1)Students表:包含SNo,SName,SSex,SClass,SAge 其中SNo为主键
成都创新互联专注于江西网站建设服务及定制,我们拥有丰富的企业做网站经验。 热诚为您提供江西营销型网站建设,江西网站制作、江西网页设计、江西网站官网定制、微信平台小程序开发服务,打造江西网络公司原创品牌,更为您提供江西网站排名全网营销落地服务。
2)Courses表:包含CNo,CName,CGrade(开设学期),CScore(学分)、IsProfession(是否是专业课) 其中CNo为主键
3)Scores表:包含SNo,CNo,Score 其中SNo和CNo分别与Students中的SNo和Courses中的CNo有外键关系。
select * from Students where SAge=20 and SAge=24 (是否包含20和24,修改相关=号)
select CNo,CName,CScore from Courses where CGrade=2 and IsProfession=1(假设专业课是此值为1)
select Scores.SNo,Scores.CNo,Courses.CName,Scores.Score from Scores INNER JOIN Courses ON Scores.CNo=Courses.CNo where Scores.SNo='000004'
select Scores.SNo,Scores.CNo,Courses.CName,Scores.Score from Scores INNER Join
Courses ON Scores.CNo=Courses.CNo where Scores.SNo in (select SNo from Students where SName='王明') and Scores.Score=60
select Scores.SNo,Scores.CNo,Courses.CName,Scores.Score from Scores INNER Join
Courses ON Scores.CNo=Courses.CNo where Scores.SNo in (select SNo from Students
where SClass='0401' order by Scores.Score
(1)select 书名 from 图书 where 定价20
(2)select avg(定价) 均价 from 图书
(3)update 图书 set 定价=定价*95% where 出版社编号 in
(select 出版社编号 from 出版社 where 出版社名称='科学出版社' )
(4)select 书名,第一作者姓名,出版社名称 from 图书,作者,出版社,著书
where 图书.图书编号=著书.图书编号 and 著书.作者编号=作者.作者编号
and 图书.出版社编号=出版社.出版社编号
(5)create view 图书信息(图书编号,书名,出版社编号,定价)
as select 图书编号,书名,出版社名称,定价
from 图书,出版社 where 图书.出版社编号=出版社.出版社编号 and
1.select applydate from cardapply c left join cardapplydetail cd on c.applyno=cd.aaplyno
where idcard = '1234567812342'
2.select count(*),idcard from cardapply c left join cardapplydetail cd on c.applyno=cd.aaplyno
where idcard in (select idcard from cardapplydetail where (select count(idcard) from cardapplydetail group by idcard )1)(这个不太确定,没试验,手写的)
3.update cardapply c set c.state='3',cd.state='3' left join cardapplydetail cd on c.applyno=cd.aaplyno where idcard='401234567812'
4.delete from cardapplydetail where name like '王%'
1.select s.sno,s.sname from s,c,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and c.cname="MS"
2.select s.sno from s,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno="c1" or s.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno="c2" group by s.sno
3.select s.sno,sc.grade from s,c,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and c.cname="操作系统" or c.cname="数据库课程"
4.select s.sno,s.sname,s.age from s where s.sex="女" and s.age =18 and s.age = 20
5.select s.sno,s.sname,sc.grade from s,c,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and c.teacher="刘平"
6.select s.sname,s.age,s.SD from s where s.sname="李%"
7.select s.sname,s.age,s.SD,count() as 统计 from s,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and 统计 3 group by s.sno
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