成都创新互联公司专注于雨山网站建设服务及定制,我们拥有丰富的企业做网站经验。 热诚为您提供雨山营销型网站建设,雨山网站制作、雨山网页设计、雨山网站官网定制、小程序开发服务,打造雨山网络公司原创品牌,更为您提供雨山网站排名全网营销落地服务。
jQuery('iframe').iframeAutoHeight(); 设置所有的iframe
callback: function
Default empty function
Optionally define a callback function (in this case inline) that will do something with the callbackObject.newFrameHeight value. This can for instance be used with easyXDM to alert another domain that the frame has changed height.
Example:$('iframe').iframeAutoHeight({callback: function(callbackObject) { alert(callbackObject.newFrameHeight);} });
you can also access the current iframe jquery wrapper object use the this
for example:callback: function(callbackObject) { alert(callbackObject.newFrameHeight + " and the iframe href is:" + $(this).attr('src')); }
debug: boolean
Default is false
Will log some internal information to the console, if available
Example: $('iframe').iframeAutoHeight({debug: true})
heightOffset: integer
Default is 0
Unit is pixels
Optionally add some buffer to the bottom
Example: $('iframe').iframeAutoHeight({heightOffset: 20});
minHeight: integer
Default is 0
Unit is pixels
Sets the iframe height to this value if the calculated value is less
Example: $('iframe').iframeAutoHeight({minHeight: 200});
animate: boolean
Default is false
Uses jquery animate with duration of 500 when resizing the iframe
Example: $('iframe').iframeAutoHeight({animate: true});
resetToMinHeight: boolean
Default is false
hard set the iframe height to the minHeight before re-sizing
triggerFunctions: Array of functions
Default is an empty array
Optionally define 1 or more functions that will have access to the resize method
can be used to resize the iframe from external events such as click or window resize - see examples below
heightCalculationOverrides: Array of 2 element arrays
Default is an empty array
Optionally re-define the height calculation method(s)
override the default implementation or just override specific browsers
Example:$('iframe').iframeAutoHeight({strategyOverrides: [{ browser: 'mozilla', calculation: function () { return 2000; }}]);
The browser
key should be one of 'webkit', 'mozilla', 'msie', 'opera' or 'default', seehttp://api.jquery.com/jQuery.browser/
The calculation
key should be a function, usually with the signature(iframe, $iframeBody, options, browser)
see more examples below
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