{{li.displayName}}: {{li.content.orgName}}回复{{li.displayName}}: {{li.content.question}} {{li.content.answer}} {{li.content.content}} {{li.content}}
const app = getApp() var server = app.globalData.myUrl//这是自己的服务端接口地址设置于app.js var WxParse = require('../../wxParse/wxParse.js'); var tellPage = 1 var myurl='ws://+"你自己的链接地址"' var ws // socket发送的消息队列 var socketMsgQueue = [] var socketOpen = true // 判断心跳变量 var heart = '' // 心跳失败次数 var heartBeatFailCount = 0 // 终止心跳 var heartBeatTimeOut = null; // 终止重新连接 var connectSocketTimeOut = null; Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { sayValue:'', tellData:[],//聊天消息 idx:'', id:'', fjh:'',//房间号 myinputing:'', isSend: 'ask', }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { this.setData({ id: options.id, fjh:options.roomNum, }) this.history(1) this.connectStart() }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { //监听websocket连接状态 this.deal() }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { console.log() }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { var that = this //离开页面销毁websocket并恢复初始数据 wx.closeSocket() twice = 0 socketOpen = true heart = '' // 心跳失败次数 heartBeatFailCount = 0 // 终止心跳 heartBeatTimeOut = null; // 终止重新连接 connectSocketTimeOut = null; }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { console.log('点击分享') }, //获取聊天室历史记录 history: function (a) { var that = this wx.request({ url: server + 'api/message/chatmsg', header: { "Authorization": app.globalData.token, }, data: { page: a, type: '', resultsPerPage: 1000, stream: that.data.id }, success: (res) => { var h = res.data.data.items if (h.length > 0) { var myArr = [] var c = 0 h.forEach(i => { c++ i.id = c if (i.type == 'question' || i.type == 'answer') { i.content = JSON.parse(i.content) } myArr.push(i) }) var j = h.length - 1 var idx = h[j].id // console.log(h, idx) that.setData({ tellData: h, idx: idx, }) } } }) }, //与socket建立连接 connectStart: function () { var that = this ws = wx.connectSocket({ url: myurl, header: { "Authorization": app.globalData.token, 'content-type': 'application/json' }, data: JSON.stringify({ token: app.globalData.token, type: 3, payLoad: { topic: that.data.fjh } }), success: (res) => { // console.log("进入聊天", res) }, fail: (err) => { wx.showToast({ title: '网络异常!', }) console.log(err) }, }) // 连接成功 wx.onSocketOpen((res) => { console.log('WebSocket 成功连接', res) that.resMes() // 开始心跳 that.startHeartBeat() }) //连接失败 wx.onSocketError((err) => { console.log('websocket连接失败', err); twice=0 that.connectStart() }) }, // 开始心跳 startHeartBeat: function () { // console.log('socket开始心跳') var that = this; heart = 'heart'; that.heartBeat(); }, // 心跳检测 heartBeat: function () { var that = this; if (!heart) { return; } var xtData = { token: app.globalData.token, type: 1, payLoad: "" } // console.log(JSON.stringify({ xtData })) that.sendSocketMessage({ msg: JSON.stringify(xtData), data: JSON.stringify(xtData), success: function (res) { // console.log('socket心跳成功',res); if (heart) { heartBeatTimeOut = setTimeout(() => { that.heartBeat(); }, 5000); } }, fail: function (res) { console.log('socket心跳失败'); if (heartBeatFailCount > 2) { // 重连 console.log('socket心跳失败') that.connectStart(); } if (heart) { heartBeatTimeOut = setTimeout(() => { that.heartBeat(); }, 5000); } heartBeatFailCount++; }, }); }, // 进入聊天 resMes: function () { var that = this var joinData = { token: app.globalData.token, type: 3, payLoad: JSON.stringify({ topic: that.data.fjh }), } // console.log(joinData) that.sendSocketMessage({ msg: JSON.stringify(joinData), data: JSON.stringify(joinData), success: function (res) { // console.log('进入房间成功', res); that.deal() }, fail: function (err) { console.log('进入房间失败'); }, }) }, // 结束心跳 stopHeartBeat: function () { // console.log('socket结束心跳') var that = this; heart = ''; if (heartBeatTimeOut) { clearTimeout(heartBeatTimeOut); heartBeatTimeOut = null; } if (connectSocketTimeOut) { clearTimeout(connectSocketTimeOut); connectSocketTimeOut = null; } }, // 消息发送 foo: function () { if (this.data.inputValue) { //Do Something } else { //Catch Error } this.setData({ inputValue: ''//将data的inputValue清空 }); return; }, sayValue: function (e) { var that = this // console.log(this.data.isSend) if (that.data.isSend == 'ask') { that.setData({ isSend: 'send' }) } that.setData({ sayValue: e.detail.value }) }, sendMes: function (e) { var that = this // console.log(this.data.sayValue, 111) var myInput = this.data.sayValue var token = app.globalData.token if (that.data.isSend == 'sureAsk') { wx.request({ url: server + 'api/question/add', method: 'POST', header: { "Authorization": app.globalData.token, 'content-type': 'application/json' }, data: { content: myInput, streamId: that.data.id }, success: (res) => { console.log(res, '我的提问') } }) } else { // console.log(app.globalData.userInfo) var chatInfo = { user: app.globalData.userInfo.id, displayName: app.globalData.userInfo.displayName, avatarurl: app.globalData.userInfo.avatarUrl, stream: that.data.id, content: myInput, type: "message", createdat: "2018-10-8 14:30" } var sendData = { token: token, type: 2, payLoad: JSON.stringify({ topic: that.data.fjh, chatInfo: JSON.stringify(chatInfo) }) } // console.log(JSON.stringify(sendData)) that.sendSocketMessage({ msg: JSON.stringify(sendData) }) } that.setData({ sayValue: '', isSend: 'ask' }) }, // 通过 WebSocket 连接发送数据 sendSocketMessage: function (options) { var that = this if (socketOpen) { wx.sendSocketMessage({ data: options.msg, success: function (res) { if (options) { options.success && options.success(res); } }, fail: function (res) { if (options) { options.fail && options.fail(res); } } }) } else { socketMsgQueue.push(options.msg) } // ws.closeSocket(); // that.deal() }, // 监听socket deal: function () { var that = this ws.onOpen(res => { socketOpen = true; console.log('监听 WebSocket 连接打开事件。', res) }) ws.onClose(onClose => { console.log('监听 WebSocket 连接关闭事件。', onClose) // socketOpen = false; // that.connectStart() }) ws.onError(onError => { console.log('监听 WebSocket 错误。错误信息', onError) socketOpen = false }) ws.onMessage(onMessage => { var res = JSON.parse(onMessage.data) // console.log(res,"接收到了消息") if (res.code == 200) { // console.log('服务器返回的消息', res.data) var resData = JSON.parse(res.data) var arr = that.data.tellData resData.id = arr.length + 1 if (resData.type == 'question' || resData.type == 'answer') { resData.content = JSON.parse(resData.content) console.log('这是提问', resData.type, resData.content.content) } arr.push(resData) console.log(resData, arr.length) that.setData({ tellData: arr, idx: resData.id }) } else { } }) }, time: function (a) { var data = new Date(a) var year = data.getFullYear(); var month = data.getMonth() + 1; var day1 = data.getDate(); var hh = data.getHours(); //截取小时 var mm = data.getMinutes(); //截取分钟 if (month < 10) { month = '0' + month } if (day1 < 10) { day1 = '0' + day1 } if (hh < 10) { hh = '0' + hh } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm } var newday = month + "月" + day1 + ' ' + hh + ':' + mm return newday }, inputing: function () { console.log('获取焦点') this.setData({ isSend: 'send' }) }, inputed: function () { // console.log('失去焦点') this.setData({ isSend: 'ask', }) }, ask: function () { // console.log('提问') this.setData({ myinputing: true, isSend: 'sureAsk' }) }, })
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