本文主要介绍在泛型定义中的< >中的占位符如何配合extends关键字使用,形如
interface HasColor { java.awt.Color getColor(); } class Colored{ T item; Colored(T item) { this.item = item; } T getItem() { return item; } // The bound allows you to call a method: java.awt.Color color() { return item.getColor(); } } class Dimension { public int x, y, z; } // This won't work -- class must be first, then interfaces: // class ColoredDimension { } // Multiple bounds: class ColoredDimension { T item; ColoredDimension(T item) { this.item = item; } T getItem() { return item; } java.awt.Color color() { return item.getColor(); } int getX() { return item.x; } int getY() { return item.y; } int getZ() { return item.z; } } interface Weight { int weight(); } // As with inheritance, you can have only one // concrete class but multiple interfaces: class Solid { T item; Solid(T item) { this.item = item; } T getItem() { return item; } java.awt.Color color() { return item.getColor(); } int getX() { return item.x; } int getY() { return item.y; } int getZ() { return item.z; } int weight() { return item.weight(); } } class Bounded extends Dimension implements HasColor, Weight { public java.awt.Color getColor() { return null; } public int weight() { return 0; } } public class BasicBounds { public static void main(String[] args) { Solid solid = new Solid (new Bounded()); solid.color(); solid.getY(); solid.weight(); } } ///:~
class derivedBounded extends Bounded {} class Bounded1 extends Dimension implements HasColor, Weight { public java.awt.Color getColor() { return null; } public int weight() { return 0; } } public class BasicBounds { public static void main(String[] args) { //Solidsolid = new Solid (new derivedBounded());//给定的具体类型不符合边界 Solid solid1 = new Solid (new derivedBounded());//可以传递具体类型Bounded的子类 //Solid solid2 = new Solid (new Bounded1());//编译报错,因为泛型的静态类型检查 solid1.color(); solid1.getY(); solid1.weight(); } } ///:~
根据上一条,那么new Solid
public static void main(java.lang.String[]); Code: 0: new #2 // class Solid 3: dup 4: new #3 // class Bounded 7: dup 8: invokespecial #4 // Method Bounded."":()V 11: invokespecial #5 // Method Solid." ":(LDimension;)V 14: astore_1
从Method Solid."
// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by Fernflower decompiler) import java.awt.Color; class Solid{ T item; Solid(T item) { this.item = item; } T getItem() { return this.item; } Color color() { return ((HasColor)this.item).getColor();//类型转换为其他边界,再调用方法 } int getX() { return this.item.x; } int getY() { return this.item.y; } int getZ() { return this.item.z; } int weight() { return ((Weight)this.item).weight();//类型转换为其他边界,再调用方法 } }
当调用的方法不属于第一个边界时,就进行类型转换处理为其他边界就行,反正T肯定是符合extends Dimension & HasColor & Weight的。
//HoldItem对边界T没有要求 class HoldItem{ T item; HoldItem(T item) { this.item = item; } T getItem() { return item; } } //Colored2对边界T有HasColor的要求 class Colored2 extends HoldItem { Colored2(T item) { super(item); } java.awt.Color color() { return item.getColor(); } } //ColoredDimension2对边界T有Dimension & HasColor的要求 class ColoredDimension2 extends Colored2 { ColoredDimension2(T item) { super(item); } int getX() { return item.x; } int getY() { return item.y; } int getZ() { return item.z; } } //Solid2对边界T有Dimension & HasColor & Weight的要求,不过没有类继承它了 class Solid2 extends ColoredDimension2 { Solid2(T item) { super(item); } int weight() { return item.weight(); } } public class InheritBounds { public static void main(String[] args) { Solid2 solid2 = new Solid2 (new Bounded()); solid2.color(); solid2.getY(); solid2.weight(); } } ///:~
import java.util.*; interface SuperPower {} interface XRayVision extends SuperPower { void seeThroughWalls(); } interface SuperHearing extends SuperPower { void hearSubtleNoises(); } interface SuperSmell extends SuperPower { void trackBySmell(); } class SuperHero{ POWER power; SuperHero(POWER power) { this.power = power; } POWER getPower() { return power; } } class SuperSleuth extends SuperHero { SuperSleuth(POWER power) { super(power); } void see() { power.seeThroughWalls(); } } class CanineHero extends SuperHero { CanineHero(POWER power) { super(power); } void hear() { power.hearSubtleNoises(); } void smell() { power.trackBySmell(); } } class SuperHearSmell implements SuperHearing, SuperSmell { public void hearSubtleNoises() {} public void trackBySmell() {} } class DogBoy extends CanineHero { DogBoy() { super(new SuperHearSmell()); } } public class EpicBattle { // Bounds in generic methods: static void useSuperHearing(SuperHero hero) {//泛型方法 hero.getPower().hearSubtleNoises(); } static void superFind(SuperHero hero) {//泛型方法 hero.getPower().hearSubtleNoises(); hero.getPower().trackBySmell(); } public static void main(String[] args) { DogBoy dogBoy = new DogBoy(); useSuperHearing(dogBoy); superFind(dogBoy); // You can do this: List<? extends SuperHearing> audioBoys; // But you can't do this: // List<? extends SuperHearing & SuperSmell> dogBoys; } } ///:~
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