function time_is_older_than($t, $check_time){ $t = strtolower($t); $time_type = substr(preg_replace('/[^a-z]/', '', $t), 0, 1); $val = intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $t)); $ts = 0; // (s)econds, (m)inutes, (d)ays, (y)ears if ($time_type == 's'){ $ts = $val; } else if ($time_type == 'm'){ $ts = $val * 60; } else if ($time_type == 'h'){ $ts = $val * 60 * 60; } else if ($time_type == 'd'){ $ts = $val * 60 * 60 * 24; } else if ($time_type == 'y'){ $ts = $val * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; } else { die('Unknown time format given!'); } if ($check_time < (time()-$ts)){ return true; } return false; } //使用范例: // timestamp to test: // (could be from an database or something else) $time = 1146722922; // long if check: if (time_is_older_than('30m', $time)){ print 'The given timestamp: ' . date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A',$time); print " - is older than 30 minutes
\n"; } else { print 'The given timestamp: ' . date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A',$time); print " - is NOT older than 30 minutes
\n"; } // short checks: if (time_is_older_than('10s', $time)){ print "Is older than 10 seconds
\n"; } if (time_is_older_than('200m', $time)){ print "Is older than 200 minutes
\n"; } if (time_is_older_than('2h', $time)){ print "Is older than 2 hours
\n"; } if (time_is_older_than('4d', $time)){ print "Is older than 4 days
\n"; } if (time_is_older_than('1y', $time)){ print "Is older than one year
\n"; }
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