APPLIES TO:Oracle Cost Management - Version 11.5.6 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1]Information in this document applies to any platform. ***Checked for relevance on 27-Oct-2012*** SYMPTOMS Uncosted material transactions in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS are preventing Inventory period close. Manually changing costed_flag from 'E' to 'N' will not clear errored transactions. 创新互联建站2013年至今,先为红河哈尼等服务建站,红河哈尼等地企业,进行企业商务咨询服务。为红河哈尼企业网站制作PC+手机+微官网三网同步一站式服务解决您的所有建站问题。 cmlwmx-2: INV_NO_UPDATE ORA-01403: no data found CAUSEThis is an issue of missing rows in WIP_PERIOD_BALANCES. There is no row in WIP_PERIOD_BALANCES for the acct_period_id and wip_entity_id specified in errored the transaction row. SOLUTIONRun script cm276916.sql for discrete jobs or cm325424.sql for repetitive schedules. Note: These scripts were originally included in base release 10.7 under $BOM_TOP/sql. For release 11 these scripts found in Errored Transactions in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS INV_NO_UPDATE / CST_INVALID_WIP Transactions with no error messages. bug:896773 For Repetitive Schedules missing WIP_PERIOD_BALANCE script the following statement has been removed (per Bug 896773bug:896773): AND OAP.SCHEDULE_CLOSE_DATE >= NVL(WRS.DATE_RELEASED, WRS.CREATION_DATE) Additionally, for repetitive schedules you need to determine if rows are missing from MTL_MATERIAL_TXN_ALLOCATIONS. If there are rows missing use script to correct missing rows in MTL_MATERIAL_TXN_ALLOCATIONS. For datafix, please consider referencing Note 1531200.1 Month End Issue:Uncosted WIP Transactions Due To CST_INVALID_WIP. |
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