import cv2 as cv import numpy import random import math src = cv.imread("D:\\CvPic\\1.jpg") print(src.shape) h = src.shape[0] w = src.shape[1] c = src.shape[2] row = 3 col = 3 offset_h = h/row offset_w = w/col firstClick = False clickIdx = [0,0] tileList = [] def calPicIdx(x, y): print(str(y)+" "+str(h/col)) i = y//(offset_h) print(str(y%offset_h)+" "+str(offset_w)) j = math.ceil((x%w)/offset_w) idx = i*row+j print("i:"+str(i)+" j:"+str(j)+" idx:"+str(idx)) return int(idx) def onMouse(event, x, y, flag ,params): if event==cv.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: print("left button down:"+str(x)+" "+str(y)) idx = calPicIdx(x, y) global firstClick firstClick = not firstClick print(firstClick) if firstClick: clickIdx[0] = idx else: clickIdx[1] = idx tileList[clickIdx[0]], tileList[clickIdx[1]] = tileList[clickIdx[1]], tileList[clickIdx[0]] for i in range(0, row): for j in range (0, col): dst[i*offset_h:(i+1)*offset_h-1, j*offset_w:(j+1)*offset_w-1] = tileList[i*row+j] cv.imshow("dst", dst) difference = cv.subtract(dst, src2) result = not numpy.any(difference) #if difference is all zeros it will return False print("result:"+str(result)) print(clickIdx) # --------------splite image into n*n tile-------------- tile = numpy.zeros((offset_h-1, offset_w-1, c),numpy.uint8) for i in range(0, row): for j in range (0, col): tile = src[i*offset_h:(i+1)*offset_h-1, j*offset_w:(j+1)*offset_w-1] tileList.append(tile) # cv.imshow("tile", tile) # --------------ramdom the tiles-------------------- print(len(tileList)) for i in range(len(tileList)-1,0,-1): randomIdx = random.randint(0,i-1) print("swap:"+str(random.randint(0,i-1))+" "+str(i)) tileList[i], tileList[randomIdx] = tileList[randomIdx], tileList[i] # debug show every tile # for k,tile in enumerate(tileList): # cv.imshow("tile"+str(k), tile) dst = numpy.zeros((h, w, c), numpy.uint8) for i in range(0, row): for j in range (0, col): dst[i*offset_h:(i+1)*offset_h-1, j*offset_w:(j+1)*offset_w-1] = tileList[i*row+j] cv.namedWindow("dst") cv.setMouseCallback("dst", onMouse) cv.imshow("dst", dst) # -------------match the origin image and now-------------- src2 = src.copy() for i in range(1, row): src2[i*offset_h-1:i*offset_h]= numpy.zeros((1,w,3), numpy.uint8) for j in range(1, col): src2[0:h,j*offset_w-1:j*offset_w]= numpy.zeros((h,1,3), numpy.uint8) # cv.imshow("src2", src2) cv.waitKey(0)
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