<% On Error Resume Next Server.ScriptTimeOut=9999999 Function getHTTPPage(Path) t = GetBody(Path) getHTTPPage=BytesToBstr(t,"GB2312") End function Function GetBody(url) on error resume next Set Retrieval = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With Retrieval .Open "Get", url, False, "", "" .Send GetBody = .ResponseBody End With Set Retrieval = Nothing End Function Function BytesToBstr(body,Cset) dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write body objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = Cset BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing End Function %> <% if request("domain")<>"" then 'url=" referer=http://panda.www.net.cn/cgi-bin/Check.cgi?domain="&request("domain") url="http://panda.www.net.cn/cgi-bin/Check.cgi?domain="&request("domain")&"&ext="&request("root") wstr=getHTTPPage(url) 'www.knowsky.com 'response.write Instr (wstr,"可以注册") if instr(lcase(wstr),"已被注册的域名")>0 then body="域名已经被注册" elseif instr(lcase(wstr),"未被注册的域名")>0 then body="域名未被注册" else body="网络延迟,请重新查找" end if end if %>
域名查询系统:<% if request("domain")>"" then response.Write(request("domain")&"."&request("root")&body) end if%> |
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