with open('a.log', 'r') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() last_line = lines[-1]
即使不考虑异常处理的问题,这个代码也不完美,因为如果文件很大,lines = fp.readlines()会造成很大的时间和空间开销。
def __get_last_line(self, filename): """ get last line of a file :param filename: file name :return: last line or None for empty file """ try: filesize = os.path.getsize(filename) if filesize == 0: return None else: with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: # to use seek from end, must use mode 'rb' offset = -8 # initialize offset while -offset < filesize: # offset cannot exceed file size fp.seek(offset, 2) #read#offset chars from eof(represent by number'2') lines = fp.readlines() # read from fp to eof if len(lines) >= 2: # if contains at least 2 lines return lines[-1] # then last line is totally included else: offset *= 2 # enlarge offset fp.seek(0) lines = fp.readlines() return lines[-1] except FileNotFoundError: print(filename + ' not found!') return None
1. fp.seek(offset[, where])中where=0,1,2分别表示从文件头,当前指针位置,文件尾偏移,缺省值为0,但是如果要指定where=2,文件打开的方式必须是二进制打开,即使用'rb'模式,
2. 设置偏移量时注意不要超过文件总的字节数,否则会报OSError,
3. 注意边界条件的处理,比如文件只有一行的情况。
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