[root@digitcube-test1 qingyun]# du -Sh /home/*| sort -rn | sed '{11,$D;=}' | sed 'N;s/\n/ /' | gawk '{print $1":""\t" $2"\t" $3"\n"}' 1: 1020K /home/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/storage/central/org/springframework/spring-context/2.5.6 2: 1020K /home/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/storage/central/ant/ant/1.6.5 3: 1012K /home/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/storage/central/org/springframework/spring-beans/2.5.6 4: 1012K /home/maven/.m2/repository/org/xerial/snappy/snappy-java/ 5: 1008K /home/home/hadoop/jstorm/dc_topology/tmp/org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/server/namenode 6: 1008K /home/home/hadoop/hadoop-1.0.4/docs/api/org/apache/hadoop/mapreduce 7: 1008K /home/hadoop/sam/datatask/doubixiyou_1290 8: 1008K /home/hadoop/hadoop-1.0.4/docs/api/org/apache/hadoop/mapreduce 9: 1004K /home/home/hadoop/jstorm/dc_topology/tmp/kafka/log 10: 1000K /home/maven/.m2/repository/org/xerial/snappy/snappy-java/
[root@digitcube-test1 tmp]# vim file_siz.sh #!/bin/bash #Big_User - find big disk space users in various direcotries #Parameters for Script # CHECK_DIRECTORIES="/var/log /home" #direcotries to check # ######################Main Script########################### # DATE=`date +%m%d%y` #Date for report file exec > space_file_$DATA.rpt # # echo "Top Ten Disk Space Usage" #Report header for whole report echo "for $CHECK_DIRECTORIES Direcotries" # for DIR_CHECK in $CHECK_DIRECTORIES #loop to du directories do echo "" echo "The $DID_CHECK Directory:" #Title header for each direcotry # #Create a listing of top ten disk space users du -S $DIR_CHECK 2>/dev/null|sort -rn|sed '{11,$D;=}'|sed 'N;s/\n/ /'|gawk '{printf $1":""\t" $2"\t" $3"\n"}' # done exec > /tmp/test.txt
while [ $? -eq 0 ]
[root@digitcube-test1 tmp]# cat /home/qingyun/file_to_backup /home/qingyun/test1 /home/qingyun/test2 /home/qingyun/test3 /home/qingyun/love
[root@digitcube-test1 tmp]# vim Daily_Archive.sh # #Set Configuration and Destination File # CONFIG_FILE=/home/qingyun/file_to_backup DESTINATION=/home/qingyun/$FILE # ##############Main Script###################### # #Check Backup Config file exists # if [ -f $CONFIG_FILE ] #Make sure the config file still exits then echo else echo echo "$CONFIG_FILE does not exist" echo "Backup not completed due to missting Configuration file" echo exit fi # #Build the name of all the files to backup # FILE_NO=1 #Start on line 1 of Config File exec < $CONFIG_FILE #Redirect Std Input to name of Config File # read FILE_NAME #Read 1st record # while [ $? -eq 0 ] #Create list of files to backup do #Make sure the file or directory exists if [ -f $FILE_NAME ] then #If file exists.add its name to the list echo $FILE_NAME FILE_LIST="$FILE_LIST $FILE_NAME" else #If file doesn't exist.issue warning echo echo "$FILE_NAME,does not exist" echo "Obviously,I will not include i in this archive" echo "It is listed on line $FILE_NO of the config file." echo "Continuing to build archive list...." echo fi # FILE_NO=$[$FILE_NO + 1] #Increase Line /File number by on read FILE_NAME #Read next record done ############################################################ # #Backup the files and Compress Archive # tar -czf $DESTINATION $FILE_LIST 2>/dev/null
[root@digitcube-test1 tmp]# vim Hourly_Archive.sh #!/bin/bash # #Hourly_Archive - Every hour create an arhive ############################################## # #Set Configureation File # CONFIG_FILE=/home/qingyun/hourly/file_to_backup # #Set Base Archive Destination Location # BASEDEST=/home/qingyun/hourly # #Gather Current Day.Month & Time # DAY=`date +%d` MONTH=`date +%m` TIME=`date +%k%M` # #Create Archive Destination Directory # mkdir -p $BASEDEST/$MONTH/$DAY DESTINATION=$BASEDEST/$MONTH/$DAY/archive.$TIME.tar.gz # #Build Archvie Destination file Name # ###############MAIN Script##################################### #Check Backup Config file exists # if [ -f $CONFIG_FILE ] #Make sure the config file still exits then echo else echo echo "$CONFIG_FILE does not exist" echo "Backup not completed due to missting Configuration file" echo exit fi # #Build the name of all the files to backup # FILE_NO=1 #Start on line 1 of Config File exec < $CONFIG_FILE #Redirect Std Input to name of Config File # read FILE_NAME #Read 1st record # while [ $? -eq 0 ] #Create list of files to backup do #Make sure the file or directory exists if [ -f $FILE_NAME ] then #If file exists.add its name to the list echo $FILE_NAME FILE_LIST="$FILE_LIST $FILE_NAME" else #If file doesn't exist.issue warning echo echo "$FILE_NAME,does not exist" echo "Obviously,I will not include i in this archive" echo "It is listed on line $FILE_NO of the config file." echo "Continuing to build archive list...." echo fi # FILE_NO=$[$FILE_NO + 1] #Increase Line /File number by on read FILE_NAME #Read next record done ############################################################ # #Backup the files and Compress Archive # tar -czf $DESTINATION $FILE_LIST 2>/dev/null
[root@logicserver tmp]# vim Delte_user.sh #!/bin/bash # #Delte_User - Automates the 4 step to remove an account # #Defin Functions # ########################################################## function get_answer { unset ANSWER ASK_COUNT=0 # while [ -z "$ANSWER" ] # while no anwser is given.keeip asking do ASK_COUNT=$[ $ASK_COUNT + 1 ] # case $ASK_COUNT in #If user gives no answer in time allotted 2) echo echo "Please answer the question" echo ;; 3) echo echo "One last try.....please answer the question." echo ;; 4) echo echo "Since you refuse to answer the question.." echo "exiting program." # exit ;; esac # echo # if [ -n "$LINE2" ] then #print 2 lines echo $LINE1 echo -e $LINE2" \c" else echo -e $LINE1"\c" fi # # Allow 60 second to answer befor time-out read -t 60 ANSWER done #Do a littel variable clean-up unset LINE1 unset LINE2 # } #End of get_answer function # ##################################################################### function process_answer { # case $ANSWER in y|Y|YES|yes|Yes|yEs|yeS|YEs|yES) #If user answer "yes".do noting ;; *) #If user answer anything but "yes".exit script echo echo $EXIT_LINE1 echo $EXIT_LINE2 echo exit ;; esac # #Do a little variable clean-up # unset EXIT_LINE1 unset EXIT_LINE2 # } #End of process_answer funtion # ################################################################### #End of Function Definitions # ######################Mian Script################################# #Get name of User Account to check # echo "Step $1 - Determin User Account name to Delete " echo LINE1="please enter the username of the user " LINE2="Account you wish to delete from system:" get_answer USER_ACCOUNT=$ANSWER # #Double check with script user that this is the coreect User Account # LINE1="Is $USER_ACCOUNT the user account " LINE2="You wish to delete from the system?[y/n]" get_answer # #Call process_answer funtion: # If user answer anything but "yes".exit script # EXIT_LINE1="Because the account,$USER_ACCOUNT,is not" EXIT_LINE2="The one you wish to delete.we are leaving the script..." process_answer # ############################################################################ # USER_ACCOUNT_RECORD=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep -w $USER_ACCOUNT) # if [ $? -eq 1] #If the account is not found.exit script then echo echo "Account,$USER_ACCOUNT.not found" echo "Leaving the script..." echo exit fi # echo "I found this record:" echo $USER_ACCOUNT_RECORD echo # LINE1="Is this the correct User Account?[y/n]" get_answer # # #Call process_answer function: # If user answers anything but "yes",exit script # EXIT_LINE1="Because the account,$USER_ACCOUNT,is not" EXIT_LINE2="The one you wish to delete.we are leaving the script...." process_answer # ##################################################################### #Search for any running processes that belong to the User Account # echo echo "Step #2 - Find process on system beloging to user account" echo echo "$USER_ACCOUNT has the following process running:" echo # ps -u $USER_ACCOUNT #List user processes running. case $? in 1) #No processes running for this User Account # echo "There are no processes for this account currently running." echo ;; 0) #Processes running for this User Account. #Ask Script User if wants us to kill the processes. # unset ANSWER LINE1="Would you like me to kill me process(es)?[y/n]" get_answer # case $ANSWER in y|Y|YES|yes|Yes|yEs|yeS|YEs|yES) #If user answers "yes" #Kill User Account processes. # echo # #Clean-up temp file upon signals trap "rm $USER_ACCOUNT_Running_Process.rpt" SIGTERM SIGINT SIGQUIT # #List user processes running ps -u $USER_ACCOUNT > $USER_ACCOUNT_Running_Process.rpt # exec < $USER_ACCOUNT_Running_Process.rpt #Make report Std Input read USER_PROCESS_REC #First record will be blank read USER_PROCESS_REC # while [ $? -eq 0 ] do #obtain PID USER_PID=`echo $USER_PROCESS_REC|cut -d" " -f1` kill -9 $USER_PID echo "Killed process $USER_PID" read USER_PROCESS_REC done # echo rm $USER_ACCOUNT_Running_Process.rpt #Remove temp report. ;; *) #If user answer anything but "yes",do not kill echo echo "Will not kill the process(es)" echo ;; esac ;; esac ########################################################################## #Create a report of all files owned by User Account # echo echo "Step #3 - Find files on system belonging to user account" echo echo "Creating a report of all files owned by $USER_ACCOUNT." echo echo "It is recommended that you backup/archive these files." echo "and then do one of two things;" echo " 1)Delete the files" echo " 2) Change the files' ownership to a current user account." echo echo "Please wait.This may take a while...." echo echo "Please wait.This may take a while...." # REPORT_DATE=`date +%y%m%d` REPORT_FILE=$USER_ACCOUNT"_files_"$REPORT_DATE".RPT" # find / -user $USER_ACCOUNT > $REPORT_FILE 2> /dev/null # echo echo "Report is commlete." echo "Name of report: $REPORT_FILE" echo "Location of report: `pwd`" echo ############################################ #Remove User Account echo echo "Step #4 - Remove user account" echo # LINE1="Do you wish to remove $USER_ACCOUNT account from system?[y/n]" get_answer # #Call process_answer function: # if user answer anythin but "yes".exit script # EXIT_LINE1="Since you do not wish to remove the user account." EXIT_LINE2="$USER_ACCOUNT at this time.exiting the script... " process_answer # userdel $USER_ACCOUNT #delete user account echo echo "User account.$USER_ACCOUNT.has been removed" echo
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