1、打开oracle配置工具里的Net Configuration Assistant,选择“监听程序配置”,下一步,接着选择“重新配置”,下一步,仔细看下每一步配置的参数是否正确就OK了。
2、在命令行上使用“emca -deconfig dbcontrol db”命令删除配置
3、使用“emca -repos drop”命令删除 repository
注:第2、3步骤都要做,要不然在重新安装EM的时候会报“ ORA-20001: SYSMAN already exists..”的错误导致安装失败。
4、使用“emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create”命令进行创建em。
以上步骤做完后就成功创建好em了,点击开始菜单上的oracle文件夹里的Database control-orcl连接就可以正常访问em了。
装完Oracle 12c,想体验下EM Express,缺发现不能用,应该怎么办?12c的EM 不再像以前版本配置那么麻烦,当然提供的功能也没有那么多了,只需要启用对应端口即可,请看:
To manually configure the HTTPS port for EM Express:
1. Configure and start the Oracle Net Listener (the listener). You can use lsnrctl to start, stop, and view the status of the listener.
2. If the listener is running on a nonstandard port (for example, not 1521), then the init.ora file for the database you want to manage using EM Express must contain a local_listener entry so that the HTTPS port can register with the correc
listener. The local_listener entry references a TNSNAMES entry that points to the correct listener. For example:
where inst1 is a TNSNAMES entry defined in tnsnames.ora that points to the listener. For example:
In this example, 1234 is the nonstandard port on which the listener has been configured to listen.
3. Enable the TCP dispatcher by adding the following entry to the init.ora file for the database you want to manage using EM Express:
For example, if the database SID is ORCL, then the entry would be:
4. Restart the database so that the changes made in the init.ora file take effect.
5. Use the PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XDB_CONFIG.SETHTTPSPORT to set the HTTPS port for EM Express. This will update the HTTPS port in the xdbconfig.xml file in the Oracle XML DB Repository. You must connect as SYS / AS SYSDBA to run the procedure. For example:
6. To access EM Express, enter a URL in the following format in a Web browser:
For example:
When prompted for your username and password, log in as a user with DBA privilege (such as SYSTEM).
输入命令emctl start dbconsole启动oracle的em服务
emca -repos create
emca -repos recreate
emca -repos drop
配置数据库的 Database Control
emca -config dbcontrol db
删除数据库的 Database Control配置
emca -deconfig dbcontrol db
重新配置db control的端口,默认端口在1158
emca -reconfig ports
emca -reconfig ports -dbcontrol_http_port 1160
emca -reconfig ports -agent_port 3940
先设置ORACLE_SID环境变量后,启动EM console服务
emctl start dbconsole
先设置ORACLE_SID环境变量后,停止EM console服务
emctl stop dbconsole
先设置ORACLE_SID环境变量后,查看EM console服务的状态
emctl status dbconsole
emca -repos create
emca -config dbcontrol db
emctl start dbconsole
emca -repos drop
emca -repos create
emca -config dbcontrol db
emctl start dbconsole
,可以通过EM dbconsole访问数据库了
emca -config dbcontrol db
数据库 SID: orcl
已为数据库 orcl 配置了 Database Control
您已选择配置 Database Control, 以便管理数据库 orcl
此操作将移去现有配置和默认设置, 并重新执行配置
是否继续? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: y
监听程序端口号: 1521
SYS 用户的口令:
DBSNMP 用户的口令:
SYSMAN 用户的口令:
SYSMAN 用户的口令: 通知的电子邮件地址 (可选):
通知的发件 (SMTP) 服务器 (可选):已指定以下设置
数据库 ORACLE_HOME ................ D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
数据库主机名 ................ RX-01-07
监听程序端口号 ................ 1521
数据库 SID ................ ora10g
通知的电子邮件地址 ...............
通知的发件 (SMTP) 服务器 ...............
是否继续? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: y
2007-4-6 10:59:17 oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
信息: 正在将此操作记录到 D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\cfgtoollogs\emca\orcl\emc
2007-4-6 10:59:20 oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil stopOMS
信息: 正在停止 Database Control (此操作可能需要一段时间)...
2007-4-6 10:59:32 oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil startOMS
信息: 正在启动 Database Control (此操作可能需要一段时间)...
2007-4-6 11:00:12 oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
信息: 已成功启动 Database Control
2007-4-6 11:00:12 oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
警告: 无法创建 Database Control 快捷方式
2007-4-6 11:00:12 oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
信息: Database Control URL 为
已成功完成 Enterprise Manager 的配置
EMCA 结束于 2007-4-6 11:00:12
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