/************************************************************/ /* 两多项式多项式相减 */ /* 函数格式:Polyn AddPolyn(Polyn h1,Polyn h2) */ /* 功 能:实现两个多项式的相减运算 */ /* 参 数:Polyn h1--第一个多项式的链表头指针 */ /* Polyn h2--第二个多项式的链表头指针 */ /* 返 回 值:结果多项式的链表头指针 */ /************************************************************/ Polyn SubtractPolyn(Polyn h1,Polyn h2) { int flag; Item *head,*last,*pa=h1-next,*pb=h2-next,*s; double coef; CreateItem(head); last=head; last=head; head-next=NULL; s=NULL; while(papb) {if(pa-expn==pb-expn) { coef=pa-coef-pb-coef; if(coef!=0.0) { CreateItem(s); s-next=NULL; s-coef=coef; s-expn=pa-expn; } pa=pa-next; pb=pb-next; } else if(pa-expnpb-expn) { CreateItem(s); s-next=NULL; s-coef=pa-coef; s-expn=pa-expn; pa=pa-next; } else { CreateItem(s); s-next=NULL; s-coef=0.0-pb-coef; s-expn=pb-expn; pb=pb-next; } if(head-next==NULL) { head-next=s; last=s; } else { last-next=s; last=s; } } while(!pa||!pb) { if(!papb) { CreateItem(s); s-next=NULL; s-coef=0.0-pb-coef; s-expn=pb-expn; pb=pb-next; } else if(pa!pb) { CreateItem(s); s-next=NULL; s-coef=pa-coef; s-expn=pa-expn; pa=pa-next; } else break; last-next=s; last=s; } return head; }
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = b - a;
#include stdio.h
int strat( char *s, char c )
while ( *s )
if ( *s==c )
return 1;
return 0;
char *strsub( char *s, char *q)
char *t=s,*new_s=s;
while ( *t )
if ( !strat( q, *t) )
*new_s++ = *t ;
return s;
void main()
char str1[]="abcdefg";
char str2[]="abc" ;
char *p=strsub( str1,str2);
printf("%s\n", p );
(1) C语言中没有 字符串相减 运算。
(2) C语言中 有 单个字符 相减 运算。
int i,x[4];
char str[]="1234";
for (i=0;i4;i++) x[i] = str[i] - '0';
例如, 把字符串中字母,小写变大写:
char str[]="aBcxYz";
int i;
for (i=0;istrlen(str);i++)
if (str[i] ='a' str[i] ='z') str[i] = str[i] -'a' + 'A';
(3) 字符串大小比较 用 strcmp() 或 strncmp() 函数
if (strcmp(a,b) == 0) printf(" string a and b are the same\n");
if (strcmp(a,b) 0) printf(" string a is bigger than b\n");
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