你就不能这样保存么? ↓
Static SaveNumber as Integer
SaveNumber += 1
Dim SavePath as String = "C:\ytakqi" SaveNumber ".png"
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim wordApp As New Word.ApplicationClass
Dim fileName As Object = "E:\Test.doc"
Dim miss As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
'打开要转换的 DOC 文件
Dim doc As Word.Document = DirectCast(wordApp.Documents.Open(fileName, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, _
miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, _
miss, miss, miss, miss), Word.Document)
fileName = "E:\testDoc.HTML"
Dim saveFormat As Object = Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatHTML
doc.SaveAs(fileName, saveFormat, miss, miss, miss, miss, _
miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, _
miss, miss, miss, miss)
Dim changes As Object = False
doc.Close(changes, miss, miss)
'退出 Word 应用程序
wordApp.Quit(changes, miss, miss)
End Sub
private void Save_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create a new save file dialog SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog(); // Sets the current file name filter string, which determines // the choices that appear in the "Save as file type" or // "Files of type" box in the dialog box. saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|EMF (*.emf)|*.emf|PNG (*.png)|*.png|SVG (*.svg)|*.svg|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|TIFF (*.tif)|*.tif"; saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2 ; saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true ; // Set image file format if(saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ChartImageFormat format = ChartImageFormat.Bmp; if( saveFileDialog1.FileName.EndsWith( "bmp" ) ) { format = ChartImageFormat.Bmp; } else if( saveFileDialog1.FileName.EndsWith( "jpg" ) ) { format = ChartImageFormat.Jpeg; } else if( saveFileDialog1.FileName.EndsWith( "emf" ) ) { format = ChartImageFormat.Emf; } else if( saveFileDialog1.FileName.EndsWith( "gif" ) ) { format = ChartImageFormat.Gif; } else if( saveFileDialog1.FileName.EndsWith( "png" ) ) { format = ChartImageFormat.Png; } else if( saveFileDialog1.FileName.EndsWith( "tif" ) ) { format = ChartImageFormat.Tiff; } else if( saveFileDialog1.FileName.EndsWith( "svg" ) ) { format = ChartImageFormat.Svg; } // Save image Chart1.SaveImage( saveFileDialog1.FileName, format ); } }
Public Class Cls导入数据
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application()
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim A = "A"
Public Function 导出到Excel(ByVal Dt表 As DataTable) As Boolean
Dim rowIndex, colIndex As Integer
rowIndex = 1
colIndex = 0
xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks().Add
xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets("sheet1")
Dim Table As New DataTable()
Table = CreaTable()
Dim Col As DataColumn
Dim Row As DataRow
For Each Col In Table.Columns
colIndex = colIndex + 1
xlApp.Cells(1, colIndex) = Col.ColumnName
For Each Row In Table.Rows
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
colIndex = 0
For Each Col In Table.Columns
colIndex = colIndex + 1
xlApp.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex) = Row(Col.ColumnName)
With xlSheet
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, colIndex)).Font.Name = "黑体"
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, colIndex)).Font.Bold = True
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(rowIndex, colIndex)).Borders.LineStyle = 1
End With
With xlSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = "" Chr(10) """楷体_GB2312,常规""10公司名称:" ' Gsmc
.CenterHeader = """楷体_GB2312,常规""公司人员情况表""宋体,常规""" Chr(10) """楷体_GB2312,常规""10日 期:"
.RightHeader = "" Chr(10) """楷体_GB2312,常规""10单位:"
.LeftFooter = """楷体_GB2312,常规""10制表人:"
.CenterFooter = """楷体_GB2312,常规""10制表日期:"
.RightFooter = """楷体_GB2312,常规""10第P页 共N页"
End With
MsgBox("保存完毕", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "提示")
'xlApp.Visible = True
End Function
Sub KillAllExcels()
Dim proc As System.Diagnostics.Process
For Each proc In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")
End Sub
end class
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