id: string,
email: string,
social: {
facebook: string,
twitter: string,
// ...
// User.js
import React from 'react';
import Dialog from 'MySuperDialog';
import { Formik } from 'formik';
const EditUserDialog = ({ user, updateUser, onClose }) => {
return (
和// EditUserDialog.js
import React from 'react';
import Dialog from 'MySuperDialog';
import { Formik, Field, Form } from 'formik';
const EditUserDialog = ({ user, updateUser, onClose }) => {
return (
Formik与React Native 和React Native Web开发完全兼容。然而,由于ReactDOM和React Native表单处理与文本输入方式的不同,有两个区别值得注意。本文将介绍这个问题并推荐更佳使用方式。
在进一步讨论前,先来最简要地概括一下如何在React Native中使用Formik。下面的轮廓代码展示了两者的关键区别:
// Formik +React Native示例
import React from 'react';
import { Button, TextInput, View } from 'react-native';
import { withFormik } from 'formik';
const enhancer = withFormik({
const MyReactNativeForm = props => (
export default enhancer(MyReactNativeForm);
从上面代码中,你会明显注意到在React Native 和React DOM开发中使用Formik存在如下不同:
组件(因为在React Native中没有元素)。(2)
如果因某种原因你想在每一个render中避免创建新函数,那么我建议你把React Native的
// FormikReactNativeTextInput.js
import * as React from 'react';
import { TextInput } from 'react-native';
export default class FormikReactNativeTextInput extends React.Component {
handleChange = (value: string) => {
// remember that onChangeText will be Formik's setFieldValue
this.props.onChangeText(this.props.name, value);
render() {
// we want to pass through all the props except for onChangeText
const { onChangeText, ...otherProps } = this.props;
return (
// MyReactNativeForm.js
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import TextInput from './FormikReactNativeTextInput';
import { Formik } from 'formik';
const MyReactNativeForm = props => (
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));
}, 1000);
render={props => (
export default MyReactNativeForm;
Formik是使用TypeScript写的,Formik中的类型十分类似于React Router 4中的
Render props ( and )
import * as React from 'react';
import { Formik, FormikProps, Form, Field, FieldProps } from 'formik';
interface MyFormValues {
firstName: string;
export const MyApp: React.SFC<{} /* whatever */> = () => {
return (
My Example
render={(formikBag: FormikProps) => (
import React from 'react';
import * as Yup from 'yup';
import { withFormik, FormikProps, FormikErrors, Form, Field } from 'formik';
// Shape of form values
interface FormValues {
email: string;
password: string;
interface OtherProps {
message: string;
const InnerForm = (props: OtherProps & FormikProps) => {
const { touched, errors, isSubmitting, message } = props;
return (
interface MyFormProps {
initialEmail?: string;
message: string; // if this passed all the way through you might do this or make a union type
const MyForm = withFormik({
// Transform outer props into form values
mapPropsToValues: props => {
return {
email: props.initialEmail || '',
password: '',
validate: (values: FormValues) => {
let errors: FormikErrors = {};
if (!values.email) {
errors.email = 'Required';
} else if (!isValidEmail(values.email)) {
errors.email = 'Invalid email address';
return errors;
handleSubmit: values => {
// do submitting things
// 你可以在任何地方使用
const Basic = () => (
My App
This can be anywhere in your application
export default Basic;
要在Formik中提交表单,你需要以某种方式触发 handleSubmit(e) 或者submitForm属性调用(在Formik中这两个方法都是以属性的方式提供的)。 当调用其中一个方法时,Formik每次都会执行下面的伪代码:
(2)把isSubmitting 设置为true
(3)submitCount + 1
如果不存在错误:Set isValidating to false, proceed to "Submission"
最后继续运行你的提交函数吧(例如是onSubmit或者handleSubmit)。你可以通过在你的处理器函数中调用setSubmitting(false) 来结束生命周期。
(1)Q:怎么判定提交处理器(submission handler)正在执行中?
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