一、越少的代码,越强悍的功能,xml里面应该6个sql语句就够用了,修改,维护成本很低,见下表 下载
英文名 | 方法名称 | 核心点 | 建议 |
insert | 1.新增数据 | 如果是自增主键,应该返回主键ID | |
deleteById | 2. 根据主键ID删除数据 | sql默认加limit 1,防止多删数据 | 此方法不建议有,建议逻辑删除 |
updateById | 3. 根据主键ID修改数据 | sql默认加limit 1,防止多修改数据 | |
selectById | 4. 根据主键查询数据 | 查询一条数据 | |
selectByIdForUpdate | 5. 根据主键加锁查询数据 | 加锁查询一条数据,事务处理用 | |
queryListByParam | 6. 根据输入条件查询数据列表 | 和7配合使用 | |
queryCountByParam | 7. 根据输入条件查询总数 | 和6配合使用 |
英文名 | 方法名称 | 核心点 | 建议 |
_field_list | 1.字段列表 | 修改方便,方便字段排序 | |
_value_list | 2. 字段值列表 | 修改方便,方便字段值排序 | |
_common_where | 3. 通用查询条件 | 每个字段的等值判断 | |
_regin_where | 4. 通用范围区间条件 | 字段的时间区间,字段的金额区间等的判断 | |
_contain_where | 5. 包含字段值范围条件 | 字段的常量值包含判断,in ,not in | |
_common_sorts | 6. 通用排序条件 | order by |
三、一个mybatis.xml例子 下载
id, user_id, amount, earning, type, status, product_id, product_name, card_no, bank_code, order_id, effective_date, redeem_type, init_amount, init_earning, redeeming_amount, redeeming_earning, redeemed_amount, redeemed_earning, punish_amount, latest_redeem_time, maturity_date, create_time, modify_time, remark #{id}, #{userId}, #{amount}, #{earning}, #{type}, #{status}, #{productId}, #{productName}, #{cardNo}, #{bankCode}, #{orderId}, #{effectiveDate}, #{redeemType}, #{initAmount}, #{initEarning}, #{redeemingAmount}, #{redeemingEarning}, #{redeemedAmount}, #{redeemedEarning}, #{punishAmount}, #{latestRedeemTime}, #{maturityDate}, #{createTime}, #{modifyTime}, #{remark} AND id = #{id} AND user_id = #{userId} AND amount = #{amount} AND earning = #{earning} AND type = #{type} AND status = #{status} AND product_id = #{productId} AND product_name = #{productName} AND card_no = #{cardNo} AND bank_code = #{bankCode} AND order_id = #{orderId} AND effective_date = #{effectiveDate} AND redeem_type = #{redeemType} AND init_amount = #{initAmount} AND init_earning = #{initEarning} AND redeeming_amount = #{redeemingAmount} AND redeeming_earning = #{redeemingEarning} AND redeemed_amount = #{redeemedAmount} AND redeemed_earning = #{redeemedEarning} AND punish_amount = #{punishAmount} AND remark = #{remark} = #{egtCreateTime, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} ]]> ORDER BY ${item.column.columnName} ${item.sortMode.mode} AND status IN #{item} INSERT INTO assets ( ) VALUES ( ) delete from assets where id = #{id} limit 1 UPDATE assets user_id = #{userId}, amount = #{amount}, earning = #{earning}, type = #{type}, status = #{status}, product_name = #{productName}, product_id = #{productId}, card_no = #{cardNo}, bank_code = #{bankCode}, order_id = #{orderId}, effective_date = #{effectiveDate}, redeem_type = #{redeemType}, init_amount = #{initAmount}, init_earning = #{initEarning}, redeeming_amount = #{redeemingAmount}, redeeming_earning = #{redeemingEarning}, redeemed_amount = #{redeemedAmount}, redeemed_earning = #{redeemedEarning}, punish_amount = #{punishAmount}, latest_redeem_time = #{latestRedeemTime}, maturity_date = #{maturityDate}, modify_time = #{modifyTime}, remark = #{remark}, id = #{id} limit 1
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