If bEditCommand = False Then
End If
If bDoRepositioning = True Then
End If
Public Sub objOpenedForMod(ByVal o As Object, ByVal e As ObjectEventArgs) If bEditCommand = False Then Return End If If bDoRepositioning = True Then Return End If Dim objId As ObjectId objId = e.DBObject.ObjectId Dim trans As Transaction Dim bt As BlockTable Dim db As Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Try 'Use it to open the current object! Dim ent As Entity = trans.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead, False) If TypeOf ent Is BlockReference Then 'We use .NET's RTTI to establish type. Dim br As BlockReference = CType(ent, BlockReference) 'Test whether it is an employee block 'open its extension dictionary If br.ExtensionDictionary().IsValid Then Dim brExtDict As DBDictionary = trans.GetObject(br.ExtensionDictionary(), OpenMode.ForRead) If brExtDict.GetAt("EmployeeData").IsValid Then 'successfully got "EmployeeData" so br is employee block ref 'Store the objectID and the position changedObjects.Add(objId) employeePositions.Add(br.Position) 'Get the attribute references,if any Dim atts As AttributeCollection atts = br.AttributeCollection If atts.Count > 0 Then Dim attId As ObjectId For Each attId In atts Dim att As AttributeReference att = trans.GetObject(attId, OpenMode.ForRead, False) changedObjects.Add(attId) employeePositions.Add(att.Position) Next End If End If End If End If trans.Commit() Finally trans.Dispose() End Try End Sub
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