1、增加全局控制变量 sys.launcher3.is_full_app,用来动态切换
3、去除 allAppsButton
4、将 AllAppsContainerView 中的图标加载到 Workspace
5、新安装的 app 自动添加图标到 Workspace
6、替换 Workspace 图标长按删除选项为取消
1、增加全局控制变量 sys.launcher3.is_full_app
1) 在 LauncherAppState 中增加静态方法 isDisableAllApps(), 通过修改 Settings 中自定义的值 sys.launcher3.is_full_app
private static Context mContext; public static boolean isDisableAllApps() { if (mContext != null) { return Settings.System.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), "sys.launcher3.is_full_app", 0) == 1; } return true; }
2) AndroidManifest-common.xml 中增加权限
3) 在 SettingsActivity 中增加 SwitchPreference 用以动态修改 sys.launcher3.is_full_app
在内部类 LauncherSettingsFragment 中重写 onPreferenceTreeClick() 用以监听 SwitchPreference 点击
/** * This fragment shows the launcher preferences. */ public static class LauncherSettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragment { ..... @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); .... //读取保存的值,初始化 SwitchPreference 的初始状态,是否选中 int isFull = Settings.System.getInt(getActivity().getContentResolver(), "sys.launcher3.is_full_app", 0); Log.d("Launcher3", "sys.launcher3.is_full_app="+isFull); SwitchPreference fullSwitch = (SwitchPreference) findPreference("pref_is_full_app"); fullSwitch.setChecked(isFull==1); } //add for change is_full_app value @Override public boolean onPreferenceTreeClick(PreferenceScreen preferenceScreen, Preference preference) { boolean result = true; final String key = preference.getKey(); if ("pref_is_full_app".equals(key)) { boolean checked = ((SwitchPreference) preference).isChecked(); Settings.System.putInt(getActivity().getContentResolver(), "sys.launcher3.is_full_app", checked ? 1 : 0); Log.e("Launcher3", "SwitchPreference checked="+checked); // Value has changed ProgressDialog.show(getActivity(), null /* title */, getActivity().getString(R.string.full_app_override_progress), true /* indeterminate */, false /* cancelable */); new LooperExecutor(LauncherModel.getWorkerLooper()).execute( new OverrideApplyHandler(getActivity())); } return result; } }
点击 SwitchPreference 后需要保存 sys.launcher3.is_full_app 新值,同时清除 Launcher3 的缓存,延时启动并结束当前进程
清除缓存方法 clearApplicationUserData 在 Launcher3 中编译报错,所以通过发送广播到 Setting 中进行真正的清缓存操作
//add for change is_full_app value private static class OverrideApplyHandler implements Runnable { private final Context mContext; private OverrideApplyHandler(Context context) { mContext = context; } @Override public void run() { // Clear the icon cache. LauncherAppState.getInstance(mContext).getIconCache().clear(); // Wait for it try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Launcher3", "Error waiting", e); } // Schedule an alarm before we kill ourself. Intent homeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN) .addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME) .setPackage(mContext.getPackageName()) .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 42, homeIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT | PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT); mContext.getSystemService(AlarmManager.class).setExact( AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + 50, pi); //clear data will kill process Intent intent = new Intent("com.android.action.CLEAR_APP_DATA"); intent.putExtra("pkgName", "com.android.launcher3"); intent.addFlags(0x01000000); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); Log.i("Launcher3", "Clearing user data com.android.launcher3"); // Kill process android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid()); } }
4) SettingsActivity 对应的 xml 文件修改 launcher_preferences
对应的 string 文件就不贴了,自己增加下就行
加载布局文件对应的 xml 为 vendor\mediatek\proprietary\packages\apps\Launcher3\res\xml\device_profiles.xml
Launcher3 通过获取 minWidthDps 和 minHeightDps 来确定加载哪一个 profile,我的平板分辨率是 1280*800 的,增加两个 profile 节点
对应的你需要在 xml 文件下增加 4 个文件,分别是 default_workspace_tb_5x6.xml dw_hotseat_tb.xml default_workspace_tb_5x6_no_all_app.xml dw_hotseat_tb_no_all_app.xml
这样的好处是你可以自定义不同的布局文件加载内容,上面的配置含义简单说一下,分别是最小宽度、最小高度、布局的行和列、文件夹中布局行和列、图标大小、图标文字大小、HotSeat 个数,加载的布局文件
在 InvariantDeviceProfile() 判断是否需要加载 Tablet_no_all_app profile
public InvariantDeviceProfile(Context context) { WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics(); display.getMetrics(dm); Point smallestSize = new Point(); Point largestSize = new Point(); display.getCurrentSizeRange(smallestSize, largestSize); // This guarantees that width < height minWidthDps = Utilities.dpiFromPx(Math.min(smallestSize.x, smallestSize.y), dm); minHeightDps = Utilities.dpiFromPx(Math.min(largestSize.x, largestSize.y), dm); Log.i("Launcher3.profiles", "orignalminWidthDps="+minWidthDps + " orignalminHeightDps="+minHeightDps); //add for load no_all_app xml if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) { Log.e("Launcher3.profiles", "load no all app profiles"); //对应 device_profiles.xml 中 Tablet_no_all_app 的值 minWidthDps = 380.0f; minHeightDps = 590.0f; } ..... }
3、去除 allAppsButton
将 resetLayout() 中 FeatureFlags.NO_ALL_APPS_ICON 替换为 LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()
void resetLayout(boolean hasVerticalHotseat) { mContent.removeAllViewsInLayout(); mHasVerticalHotseat = hasVerticalHotseat; InvariantDeviceProfile idp = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile().inv; if (hasVerticalHotseat) { mContent.setGridSize(1, idp.numHotseatIcons); } else { mContent.setGridSize(idp.numHotseatIcons, 1); } //if (!FeatureFlags.NO_ALL_APPS_ICON) { /// add for check is need allappbutton if (!LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) { // Add the Apps button Context context = getContext(); DeviceProfile grid = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile(); ... }
4、将 AllAppsContainerView 中的图标加载到 Workspace
run() 中增加判断,添加 verifyApplications(), 修改 InstallShortcutReceiver 中 PendingInstallShortcutInfo 为 public
public void run() { synchronized (this) { // Skip fast if we are already stopped. if (mStopped) { return; } } .... // second step TraceHelper.partitionSection(TAG, "step 2.1: loading all apps"); loadAllApps(); //add for load all app on workspace if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) { android.util.Log.e("Launcher3", "verifyApplications()"); verifyApplications(); } .... } //add for load all app on workspace private void verifyApplications() { final Context context = mApp.getContext(); ArrayList> installQueue = new ArrayList<>(); final List profiles = mUserManager.getUserProfiles(); for (UserHandle user : profiles) { final List apps = mLauncherApps.getActivityList(null, user); ArrayList added = new ArrayList (); synchronized (this) { for (LauncherActivityInfo app : apps) { InstallShortcutReceiver.PendingInstallShortcutInfo pendingInstallShortcutInfo = new InstallShortcutReceiver.PendingInstallShortcutInfo(app, context); added.add(pendingInstallShortcutInfo); installQueue.add(pendingInstallShortcutInfo.getItemInfo()); } } if (!added.isEmpty()) { mApp.getModel().addAndBindAddedWorkspaceItems(installQueue); } } }
注释 run() 中的 return
@Override public final void run() { if (!mModel.isModelLoaded()) { if (DEBUG_TASKS) { Log.d(TAG, "Ignoring model task since loader is pending=" + this); } // Loader has not yet run. //annotaion for load all app on workspace // return; } execute(mApp, mDataModel, mAllAppsList); }
5、新安装的 app 自动添加图标到 Workspace
execute() 中增加判断,添加 updateToWorkSpace()
public void execute(LauncherAppState app, BgDataModel dataModel, AllAppsList appsList) { .... final ArrayListaddedOrModified = new ArrayList<>(); addedOrModified.addAll(appsList.added); //add for load new install app on workspace if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) { android.util.Log.e("cczLauncher3", "updateToWorkSpace()"); updateToWorkSpace(context, app, appsList); } ... } //add for load new install app on workspace public void updateToWorkSpace(Context context, LauncherAppState app , AllAppsList appsList){ ArrayList > installQueue = new ArrayList<>(); final List profiles = UserManagerCompat.getInstance(context).getUserProfiles(); ArrayList added = new ArrayList (); for (UserHandle user : profiles) { final List apps = LauncherAppsCompat.getInstance(context).getActivityList(null, user); synchronized (this) { for (LauncherActivityInfo info : apps) { for (AppInfo appInfo : appsList.added) { if(info.getComponentName().equals(appInfo.componentName)){ InstallShortcutReceiver.PendingInstallShortcutInfo mPendingInstallShortcutInfo = new InstallShortcutReceiver.PendingInstallShortcutInfo(info,context); added.add(mPendingInstallShortcutInfo); installQueue.add(mPendingInstallShortcutInfo.getItemInfo()); } } } } } if (!added.isEmpty()) { app.getModel().addAndBindAddedWorkspaceItems(installQueue); } }
6、替换 Workspace 图标长按删除选项为取消
在 setTextBasedOnDragSource() 、setControlTypeBasedOnDragSource()、onAccessibilityDrop() 中分别增加判断是否需要删除图标
private void setTextBasedOnDragSource(ItemInfo item) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mText)) { mText = getResources().getString(item.id != ItemInfo.NO_ID ? R.string.remove_drop_target_label : android.R.string.cancel); //add for hide deletedroptarget if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) { android.util.Log.e("Launcher3", "hide delete drop target"); mText = getResources().getString(isCanDrop(item) ? R.string.remove_drop_target_label : android.R.string.cancel); } requestLayout(); } } private void setControlTypeBasedOnDragSource(ItemInfo item) { mControlType = item.id != ItemInfo.NO_ID ? ControlType.REMOVE_TARGET : ControlType.CANCEL_TARGET; //add for hide deletedroptarget [S] if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) { mControlType = isCanDrop(item) ? ControlType.REMOVE_TARGET : ControlType.CANCEL_TARGET; } } public void onAccessibilityDrop(View view, ItemInfo item) { // Remove the item from launcher and the db, we can ignore the containerInfo in this call // because we already remove the drag view from the folder (if the drag originated from // a folder) in Folder.beginDrag() //add if juge is need remove item from workspace if (!LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps() || isCanDrop(item)) { mLauncher.removeItem(view, item, true /* deleteFromDb */); mLauncher.getWorkspace().stripEmptyScreens(); mLauncher.getDragLayer() .announceForAccessibility(getContext().getString(R.string.item_removed)); } } private boolean isCanDrop(ItemInfo item){ return !(item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION || item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER); }
drop() 中增加判断,取消当前拖拽操作
private void drop(DropTarget dropTarget, Runnable flingAnimation) { .... boolean accepted = false; if (dropTarget != null) { dropTarget.onDragExit(mDragObject); if (dropTarget.acceptDrop(mDragObject)) { if (flingAnimation != null) { flingAnimation.run(); } else { dropTarget.onDrop(mDragObject, mOptions); } accepted = true; //add for cancel canceldroptarget handle if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps() && dropTarget instanceof DeleteDropTarget && isNeedCancelDrag(mDragObject.dragInfo)) { cancelDrag(); } } } ... } private boolean isNeedCancelDrag(ItemInfo item){ return (item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION || item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER); }
canInterceptTouch() 中增加判断是否直接拦截 @Override protected boolean canInterceptTouch(MotionEvent ev) { //add for forbidden workspace drag change GradientView alph if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()){ android.util.Log.e("Launcher3", "canInterceptTouch()"); return false; } if (mCurrentAnimation != null) { // If we are already animating from a previous state, we can intercept. return true; } if (AbstractFloatingView.getTopOpenView(mLauncher) != null) { return false; } if (mLauncher.isInState(ALL_APPS)) { // In all-apps only listen if the container cannot scroll itself return mLauncher.getAppsView().shouldContainerScroll(ev); } else if (mLauncher.isInState(NORMAL)) { return true; } else if (mLauncher.isInState(OVERVIEW)) { RecentsView rv = mLauncher.getOverviewPanel(); return ev.getY() > (rv.getBottom() - rv.getPaddingBottom()); } else { return false; } }
WorkspacePageIndicator 改为 PageIndicatorDots
增加 PageIndicatorDots 继承 Insettable,复写setInsets(), 调整圆点的位置
public class PageIndicatorDots extends View implements PageIndicator, Insettable { // add for change WorkspacePageIndicator line to dot @Override public void setInsets(Rect insets) { DeviceProfile grid = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile(); FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); if (grid.isVerticalBarLayout()) { Rect padding = grid.workspacePadding; lp.leftMargin = padding.left + grid.workspaceCellPaddingXPx; lp.rightMargin = padding.right + grid.workspaceCellPaddingXPx; lp.bottomMargin = padding.bottom; } else { lp.leftMargin = lp.rightMargin = 0; lp.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.BOTTOM; lp.bottomMargin = grid.hotseatBarSizePx + insets.bottom; } setLayoutParams(lp); } @Override public void setScroll(int currentScroll, int totalScroll) { if (mNumPages > 1) { if (mIsRtl) { currentScroll = totalScroll - currentScroll; } int scrollPerPage = totalScroll / (mNumPages - 1); // add for change WorkspacePageIndicator line to dot if (scrollPerPage == 0) { return; } int pageToLeft = currentScroll / scrollPerPage; int pageToLeftScroll = pageToLeft * scrollPerPage; int pageToRightScroll = pageToLeftScroll + scrollPerPage; ... }
注释 setShouldAutoHide(),避免长按 workSpace 时发生崩溃
@Override public void onStateEnabled(Launcher launcher) { Workspace ws = launcher.getWorkspace(); ws.showPageIndicatorAtCurrentScroll(); //annotaion for WorkspacePageIndicator line to dot // ws.getPageIndicator().setShouldAutoHide(false); // Prevent any Un/InstallShortcutReceivers from updating the db while we are // in spring loaded mode InstallShortcutReceiver.enableInstallQueue(InstallShortcutReceiver.FLAG_DRAG_AND_DROP); launcher.getRotationHelper().setCurrentStateRequest(REQUEST_LOCK); } @Override public void onStateDisabled(final Launcher launcher) { //annotaion for WorkspacePageIndicator line to dot // launcher.getWorkspace().getPageIndicator().setShouldAutoHide(true); // Re-enable any Un/InstallShortcutReceiver and now process any queued items InstallShortcutReceiver.disableAndFlushInstallQueue( InstallShortcutReceiver.FLAG_DRAG_AND_DROP, launcher); }
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