Dim yea As Integer
Dim LeapYear As Boolean
yea = InputBox("请输入年号:")
If ((yea Mod 4) = 0) Then
LeapYear = ((yea Mod 100) 0) Or ((yea Mod 400) = 0)
End If
If LeapYear Then MsgBox yea "年是闰年。" Else MsgBox yea "不是闰年"
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim leapyears() As Integer = GetLeapYears(2000, 2100)
Dim str As String
Dim count As Integer = UBound(leapyears) + 1
str = "闰年个数:" + count.ToString
For i = 0 To UBound(leapyears)
str += " " + leapyears(i).ToString
TextBox1.Text = str
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
''' summary
''' 获取指定年份区间中所有闰年组成的数组
''' /summary
''' param name="StartYear"起始年份/param
''' param name="EndYear"结束年份/param
''' returns/returns
''' remarks/remarks
Private Function GetLeapYears(StartYear As Integer, EndYear As Integer) As Integer()
Dim leapyears() As Integer = Nothing
Dim index As Integer = 0
For i = StartYear To EndYear
If (i Mod 400 = 0) Or (i Mod 4 = 0 And i Mod 100 0) Then
ReDim Preserve leapyears(index)
leapyears(index) = i
index += 1
End If
Return leapyears
End Function
DateSerial返回包含指定的年、月、日的 Variant (Date)。
语法:DateSerial(year, month, day)
Private Function MonthToLeapYear(ByVal Yea As Integer) As Boolean
MonthToLeapYear = Day(DateSerial(Yea, 2, 29)) = 29
End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Len(Text1.Text) = 4 Then
If MonthToLeapYear(Text1.Text) = True Then
Print Text1.Text "年是闰年"
Print Text1.Text "年是平年"
End If
Print "错误:请输入正确的年份!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LeapYearCheck()
Dim bLeapYear AsBoolean
bLeapYear = Date.IsLeapYear(Now.Year)
bLeapYear = Date.IsLeapYear(2004)
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim year As Integer, y As Integer
year = Val(InputBox("要判断的年份是:"))
Call runnian(year, y)
If y = 1 Then
Print Str(year); Spc(2); "年是闰年!"
Print Str(year); Spc(2); "年不是闰年!"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub runnian(n As Integer, x As Integer)
Dim leap As Integer
If n Mod 400 = 0 Then
leap = 1
ElseIf n Mod 4 = 0 And n Mod 100 0 Then
leap = 1
leap = 0
End If
x = leap
End Sub
VB.NET 判断是否为闰年或者平年!
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Function 闰年平年(ByVal MyString As String) As String
Dim MyDate As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(MyString)
Dim MyInfo As String = MyDate.Year.ToString() + "年是:"
If (DateTime.IsLeapYear(MyDate.Year) = True) Then
MyInfo += "闰年。"
MyInfo += "平年。"
End If
MessageBox.Show(MyInfo, "信息提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Return 1
End Function
End Class
Private Sub Form_Click()
Dim a As Integer
a = Val(InputBox("输入年份"))
If a Mod 400 = 0 Then
Print "是瑞年"
ElseIf a Mod 4 = 0 And a Mod 100 0 Then
Print "是瑞年 "
Print "不是瑞年"
End If
End Sub
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