base=/system export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/monkey.jar trap "" HUP exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.monkey.Monkey $*android中可以通过多种方式启动java应用,通过app_process命令启动就是其中一种,它可以帮忙注册android JNI,而绕过dalvik以使用Native API(如我般不清楚的请百度)所做的主要事情如下:
/** * Command-line entry point. * * @param args The command-line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Set the process name showing in "ps" or "top" Process.setArgV0("com.android.commands.monkey"); int resultCode = (new Monkey()).run(args); System.exit(resultCode); }
private int run(String[] args) { ... if (!processOptions()) { return -1; } ... }进去之后就是很普通的读取命令行的参数然后一个个进行解析保存了,没有太多特别的东西,这里就直接贴出monkey的参数选项大家看看就好了:
private int run(String[] args) { ... if (mScriptFileNames != null && mScriptFileNames.size() == 1) { // script mode, ignore other options mEventSource = new MonkeySourceScript(mRandom, mScriptFileNames.get(0), mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle, mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime); mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose); mCountEvents = false; } else if (mScriptFileNames != null && mScriptFileNames.size() > 1) { if (mSetupFileName != null) { mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandomScript(mSetupFileName, mScriptFileNames, mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle, mRandom, mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime, mRandomizeScript); mCount++; } else { mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandomScript(mScriptFileNames, mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle, mRandom, mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime, mRandomizeScript); } mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose); mCountEvents = false; } else if (mServerPort != -1) { try { mEventSource = new MonkeySourceNetwork(mServerPort); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error binding to network socket."); return -5; } mCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { // random source by default if (mVerbose >= 2) { // check seeding performance System.out.println("// Seeded: " + mSeed); } mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandom(mRandom, mMainApps, mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle); mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose); // set any of the factors that has been set for (int i = 0; i < MonkeySourceRandom.FACTORZ_COUNT; i++) { if (mFactors[i] <= 0.0f) { ((MonkeySourceRandom) mEventSource).setFactors(i, mFactors[i]); } } // in random mode, we start with a random activity ((MonkeySourceRandom) mEventSource).generateActivity(); } ... mNetworkMonitor.start(); int crashedAtCycle = runMonkeyCycles(); mNetworkMonitor.stop(); ... }事件源代表测试数据的事件是从哪里过来的,不同的event source会有不同的类来做相应的实现:
private int run(String[] args) { ... int crashedAtCycle = runMonkeyCycles(); ... }如前所述,runMonkeyCyles方法会根据不同的数据源开始一条条的获取事件并进行执行:
/** * Run mCount cycles and see if we hit any crashers. *注意这里的mEventSource就是我们上面提到的事件源的接口,它屏蔽了每个事件实现类的具体细节,我们只需要告诉这个接口我们现在需要取一条事件然后执行它,该结构根据面向对象的多态原理,就会自动取事件的实现类获得对应的事件进行返回。* TODO: Meta state on keys * * @return Returns the last cycle which executed. If the value == mCount, no * errors detected. */ private int runMonkeyCycles() { int eventCounter = 0; int cycleCounter = 0; boolean shouldReportAnrTraces = false; boolean shouldReportDumpsysMemInfo = false; boolean shouldAbort = false; boolean systemCrashed = false; // TO DO : The count should apply to each of the script file. while (!systemCrashed && cycleCounter < mCount) { ... MonkeyEvent ev = mEventSource.getNextEvent(); if (ev != null) { int injectCode = ev.injectEvent(mWm, mAm, mVerbose); ... } ... } .... }
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