Similar to R.12, which tells you to avoid raw owning pointers, you should also avoid raw threads and raw promises where possible. Use a factory function such as std::async, which handles spawning or reusing a thread without exposing raw threads to your own code.
int read_value(const std::string& filename)
std::ifstream in(filename);
int value;
in >> value;
return value;
void async_example()
try {
std::future f1 = std::async(read_value, "v1.txt");
std::future f2 = std::async(read_value, "v2.txt");
std::cout << f1.get() + f2.get() << '\n';
} catch (const std::ios_base::failure& fail) {
// handle exception here
Unfortunately, std::async is not perfect. For example, it doesn't use a thread pool, which means that it may fail due to resource exhaustion, rather than queuing up your tasks to be executed later. However, even if you cannot use std::async, you should prefer to write your own future-returning factory function, rather than using raw promises.
This example shows two different ways to succeed at using std::future, but to fail at avoiding raw std::thread management.
void async_example()
std::promise p1;
std::future f1 = p1.get_future();
std::thread t1([p1 = std::move(p1)]() mutable {
t1.detach(); // evil
std::packaged_task pt2(read_value, "v2.txt");
std::future f2 = pt2.get_future();
std::cout << f1.get() + f2.get() << '\n';
This example shows one way you could follow the general pattern set by std::async, in a context where std::async itself was unacceptable for use in production.
void async_example(WorkQueue& wq)
std::future f1 = wq.enqueue([]() {
return read_value("v1.txt");
std::future f2 = wq.enqueue([]() {
return read_value("v2.txt");
std::cout << f1.get() + f2.get() << '\n';
Any threads spawned to execute the code of read_value are hidden behind the call to WorkQueue::enqueue. The user code deals only with future objects, never with raw thread, promise, or packaged_task objects.
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