Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) _
As Long
Public Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" _
(ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, _
ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, _
ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, _
ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, _
ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim hDCtmp As Long, picWidth As Double, picHeight As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
x = Val(Text2.Text)
y = Val(Text3.Text)
picWidth = Val(Text3.Text)
picHeight = Val(Text4.Text)
hDCtmp = GetDC(0)
BitBlt Picture1.hdc, 0, 0, picWidth, picHeight, hDCtmp, x, y, vbSrcCopy
ReleaseDC 0, hDCtmp
End Sub
目的: 将屏幕按照指定坐标和大小进行截取成图,在picture1显示
问题: 大小是相同了,为什么截取的坐标不对,只是屏幕上的左上
' CreateBitmapPicture
' - Creates a bitmap type Picture object from a bitmap and
' palette.
' hBmp
' - Handle to a bitmap.
' hPal
' - Handle to a Palette.
' - Can be null if the bitmap doesn't use a palette.
' Returns
' - Returns a Picture object containing the bitmap.
Public Function CreateBitmapPicture(ByVal hBmp As Long, ByVal hPal As Long) As Picture
Dim r As Long
Dim Pic As PicBmp
' IPicture requires a reference to "Standard OLE Types."
Dim IPic As IPicture
Dim IID_IDispatch As GUID
' Fill in with IDispatch Interface ID.
With IID_IDispatch
.Data1 = H20400
.Data4(0) = HC0
.Data4(7) = H46
End With
' Fill Pic with necessary parts.
With Pic
.Size = Len(Pic) ' Length of structure.
.Type = vbPicTypeBitmap ' Type of Picture (bitmap).
.hBmp = hBmp ' Handle to bitmap.
.hPal = hPal ' Handle to palette (may be null).
End With
' Create Picture object.
r = OleCreatePictureIndirect(Pic, IID_IDispatch, 1, IPic)
' Return the new Picture object.
Set CreateBitmapPicture = IPic
End Function
' CaptureWindow
' - Captures any portion of a window.
' hWndSrc
' - Handle to the window to be captured.
' Client
' - If True CaptureWindow captures from the client area of the
' window.
' - If False CaptureWindow captures from the entire window.
' LeftSrc, TopSrc, WidthSrc, HeightSrc
' - Specify the portion of the window to capture.
' - Dimensions need to be specified in pixels.
' Returns
' - Returns a Picture object containing a bitmap of the specified
' portion of the window that was captured.
Public Function CaptureWindow(ByVal hWndSrc As Long, ByVal Client As Boolean, ByVal LeftSrc As Long, ByVal TopSrc As Long, ByVal WidthSrc As Long, ByVal HeightSrc As Long) As Picture
Dim hDCMemory As Long
Dim hBmp As Long
Dim hBmpPrev As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim hDCSrc As Long
Dim hPal As Long
Dim hPalPrev As Long
Dim RasterCapsScrn As Long
Dim HasPaletteScrn As Long
Dim PaletteSizeScrn As Long
' Depending on the value of Client get the proper device context.
If Client Then
hDCSrc = GetDC(hWndSrc) ' Get device context for client area.
hDCSrc = GetWindowDC(hWndSrc) ' Get device context for entire window.
End If
' Create a memory device context for the copy process.
hDCMemory = CreateCompatibleDC(hDCSrc)
' Create a bitmap and place it in the memory DC.
hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDCSrc, WidthSrc, HeightSrc)
hBmpPrev = SelectObject(hDCMemory, hBmp)
' Get screen properties.
RasterCapsScrn = GetDeviceCaps(hDCSrc, RASTERCAPS) ' Raster
' capabilities.
HasPaletteScrn = RasterCapsScrn And RC_PALETTE ' Palette
' support.
PaletteSizeScrn = GetDeviceCaps(hDCSrc, SIZEPALETTE) ' Size of
' palette.
' If the screen has a palette make a copy and realize it.
If HasPaletteScrn And (PaletteSizeScrn = 256) Then
' Create a copy of the system palette.
LogPal.palVersion = H300
LogPal.palNumEntries = 256
r = GetSystemPaletteEntries(hDCSrc, 0, 256, LogPal.palPalEntry(0))
hPal = CreatePalette(LogPal)
' Select the new palette into the memory DC and realize it.
hPalPrev = SelectPalette(hDCMemory, hPal, 0)
r = RealizePalette(hDCMemory)
End If
' Copy the on-screen image into the memory DC.
r = BitBlt(hDCMemory, 0, 0, WidthSrc, HeightSrc, hDCSrc, LeftSrc, TopSrc, vbSrcCopy)
' Remove the new copy of the on-screen image.
hBmp = SelectObject(hDCMemory, hBmpPrev)
' If the screen has a palette get back the palette that was
' selected in previously.
If HasPaletteScrn And (PaletteSizeScrn = 256) Then
hPal = SelectPalette(hDCMemory, hPalPrev, 0)
End If
' Release the device context resources back to the system.
r = DeleteDC(hDCMemory)
r = ReleaseDC(hWndSrc, hDCSrc)
' Call CreateBitmapPicture to create a picture object from the
' bitmap and palette handles. Then return the resulting picture
' object.
Set CaptureWindow = CreateBitmapPicture(hBmp, hPal)
End Function
' CaptureScreen
' - Captures the entire screen.
' Returns
' - Returns a Picture object containing a bitmap of the screen.
Public Function CaptureScreen() As Picture
Dim hWndScreen As Long
Dim Wwidth As Long
Dim Wheight As Long
Wwidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
Wheight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
' Get a handle to the desktop window.
hWndScreen = GetDesktopWindow()
' Call CaptureWindow to capture the entire desktop give the handle
' and return the resulting Picture object. Screen.width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX**********Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Set CaptureScreen = CaptureWindow(hWndScreen, True, 0, 0, Wwidth, Wheight)
End Function
Visual Basic code?
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set Picture1.Picture = CaptureScreen
End Sub
这是捕捉键盘热键,例如QQ写的一个抓屏功能,同时按下Ctrl+Alt+A 就会自动 跳出抓屏。
也就是说上面这段代码自动获取到的热键符合Ctrl+Alt+A 的命令,所以才会执行事件。
If m.Msg = WM_SYSCOMMAND Then' 如果m 的热键码 有系统命令 执行以下事件。
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