下午同事发来微信说在装Oracle的RAC时,GI已经正常安装了。但在安装数据库软件的时候,图形界面不显示两台主机的主机名,没办法继续往下安装。由于不在一起,于是百度相应的文章来看,但是相关的文章也不多。找到一篇https://blog.csdn.net/MFW333/article/details/71122990,说是inventory.xml文件中缺少了CRS = TRUE。
那问题出在哪里了呢,看来不是百度一下就可以解决的。要来服务器信息,自己登录上去看。其实一开始我觉得是/etc/hosts或hostname配置有错误导致的,但是登录上去之后发现配置都没有问题。于是自己执行./runInstaller实际看看,到了Grid Installation Options这一步时确是看不到主机的node name信息。由于匆忙没有截图,同学们可以自己脑补一下就可以了。
心想没有node name信息,看看日志有没有什么报错呢。但是很遗憾,没有日志。没有日志信息,就看不到报错;没有报错,问题就很难排查。那就想,我直接点击下一步看看会是什么效果呢,结果出来了我想要的报错信息:[INS-08109] Unexpected error occurred while validating inputs at state 'nodeSelectionPage'.
details里居然写没有多余的信息,让联系support或查询手册。support是没有的,那先去MOS上查查相关文档吧,还真有跟这个一模一样的报错信息的文档。INS-08109 Unexpected error occurred While Validating Inputs At State 'nodeSelectionPage' (文档 ID 948382.1)。文档里写了7种原因会导致的这种问题,并给出了解决办法
OUI calls $GRID_HOME/srvm/admin/getcrshome to get Grid Infrastructure home, if environment variable ORA_CRS_HOME is set to anything but GRID home, the error will be reported. In 11gR2, it's not supported to setup environment variable ORA_CRS_HOME.
The solution is to unset the environment variable and restart OUI.
OUI calls "crsctl query crs activersion" to get active version of clusterware. If it fails to read olr.loc (if grid and database are owned differently), the issue can happen. From strace/truss:
open("/etc/oracle/olr.loc", O_RDONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
The solution is to ensure that 'oracle' user has read permission on olr.loc in /etc/oracle or /var/opt/oracle.
This problem will occur while installing RAC RDBMS software in a 12c Grid Infrastructure environment.
The solution is to set ORACLE_HOME environment variable pointing to GRID_HOME before installing RDBMS software.
This problem will occur if database user does not exist on all nodes in the cluster. For example, 4-node cluster, trying to install a new RAC DB home on two nodes only so the new DB user is created on two nodes. The solution is to have the same DB user on all nodes.
If NLS_LANG is set to "Japanese_Japan.JA16SJIS" etc, the issue will happen as output of "crsctl query crs activeversion" garbles.
The solution is to unset NLS_LANG.
6. ORA_NLS10 environment variable is set
environment variable is not necessary for Oracle 11g/12c
7. Hostnames in /etc/hosts are incorrect
This error is generated when trying to add new nodes into the cluster if the entries for the hostnames
in /etc/hosts is incorrect.
又执行了命令crsctl query crs activeversion,也是可以执行成功的。(这里其实mos的文章里写错了,activeversion写成了activersion。)
再执行olsnode -n,也是可以识别到两个节点
其实还是权限问题,只不过不只是olr.loc的权限问题,而是整个oracle用户的权限问题。看了很多文章都说是权限问题,我就想,那我看看oracle用户配置的uid和所属组吧,当我执行完id oracle命令看到结果时,瞬间明白了问题的根本原因,就是权限问题。
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