---结果将以 科目、及格数、不及格数 显示
select * from
(select col2,count(*) as [及格数]
from tb
where col1=60
group by col2
outer apply
(select count(*) as [不及格数]
from tb
where col160 and t.col2= col2
group by col2
select name,avg(grade) from 表的名称 group by name;
select convert(varchar(10),sum(case when (html+sql)/2=60 and (html+sql)/280 then 1 else 0 end)*100.0/
stucount)+'%' as 及格率,
convert(varchar(10),sum(case when (html+sql)/2=80 then 1 else 0 end)*100.0/stucount)+'%' as 优秀率
from exam e,(select count(1) as stucount from stuinfo) a
select name,
when mark=60
then 1 else 0
end)/count(*) 及格率
from score
group by name
mysql select class,concat(cast(sum(jige)/count(*)*100 as decimal(4,2)),'%') as
'及格率' from (select class,if (score=60,1,0) as jige from class) as t group by class;
没有考虑成绩表中一个人有多条课程的成绩记录的情况,应在之前查询方法上加上约束,如某班某课程中及格人数占总人数的百分比,即select (select COUNT(*) from Score where Cno=144502 and Cono=011 and Grade=60)/(select COUNT(*) from Score where Cno=144502 and Cono=011)
通常成绩表中的数据项为学号,课程号,成绩,班级号 ,当一个人选了多门课有及格的也有不及格的时,仅仅靠楼上的回答不足以完成正确的查询,查询时要注意约束条件
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