方法一:DataColumn.Expression & DataTable.Compute方法(不支持函数)
Dim objData As New DataTable objData.Columns.Add("a", Type.GetType(Integer)) objData.Columns.Add("b", Type.GetType(Integer)) objData.Columns.Add("c", Type.GetType(Integer)) Dim objCol As DataColumn = _ objData.Columns.Add("x", Type.GetType(Integer)) objCol.Expression = "a+b*c-2" Dim objRow As DataRow = DataTable.NewRow() objRow("a") = 2 objRow("b") = 3 objRow("c") = 4 objData.Rows.Add(objRow) Console.WriteLine(objData.Rows(0)("x"))
MessageBox.Show((new DataTable()).Compute("1+2*3/4", "").ToString())
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Public Class Evaluate Shared ReadOnly m_instance As New Evaluate() '''''' 构造函数 ''' '''Shared Sub New() End Sub ''' ''' 获取实例 ''' '''''' ''' Public Shared ReadOnly Property Instance() As Evaluate Get Return m_instance End Get End Property ' A number is a sequence of digits optionally followed by a dot and ' another sequence of digits. The number in parenthesis in order to ' define an unnamed group. Private Const Num As String = "(\-?\d+\.?\d*)" ' List of 1-operand functions. Private Const Func1 As String = "(exp|log|log10|abs|sqr|sqrt|sin|cos|tan|asin|acos|atan)" ' List of 2-operand functions. Private Const Func2 As String = "(atan2)" ' List of N-operand functions. Private Const FuncN As String = "(min|max)" ' List of predefined constants. Private Const Constants As String = "(e|pi)" Function Eval(ByVal expr As String) As Double ' Define one Regex object for each supported operation. ' They are outside the loop, so that they are compiled only once. ' Binary operations are defined as two numbers with a symbol between them ' optionally separated by spaces. Dim rePower As New Regex(Num & "\s*(\^)\s*" & Num) Dim reAddSub As New Regex(Num & "\s*([-+])\s*" & Num) Dim reMulDiv As New Regex(Num & "\s*([*/])\s*" & Num) ' These Regex objects resolve call to functions. (Case insensitivity.) Dim reFunc1 As New Regex(Func1 & "\(\s*" & Num & "\s*\)", _ RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) Dim reFunc2 As New Regex(Func2 & "\(\s*" & Num & "\s*,\s*" & Num _ & "\s*\)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) Dim reFuncN As New Regex(FuncN & "\((\s*" & Num & "\s*,)+\s*" & Num _ & "\s*\)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' This Regex object drop a + when it follows an operator. Dim reSign1 As New Regex("([-+/*^])\s*\+") ' This Regex object converts a double minus into a plus. Dim reSign2 As New Regex("\-\s*\-") ' This Regex object drops parenthesis around a number. ' (must not be preceded by an alphanum char (it might be a function name) Dim rePar As New Regex("(? "" ' Get the argument, replace any comma to space, and convert to double. args.Add(CDbl(m.Groups(i).Value.Replace(","c, " "c))) i += 1 Loop Dim str As String = "" ' function name is 1st group. Select Case m.Groups(1).Value.ToUpper Case "MIN" args.Sort() str = args(0).ToString Case "MAX" args.Sort() str = args(args.Count - 1).ToString End Select Return str End Function End Class
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