坚守“ 做人真诚 · 做事靠谱 · 口碑至上 · 高效敬业 ”的价值观,专业网站建设服务10余年为成都成都人造雾小微创业公司专业提供企业网站制作营销网站建设商城网站建设手机网站建设小程序网站建设网站改版,从内容策划、视觉设计、底层架构、网页布局、功能开发迭代于一体的高端网站建设服务。
private void WriteMD5(string zipFile, string ctrlFile)
// Add hash code to ctrl file
byte[] validHash = GenerateMD5Hash(zipFile);
// make sure that we add hash value in a new line
bool addNewLine = false;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ctrlFile))
string[] lines = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(new char[] { '\n' });
if (lines.Length == 1) addNewLine = true;
// ready to put the control file, so add the hash string to it
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ctrlFile, true))
if (addNewLine) sw.WriteLine("");
sw.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(validHash).Replace("-", ""));
private byte[] GenerateMD5Hash(string localFileName)
byte[] localHash = null;
using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create())
using (FileStream localFile = File.OpenRead(localFileName))
localHash = md5Hash.ComputeHash(localFile);
return localHash;
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