# totalNum:猴子总数
# startNum:开始序号
# intervalNum:间隔数
def KingElect(totalNum, startNum, intervalNum):
monkeyList = []
out_order = 0 # 出列排序
current_index = 0 # 当前列表下标
if (totalNum intervalNum):
monkeyId = startNum # 猴子初始排列
for i in range(1, totalNum + 1):
if monkeyId == totalNum + 1:
monkeyId = 1
monkeyId += 1
# print(monkeyList, end='')
while (len(monkeyList) 1):
out_order += 1
current_index += 1
if (current_index len(monkeyList)):
current_index = 1
if (out_order == intervalNum):
intervalNum += 1
out_order = 0
print('--', monkeyList[current_index - 1], 'Out')
monkeyList.pop(current_index - 1)
print( end='')
current_index -= 1
print('--', monkeyList[0], 'Gain the elect')
if __name__ == '__main__':
KingElect(60, 1, 2)
count = 10 # 总猴子数
i = 0 # 开始的序号
skip = 1 # 报数的间隔数
arr = list(range(count)) # 创建一个列表
print(arr) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
while(count 1):
if i = count: i = i % count
print('删除:', arr[i], end = ' ')
print('剩余:', arr)
count = len(arr)
i = i + skip
# 输出结果:
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# 删除: 0 剩余: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# 删除: 2 剩余: [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# 删除: 4 剩余: [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# 删除: 6 剩余: [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9]
# 删除: 8 剩余: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
# 删除: 1 剩余: [3, 5, 7, 9]
# 删除: 5 剩余: [3, 7, 9]
# 删除: 9 剩余: [3, 7]
# 删除: 7 剩余: [3]
monkeyMale = []
monkeyFemale = []
monkeyXman = []
class monkey():
def __init__(self, id, adad, amum, abirth):
self.id = id
self.dad = adad
self.mum = amum
self.birth = abirth
self.couple = -1
def dealDie(self, aYear, aBoy):
xman = aYear - self.birth
xman == 60
monkeyFemale[self.couple].couple = -1
monkeyMale[self.couple].couple = -1
def yieldBaby(self, aYear): # 母猴生猴子
x = aYear - self.birth #计算出母猴子周岁。
if x = 19 and x =59: #生孩子
if self.couple == -1: #要个对象(一对夫妇就生一个孩子)。
for i in monkeyMale:
xman = aYear - i.birth
if (i.couple == -1) and (xman = 19 and xman =59): # 找个没对象的,20岁到60岁的。
self.couple = i.id #互相配偶
i.couple = self.id
if self.couple = 0: #找到对象了。
第2题:if x % 10 == 0:
龙凤 = True # 10年,就生龙凤胎
龙凤 = False
第3题:if x % 3 == 1/2/0 对应 男、女、中性。
if 男孩 or 龙凤:
newId = len(monkeyMale)
monkeyMale.append(monkey(newId, self.couple, self.id, aYear))
if 女孩 or 龙凤:
newId = len(monkeyFemale)
monkeyFemale.append(monkey(newId, self.couple, self.id, aYear))
if 中性
newId = len(monkeyXman)
monkeyXman.append(monkey(newId, self.couple, self.id, aYear))
monkeyMale.append(monkey(0, -1, -1, 1, True))
monkeyFemale.append(monkey(0, -1, -1, 1, True))
for iYear in range(1,101):
print("year" + str(iYear))
for i in monkeyFemale: #先生孩子
for i in monkeyMale: #公猴子die
i.dealDie(iYear, True)
for i in monkeyFemale: #母猴子die
i.dealDie(iYear, False)
# 中性就没用
for i in monkeyFemale:
print(u"母猴id:%s,父%s,母%s,生于%s" % (i.id, i.dad, i.mum, i.birth))
for i in monkeyMale:
print(u"公猴id:%s,父%s,母%s,生于%s" % (i.id, i.dad, i.mum, i.birth))
for i in monkeyXman:
print(u"中性猴id:%s,父%s,母%s,生于%s" % (i.id, i.dad, i.mum, i.birth))
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