actor模式是一种最古老的也是最简单的并行和分布式计算解决方案。 事实上,它天生的简单性是它如此受欢迎的重要原因之一。 简单来讲,一个actor就是一个并发执行的任务,只是简单的执行发送给它的消息任务。 响应这些消息时,它可能还会给其他actor发送更进一步的消息。 actor之间的通信是单向和异步的。因此,消息发送者不知道消息是什么时候被发送, 也不会接收到一个消息已被处理的回应或通知。
from queue import Queue from threading import Thread, Event # Sentinel used for shutdown class ActorExit(Exception): pass class Actor: def __init__(self): self._mailbox = Queue() def send(self, msg): ''' Send a message to the actor ''' self._mailbox.put(msg) def recv(self): ''' Receive an incoming message ''' msg = self._mailbox.get() if msg is ActorExit: raise ActorExit() return msg def close(self): ''' Close the actor, thus shutting it down ''' self.send(ActorExit) def start(self): ''' Start concurrent execution ''' self._terminated = Event() t = Thread(target=self._bootstrap) t.daemon = True t.start() def _bootstrap(self): try: self.run() except ActorExit: pass finally: self._terminated.set() def join(self): self._terminated.wait() def run(self): ''' Run method to be implemented by the user ''' while True: msg = self.recv() # Sample ActorTask class PrintActor(Actor): def run(self): while True: msg = self.recv() print('Got:', msg) # Sample use p = PrintActor() p.start() p.send('Hello') p.send('World') p.close() p.join()
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