open() 这个系统调用的结果,它在两个 for 循环里一共被调用了 1000*1000次,总耗时为0.28s ,而执行这两个 for 的时间为 0.16s ,两个时间加起来的时间间隔正好为 end_time - head_time = 0.44s 。
下面测试子进程的时间,也就是 child user time 和 child sys time 两个。这里,需要另外一个程序,它的主要作用就是和上面一样的调用 open() 打开一个在本目录下的一文本文件,代码如下:
#include stdio.h
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include fcntl.h
int main ()
int i ;
int j ;
for (i = 0 ; i 1000 ; i ++ )
for (j = 0 ; j 1000 ; j ++ ) {
open ("Cannon-1.txt" , O_RDONLY );
return (0 );
上面的程序命名为 time_test.exe ,它会在主程序里被 system() 函数调用到,修改主程序如下:
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include stdio.h
#include unistd.h
#include stdlib.h
#include fcntl.h
#include sys/times.h
int main ()
struct tms time_buf_head , time_buf_end ;
long tck = 0 ;
clock_t time_head , time_end ;
int i ;
int j ;
tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK );
time_head = times ( time_buf_head );
printf ("head_time is : %f \n " , time_head / (double )tck );
system ("./time_test.exe" );
time_end = times ( time_buf_end );
printf ("end_time is : %f \n " , time_end / (double )tck );
printf ("user time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_utime - time_buf_head . tms_utime ) / double )tck ));
printf ("systime time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_stime - time_buf_head . tms_stime ) / (double )tck ));
printf ("child user time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_cutime - time_buf_head . tms_cutime ) / (double )tck ));
printf ("child sys time is : %f \n " , ((time_buf_end . tms_cstime - time_buf_head . tms_cstime ) / (double )tck ));
return (0 );
} (
beyes@beyes-groad:~$ ./time.exe
head_time is : 17190766.590000
end_time is : 17190767.060000
user time is : 0.000000
systime time is : 0.000000
child user time is : 0.140000
child sys time is : 0.300000
由上可见,child user time 和 child sys time 两者的时间也是为 0.44s,这和上面是一样的,这是因为程序的内容相同。
实现满负荷工作可以用一些拷机软件,比如Super PI,来测试处理器的性能。
time_t start,end;
start =time(NULL);//or time(start);
end =time(NULL);
clock_t start,end;
start = clock();
end = clock();
呵呵 这个没法说 最好还是用 bioskey吧 用延时 不交还系统控制权自然会100%占用cpu
不用api 在winnt以上机器 我还真没有别的办法 呵呵
c-free是gcc的一个win下的ide吧 试试 用api
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