#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cn-pexpect2/index.html''' import pexpect import types username = "root" ip = "192.168.***.***" password = "****" pex = pexpect.spawn('ssh %s@%s' % (username, ip)) def _check(pattern, timeout=120): i = pex.expect(pattern, timeout=timeout) return i def sendcr(cmd): if pex == None: return 0 n = pex.send("%s\r" % cmd) return n def getexec(cmd): child = pexpect.spawn(cmd) child.expect(pexpect.EOF) return child.before if __name__ == '__main__': checklist1 = [["(?i)Connection refused", False], ["(?i)Host key verification failed.", False], ["(?i)VENUSTECH AUDIT SYSTEM MA1000", True], # ["(?i)#\[/]",True], # hpux ["(?i).+>", True], # windows [".+[>$#]\s*$", True], # debian ["(?i)Last login", True], ["(?i)access denied", False], ["(?i)NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE", False], ["(?i)are you sure you want to continue connecting", "yes"], ["(?i)authentication fail(?!ure)", False], ["(?i)connection closed by remote host", False], ["(?i)login failed", False], ["(?i)login incorrect", False], ["(?i)need to be root", False], ["(?i)no route to host", False], ["(?i)not found", False], ["(?i)Bad secrets", False], ["(?i)incorrect password", False], ["(?i)permission denied", False], # ["(?i)terminal type",terminal_type], ["This private key will be ignored.", False], ["(?i)no route to host", False], ["(?i)press 'Enter' key to proceed", "\r"], ["(?i)Y/N", 'Y'], [pexpect.EOF, False], [pexpect.TIMEOUT, False], ["(?i)Enter passphrase for key .*:", password], ["(?i)assword", password], ["(?i)passwd", password], ["(?i)sername", username], ["(?i)(?
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