var http_port = 3000; var http = require('http'); var htutil = require('./htutil'); var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){ htutil.loadParams(req, res, undefined); if (req.requrl.pathname === '/'){ require('./home-node').get(req, res); }else if (req.requrl.pathname === '/square'){ require('./square-node').get(req, res); }else if (req.requrl.pathname === '/factorial'){ require('./factorial-node').get(req, res); }else if (req.requrl.pathname === '/fibonacci'){ require('./fibo-node').get(req, res); }else if (req.requrl.pathname === '/mult'){ require('./mult-node').get(req, res); }else{ res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end("bad URL" + req.url); } }); server.listen(http_port); console.log('listening to http://localhost:3000');
var url = require('url'); exports.loadParams = function(req, res, next){ req.requrl = url.parse(req.url, true); req.a = (req.requrl.query.a && !isNaN(req.requrl.query.a)) ? new Number(req.requrl.query.a) : NaN; req.b = (req.requrl.query.b && !isNaN(req.requrl.query.b)) ? new Number(req.requrl.query.b) : NaN; if(next) next(); } exports.navbar = function(){ return [""].join('\n'); } exports.page = function(title, navbar, content){ return ["{title} ", "{title}
", "", "", "
{navbar} | {content} |
var htutil = require('./htutil'); exports.get = function(req, res){ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.end(htutil.page("Math Wizard", htutil.navbar(), "Math Wizard
")); }
var htutil = require('./htutil'); exports.get = function(req, res){ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); var result = req.a * req.a; res.end( htutil.page("Square", htutil.navbar(), [ (!isNaN(req.a) ? ("" ].join('\n')) ); }{a} squared = {sq}
" .replace("{a}", req.a) .replace("{sq}", req.a * req.a)) : ""), "Enter numbers to see its square
", "
var htutil = require('./htutil'); var math = require('./math'); exports.get = function(req, res){ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.end( htutil.page("Factorial", htutil.navbar(), [ (!isNaN(req.a) ? ("" ].join('\n')) ); }{a} factorial = {fact}
" .replace("{a}", req.a) .replace("{fact}", math.factorial(Math.floor(req.a)))) : ""), "Enter numbers to see its factorial
", "
var htutil = require('./htutil'); exports.get = function(req, res){ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); var result = req.a * req.b; res.end( htutil.page("Multiplication", htutil.navbar(), [ (!isNaN(req.a) && !isNaN(req.b) ? ("" ].join('\n')) ); }{a} * {b} = {result}
" .replace("{a}", req.a) .replace("{b}", req.b) .replace("{result}", req.a * req.b)) : ""), "Enter numbers to mutiply
", "
var htutil = require('./htutil'); var math = require('./math'); exports.get = function(req, res){ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.end( htutil.page("Fibonacci", htutil.navbar(), [ (!isNaN(req.a) ? ("" ].join('\n')) ); }{a} fibonacci = {fibo}
" .replace("{a}", Math.floor(req.a)) .replace("{fibo}", math.fibonacci(Math.floor(req.a)))) : ""), "Enter numbers to see its fibonacci
", "
var htutil = require('./htutil'); var math = require('./math'); function sendResult(req, res, a, fiboval){ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.end( htutil.page("Fibonacci", htutil.navbar(), [ (!isNaN(fiboval) ? ("" ].join('\n')) ); } exports.get = function(req, res){ if (!isNaN(req.a)){ math.fibonacciAsync(Math.floor(req.a), function(val){ sendResult(req, res, Math.floor(req.a) ,val); }); }else { sendResult(req, res, NaN, NaN); } }{a} fibonacci = {fibo}
" .replace("{a}", a) .replace("{fibo}", fiboval)) : ""), "Enter numbers to see its fibonacci
", "
var factorial = exports.factorial = function(n){ if (n == 0) return 1; else return n * factorial(n-1); } var fibonacci = exports.fibonacci = function(n){ if (n === 1) return 1; else if (n === 2) return 1; else return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); } var fibonacciAsync = exports.fibonacciAsync = function(n, done){ if (n ==1 || n == 2) done(1); else { process.nextTick(function(){ fibonacciAsync(n-1, function(val1){ process.nextTick(function(){ fibonacciAsync(n-2, function(val2){ done(val1 + val2); }); }) }); }); } }
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