Today, I found one intersting problem that I cannot restart the rubymine 6.3.
Step 1, I exit Rubymine 6.3
Step 2, I double click Rubymine in the start menu many times and no response.
At this point, I am very surpersized and have to dig into what happens at back-end. Finally, I noticed one problem named rubymine.exe*32 is still running. After I kill this process, I could start it. To solve this problem, I have to write one bat file to kill the process before starting. However, the new problem is, I should close the DOS window if I start Rubymine using it. Who could help me kindly?
For example:
rem Kill the rubymine if it runing at the back-end.
taskkill /F /IM rubymine.exe
rem start rubymine normally
More problem, I could not download DevKit of Rubymine from its official site. Is there any trips or ticks? If so, please also kindly share it.
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