JBuilder Tip Of DayXML:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:Office:office" />
1、Package an application for web Start in two steps:
两步打包一个Web Start应用程序:
First , creat a JAR for your application files using the Archive Builder(Wizards |Archive Builder).
首先,利用文档建筑器(Wizards |Archive Builder)为你的应用程序文件创建一个JAR。
Second , run the Web Start Launcher wizard to create a sample home page and a .jnlp file.
然后,运行Web Start Launcher wizard来创建一个实例主页和一个.jnlp文件
When you make the homepage available in a web server ,users who have Web Start installed can launch the application with a single click on the link in the homepage.
当你把这个主页放到一个服务器上时,安装了Web Start的用户只需单击主页上的链接就可以启动该应用程序
2、Compile with debug information
Control your debug information .Choose from these debug options on the Build page of Progect Properties(Project|Project Properties):
控制你的调试信息。从工程属性(Project|Project Properties)建造页的以下调试选项里选择
*source , Line , and Variable Information
*Source And Line Only
*Source Only
Rebuild your project for these changes to take effect . In JBuilder Personal ,
重新构造你的工程这些改动会起作用。在JBuilder Personal中,
only two options are available: Source,Line,and Variable Information and Source And Line Only.
只有两个选项时可用的:Source, Line, and Variable Information和 Source And Line Only.
3、Find the execution point
To find the current execution point ,choose Run|Show Execution Point or click the Show Current Frame icon on the debugger toolbar.
想要找到当前的中断点,选择Run|Show Execution Point 或者点击在调试工具条上的Show Current Frame图标
4、File tab menu
You can run, debug ,make, and rebuild directly from the file tab menu in the content pane.
Right-click the file tab to choose any of these menu items .
The source file must have a public static main() method for Run and Debug to appear on the menu.
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