

in fact,at the same table is the best lover什么意思

in fact,at the same table is the best lover

在涵江等地区,都构建了全面的区域性战略布局,加强发展的系统性、市场前瞻性、产品创新能力,以专注、极致的服务理念,为客户提供成都网站设计、做网站、成都外贸网站建设公司 网站设计制作定制网站开发,公司网站建设,企业网站建设,品牌网站建设,成都营销网站建设,外贸网站建设,涵江网站建设费用合理。





1) 尽可能忠实履行翻译职责,避免越权,把解读留给读者。

例如:“as timid as a hare”与“ 胆小如鼠”的意思是不完全吻合的,不能简单猎取现成的中文成语加以对应。“胆小如鼠”在中文里是个贬义词,带有蔑视“懦夫”的涵义,比较接近英文里的“coward”。而英文里的“timid”和“hare”都没有那么强的贬义;timid只是一种带有羞怯或腼腆涵义的“胆小”,而hare并不像老鼠那么令人讨厌,所以不宜译成“胆小如鼠”。即使译成“胆小如兔”,还是容易让中国人联想到“胆小如鼠”。鉴此,还不如“羞怯如兔”更加忠实,究竟如何理解,由读者自己去领悟吧,译者就不必越权预设解读立场了。

又如:“full cup, steady hand”,完全可以直译成“杯满手稳”,时间长了将会像“火中取栗”、“一石二鸟”、“化剑为犁”一样成为洋为中用的成语。为什么最好直译成“杯满手稳”呢?因为这句英语谚语在逻辑上是双向的,因此需要挑明的是“杯满”与“手稳”的关系。这样,翻译在避免越权方面也算尽了职,而译文也并不影响理解。

2) 尽可能保持原话的文化特征,以利跨文化沟通与交流。


火中取栗: Pull sb's chestnut out of the fire.为什么不说“为他人作嫁妆?”

一石双鸟:Kill two birds with one stone. 中文不是已有“一箭双雕”了吗?

化剑为犁:Turn swords into ploughs.为什么不用“化干戈为玉帛”?


The soldier who retreated fifty paces laughed at the one who had fallen back a hundred paces. ---五十步笑一百步。

The pot calls the kettle black. -----责人严而律己宽.

No feast lasts forever. ---天下没有不散的筵席 。


3) 便于换换口味,避免陈词滥调,促进了语言的多样性。

如果你恭维某人“智者千虑必有一失”,听上去是不是有点陈词滥调的味道?听得太多的套话容易让人觉得你是在应付,别人也许不当回事。但是你如果换成“荷马有时也打盹”(Homer sometimes nods的直译)呢? 在知识分子中间或许能够带来一点新鲜感?当然,普通中国人也许一下子不能理解。这只是增强语言多样性的例子而已。如果是上述那些普通国人和老外也能望文生义的直译,无疑对丰富语汇是大有裨益的。






1、 部分否定句型,这种句型不同于汉语的思维形式。

I do not know all of them. 误:对他们我都不认识。 正:对他们我不是个个都认识。

All the answers are not right. 误:所有答案都不对。 正:答案并非全对。

Every body would not like it. 误:每个人都不会喜欢它。 正:并不是每上人都会喜欢它。

2、 单一否定中的部分句型。

It is a long lane that had no turning. 误:那是一条没有弯的长巷。 正:无论多长的巷也有弯的地方(路必有弯,事必有变)。

It is a wise man that never makes mistakes. 误:聪明人从不犯错误。 正:无论怎样聪明的人也难免犯错误。

We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much. 误:我们不能过高地估计现代科学的价值。 正:对现代科学的价值无论如何重视也不过分。

It was not until years afterwards that he heard of Smith. 误:没过几年他就听到了Smith的消息。 正:直到数年之后他才听到Smith的消息。



1、 根据句子内在的逻辑关系和汉语的表达习惯进行翻译。例如:

There are advantages to underground life, too, and something to be said for imaging whole cities, even mankind generally, moving downward, of having the outermost mile of the Earths crust honeycombed with passage, like a gigantic ant hill.这是一个倒装句,表示设想条件与结果关系,按这一关系,意译比直译好。“家似的建筑物,一座座城市都迁入地下,甚至全人类都迁入地下生活,这也会给人类带来很多好处。”

The chances are that the dwellers of the new caves would see more greenery, under ecologically healthier conditions, than dwellers of surface cities do today. 这个句子并不复杂,但不好译。这个句子有三层关系,比较、条件和结果,按这种逻辑关系翻译就十分省事。“同今天地面城市里的居民相比,新洞穴里的居民如果在比较健康的生态环境中生活,会有更多的机会见到青枝绿叶。”

2、 有些长句需要直译与意译相结合,需要综合处理。例如:

But a broader and more generous, certainly more philosophical, view is held by those scientists who claim .that the evidence of a war instinct in men is incomplete and misleading, and that man does have within him the power of abolishing war. 这个句子的主句部分可以意译,从句部分可直译。“有些科学家的观点更开阔,更富有普遍性和哲理性。他们指出,有关人类战争本能的证据尚不完全,而且容易引起误解,事实上,人类自身具有消除战争的能力。”

It was that population that gave to California a name for getting up astonishing enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences , which she bears unto this day .这个句子虽长,结构不复杂,如果进行直译,其译文将十分逊色,如果进行综合处理,译文将有声有色地传达原文的神韵。"那里的人们具有大无畏的开创精神,建立庞大的企业,敢冒风险,势如破竹,坚持到底,不顾及成本,因此为加利福尼亚赢得了声誉。”

3、 由于有些句型不同于汉语的思维方式,常常需要使用倒译的方法。例如:

How much easier, how much more satisfying it is for you who can see to grasp quickly the essential qualities of another person by watching the subtleties of expression, the quiver of a muscle, the flutter of a hand.“比较起来,你们这些有视觉的人,通过观察表情的微妙变化,肌肉的颤动和手势来迅速把握别人的基本品质,则是何等容易,何等满意啊!”



1、 比喻:有的比喻可以直译,有的则不能,这往往取决于汉语的表达习惯。例如:

At the door to the restaurant, a stunning, porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes. 如果把stunning ,porcelain-faced woman 译作"一位迷人的陶瓷般脸蛋的妇女"就显得粗俗滑稽,但是不是作者的本意。这时意译就比较好。"在通往餐厅的门口有一位妇女,涂脂抹粉、细皮嫩肉、身着和服、十分迷人,她叫我脱下鞋子。"

The girl is a dead shot. 这位姑娘是神枪手。(不能译作"死射手")

After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands on slippery grounds. 他的上部小说失败之后,声誉一落千丈。(不能译为"站在滑动的场地上了。)

2、 有些借喻不能直译。例如:

He went west by stage coach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevada Washoe Region.



The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.



3、 引典。如果是尽人皆知的典故。可以直译,不必加说明,如果多数人不知道,最好是意译,或者直译加注释。例如:

He met his Waterloo. 句中meet one’s Waterloo是成语典故, 由拿破仑在Waterloo遇到惨败而来,所以要意译,即"他吃了大败仗"。

I asked whether for him , the arch anti-communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon. 句中bowing down in the House of Rimmon 是成语典故,表示表面上与宗教信仰一致,但心里却有不同的政治主张,这是口是心非。Rimmon是大马士革人所崇拜的神。House of Rimmon借指英国的下院。如果将这个典故直译,则表达不出原意,所以应意译,即“我问道,作为头号反共人物(邱吉尔),他这样做是否言行不一,口是心非。"


英语中有丰富的习语成语,增强了语言的表达能力。其中大部分可以直译,或用汉语中相应的习语套用。例如:the open door policy开放政策,the cold war 冷战,to fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,Strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁,at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟。


She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 她长生在富贵之家。

You are talking through your bad again. 你又在胡说八道了。

You should keep your nose out of here. 你别管闲事。

Good to begin well , better to end well. 要善始善终。



Every life has its roses and thorns. 人生有苦有甜。

The wedding, which David still remembered with pride , was attended by a who of Boston Society. “大卫仍然记得,参加婚礼的人中有波士顿的一位社会名流,这使他感到十分得意。”

从上述例句可以看出,有些词在某些场合或结构中具有特殊的意义,例如who;有的词用其比喻的意义,如roses and thorns;有的词在特殊场合与句型中词义发生了递转;有的词义有了引申或发展等等。


“意译’ ——在忠实原文内容前提下,摆脱原文结构束缚,使译文符合汉语规范。通过上文的论述,我们已对意译的用处有所了解,以下举些例子来补充阐述这个翻译方法。例如,

1)、Business was rather slow last month. 上个月生意不太景气。; Slow and steady wins the race沉着稳健者胜。; You'd better go slow in reaching a conclusion. 你最好不要急于下结论。

2)、与“Beat swords into ploughs.” 类似的另一句谚语“Bury the hatchet”,其直译的命运就不及前者。如果译成“埋葬战斧”,容易让人联想到中文的“飞鸟尽,良弓藏”或者是“刀枪入库”,因而理解成抛弃功臣或和平麻痹。但实际上是交战双方媾和休战的意思。

3)、“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.”两处所用"going"和"tough"不仅词性分别不同,意思也不尽相同,凑在一个句子里了。英文中像这样的东西较多,他们认为很机智(witty)。碰到这类妙语,直译如何能够达意呢?在这种情况下,还是意译来得主动: “狭路相逢勇者胜”或 “沧海横流方显英雄本色”。

4)、“此地无银三百两”,如果直译,要靠长长的脚注去帮助理解,那就得把整个故事讲一遍了,不如用意译来得省事。不妨意译成“The more is concealed, the more is revealed.”


Faults are thick where love is thin. 一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。

You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. 骗人一夕一事易,欺众一生一世难。

Out of the FULLNESS of the heart the mouth speaks 盈于心则溢于言。

以上这三个例子算“直译”还是“意译”? 相当既 “直接”又准确“达意”。只是对原句的情景稍作变通而已。这种介乎于“直译”与“意译”之间的“直”-“意”有机结合,似乎不是理论家能够武断归类的。



Thanks for your love

10 years, Sakura is still never forget the scene that day: 12-year-old boy with a tennis, waving to their own, and can only stay in their place, it is so quiet he's looking at going farther and farther down, leaving only vague Provides some background.

Ten years later, Junior Tennis sector has become a myth, the attention of Prince million people, the unbeaten Mars - the former Ma.

Sakura is here can not help but think of some lost: ah! He is the prince, and I was so extraordinary, I am afraid I will never be far away from just looking at him.

At this time shouting out, the Sakura is back to reality, it was small in with their friends waved: "Sakura is, quick! Longma same today to back, predecessors, but to the city, you will not late. I Horie and the end of Xianzou, you quickly! "

Ah yes, Ma to come back, worried about their own people for a decade to come back! Over the years on any of his information is sufThanks for your love

10 years, Sakura is still never forget the scene that day: 12-year-old boy with a tennis, waving to their own, and can only stay in their place, it is so quiet he's looking at going farther and farther down, leaving only vague Provides some background.

Ten years later, Junior Tennis sector has become a myth, the attention of Prince million people, the unbeaten Mars - the former Ma.

Sakura is here can not help but think of some lost: ah! He is the prince, and I was so extraordinary, I am afraid I will never be far away from just looking at him.

At this time shouting out, the Sakura is back to reality, it was small in with their friends waved: "Sakura is, quick! Longma same today to back, predecessors, but to the city, you will not late. I Horie and the end of Xianzou, you quickly! "

Ah yes, Ma to come back, worried about their own people for a decade to come back! Over the years on any of his information is sufficient for their rapid heart beat, he received an e-mail, even if short, will Thanks for your love

10 years, Sakura is still never forget the scene that day: 12-year-old boy with a tennis, waving to their own, and can only stay in their place, it is so quiet he's looking at going farther and farther down, leaving only vague Provides some background.

Ten years later, Junior Tennis sector has become a myth, the attention of Prince million people, the unbeaten Mars - the former Ma.

Sakura is here can not help but think of some lost: ah! He is the prince, and I was so extraordinary, I am afraid I will never be far away from just looking at him.

At this time shouting out, the Sakura is back to reality, it was small in with their friends waved: "Sakura is, quick! Longma same today to back, predecessors, but to the city, you will not late. I Horie and the end of Xianzou, you quickly! "

Ah yes, Ma to come back, worried about their own people for a decade to come back! Over the years on any of his information is sufficient for their rapid heart beat, he received an e-mail, even if short, will be pleased上好few days. Sakura think thesThanks for your love

10 years, Sakura is still never forget the scene that day: 12-year-old boy with a tennis, waving to their own, and can only stay in their place, it is so quiet he's looking at going farther and farther down, leaving only vague Provides some background.

Ten years later, Junior Tennis sector has become a myth, the attention of Prince million people, the unbeaten Mars - the former Ma.

Sakura is here can not help but think of some lost: ah! He is the prince, and I was so extraordinary, I am afraid I will never be far away from just looking at him.

At this time shouting out, the Sakura is back to reality, it was small in with their friends waved: "Sakura is, quick! Longma same today to back, predecessors, but to the city, you will not late. I Horie and the end of Xianzou, you quickly! "

Ah yes, Ma to come back, worried about their own people for a decade to come back! Over the years on any of his information is sufficient for their rapid heart beat, he received an e-mail, even if short, will be pleased上好few days. Sakura think these are good feelings, swept away before the e are good feelings, swept away before the be pleased上好few days. Sakura think these are good feelings, swept away before the ficient for their rapid heart beat, Thanks for your love

10 years, Sakura is still never forget the scene that day: 12-year-old boy with a tennis, waving to their own, and can only stay in their place, it is so quiet he's looking at going farther and farther down, leaving only vague Provides some background.

Ten years later, Junior Tennis sector has become a myth, the attention of Prince million people, the unbeaten Mars - the former Ma.

Sakura is here can not help but think of some lost: ah! He is the prince, and I was so extraordinary, I am afraid I will never be far away from just looking at him.

At this time shouting out, the Sakura is back to reality, it was small in with their friends waved: "Sakura is, quick! Longma same today to back, predecessors, but to the city, you will not late. I Horie and the end of Xianzou, you quickly! "

Ah yes, Ma to come back, worried about their own people for a decade to come back! Over the years on any of his information is sufficient for their rapid heart beat, he received an e-mail, even if short, will be pleased上好few days. Sakura think these are good feelings, swept away before the he received an e-mail, even if short, will be pleased上好few days. Sakura think these are good feelings, swept away before the



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飞翔fēi xiáng - 英文翻译 飞翔的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 1.[hover]∶回旋而飞一群海鸥在轮船上空飞翔 2.[fly;flit]∶飞海燕叫喊着,飞翔着,像,像黑色的闪电,箭一般地穿过乌云云雀在薄薄的熹微中上下飞翔 1.飞行;盘旋地飞. 《尸子》卷下:“家鸭为鹜,不能飞翔.” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷九:“有鸟如山鹊,飞翔入市.” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第二四章:“最后途述到解放一段时,船只就像要在平地飞翔起来.” 2.犹腾达. 宋 陆游 《遣兴》诗:“要是世间男子事,不须台省竞飞翔.” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷五:“果以科第为足贵,则 诰 ( 轩辕诰 )固已领袖南宫,飞翔词苑矣.” 3.宫殿名. 《三辅黄图·未央宫》:“ 武帝 时,后宫八区,有 昭阳 、 飞翔 ……等殿.” 翱翔áo xiáng - 英文翻译 翱翔的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 [flutter;soar;hover over;take wing] 在空中(常指在高空)飞行或盘旋展翅翱翔于两三千米高空的雄鹰,一下子就能发现地面上宽广范围内的一只小兔或小鸡.——《眼睛与仿生学》 1.回旋飞翔. 《庄子·逍遥游》:“翱翔蓬蒿之间,此亦飞之至也.”《楚辞·离骚》:“凤凰翼其承旂兮,高翱翔之翼翼.” 唐 谷神子 《博异志·阴隐客》:“五色鸟大如鹤,翱翔乎树杪.” 明 徐霖 《绣襦记·厌习风尘》:“鸾和凤并翱翔,云霞灿灿夺目光.” 陈山 《旅顺口》诗:“春天来到了北地,桃花烧红了碧海,白鸥在上下翱翔.” 2.徘徊不进,停滞不前. 宋 苏轼 《答李琮书》:“今 韩存宝 等诸军,既不敢与 乞弟 战,但翱翔于近界百馀里间.” 清 昭连 《啸亭续录·百菊溪制府》:“其后官阶蹭蹬,翱翔科道者二十馀年.” 梁启超 《中国专制政治进化史论》第二章:“莽莽数千年,相持相低昂,徘徊焉,翱翔焉,直至最近世,然后为一大结束.” 3.犹遨游. 《诗·齐风·载驱》:“ 鲁 道有荡,齐 子翱翔.” 毛 传:“翱翔,犹彷徉也.”《汉书·司马相如传上》:“於是 楚王 乃弭节徘徊,翱翔容与.” 颜师古 注引 郭璞 曰:“翱翔容与,言自得也.” 南朝 梁 沉约 《齐太尉文宪王公墓铭》:“翱翔礼园,优游文馆.” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·海公子》:“彼寻胜翱翔,妾以艰於步履,故留此耳.”



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