Option Explicit
Dim Jz As Integer, K As Boolean
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If K Then Jz = Val(Qtjz.Text)
If Pd(Text1.Text, Jz) Then Pic.Print "选择的进制与数不符": Exit Sub
If Jz = 0 Then Pic.Print "请先输入进制" Else Pic.Print Zh(Text1.Text, Jz)
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Frame1_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
End Sub
Private Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer)
K = False
Select Case Index
Case 0
Jz = 2
Case 1
Jz = 8
Case 2
Jz = 10
Case 3
Jz = 16
Case 4
K = True
Qtjz.Text = ""
End Select
If Index 4 Then Command1.SetFocus
End Sub
Private Sub Qtjz_Click()
Qtjz.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Click()
Text1.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Function Zh(a As String, b As Integer) As Integer
Dim c As String, i, d As Integer
a = LCase(a)
For i = 1 To Len(a)
c = Mid(a, Len(a) + 1 - i, 1)
If Asc(c) 96 Then d = Asc(c) - 87 Else d = Val(c)
Zh = Zh + d * b ^ (i - 1)
Next i
End Function
Private Function Pd(a As String, b As Integer) As Boolean
Dim c As String, i, d As Integer
Pd = False
For i = 1 To Len(a)
c = Mid(a, Len(a) + 1 - i, 1)
If Asc(c) 96 Then d = Asc(c) - 87 Else d = Val(c)
If d b - 1 Then Pd = True: Exit Function
Next i
End Function
if len(a)=2 then
msgbox "0" right(a,1)
msgbox right(a,2)
end if
Hex((Not 十六进制数)+1)
“十六进制数”,你写 上具体的数字或变量
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