Excel 导出
Excel 的导入导出都是依赖于js-xlsx来实现的。
在 js-xlsx的基础上又封装了Export2Excel.js来方便导出数据。
由于 Export2Excel不仅依赖js-xlsx还依赖file-saver和script-loader。
npm install xlsx file-saver -S
npm install script-loader -S -D
import('@/vendor/Export2Excel').then(excel => { excel.export_json_to_excel({ header: tHeader, //表头 必填 data, //具体数据 必填 filename: 'excel-list', //非必填, 导出文件的名字 autoWidth: true, //非必填, 导出文件的排列方式 bookType: 'xlsx' //非必填, 导出文件的格式 }) })
在v3.9.1+以后的版本中移除了对 Bolb 的兼容性代码,如果你还需要兼容很低版本的浏览器可以手动引入blob-polyfill进行兼容。
参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
header | 导出数据的表头 | Array | / | [] |
data | 导出的具体数据 | Array | / | [] |
filename | 导出文件名 | String | / | excel-list |
autoWidth | 单元格是否要自适应宽度 | Boolean | true / false | true |
bookType | 导出文件类型 | String | xlsx, csv, txt, more | xlsx |
require('script-loader!file-saver'); import XLSX from 'xlsx' function generateArray(table) { var out = []; var rows = table.querySelectorAll('tr'); var ranges = []; for (var R = 0; R < rows.length; ++R) { var outRow = []; var row = rows[R]; var columns = row.querySelectorAll('td'); for (var C = 0; C < columns.length; ++C) { var cell = columns[C]; var colspan = cell.getAttribute('colspan'); var rowspan = cell.getAttribute('rowspan'); var cellValue = cell.innerText; if (cellValue !== "" && cellValue == +cellValue) cellValue = +cellValue; //Skip ranges ranges.forEach(function (range) { if (R >= range.s.r && R <= range.e.r && outRow.length >= range.s.c && outRow.length <= range.e.c) { for (var i = 0; i <= range.e.c - range.s.c; ++i) outRow.push(null); } }); //Handle Row Span if (rowspan || colspan) { rowspan = rowspan || 1; colspan = colspan || 1; ranges.push({ s: { r: R, c: outRow.length }, e: { r: R + rowspan - 1, c: outRow.length + colspan - 1 } }); }; //Handle Value outRow.push(cellValue !== "" ? cellValue : null); //Handle Colspan if (colspan) for (var k = 0; k < colspan - 1; ++k) outRow.push(null); } out.push(outRow); } return [out, ranges]; }; function datenum(v, date1904) { if (date1904) v += 1462; var epoch = Date.parse(v); return (epoch - new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30))) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } function sheet_from_array_of_arrays(data, opts) { var ws = {}; var range = { s: { c: 10000000, r: 10000000 }, e: { c: 0, r: 0 } }; for (var R = 0; R != data.length; ++R) { for (var C = 0; C != data[R].length; ++C) { if (range.s.r > R) range.s.r = R; if (range.s.c > C) range.s.c = C; if (range.e.r < R) range.e.r = R; if (range.e.c < C) range.e.c = C; var cell = { v: data[R][C] }; if (cell.v == null) continue; var cell_ref = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({ c: C, r: R }); if (typeof cell.v === 'number') cell.t = 'n'; else if (typeof cell.v === 'boolean') cell.t = 'b'; else if (cell.v instanceof Date) { cell.t = 'n'; cell.z = XLSX.SSF._table[14]; cell.v = datenum(cell.v); } else cell.t = 's'; ws[cell_ref] = cell; } } if (range.s.c < 10000000) ws['!ref'] = XLSX.utils.encode_range(range); return ws; } function Workbook() { if (!(this instanceof Workbook)) return new Workbook(); this.SheetNames = []; this.Sheets = {}; } function s2ab(s) { var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length); var view = new Uint8Array(buf); for (var i = 0; i != s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF; return buf; } export function export_table_to_excel(id) { var theTable = document.getElementById(id); var oo = generateArray(theTable); var ranges = oo[1]; /* original data */ var data = oo[0]; var ws_name = "SheetJS"; var wb = new Workbook(), ws = sheet_from_array_of_arrays(data); /* add ranges to worksheet */ // ws['!cols'] = ['apple', 'banan']; ws['!merges'] = ranges; /* add worksheet to workbook */ wb.SheetNames.push(ws_name); wb.Sheets[ws_name] = ws; var wbout = XLSX.write(wb, { bookType: 'xlsx', bookSST: false, type: 'binary' }); saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], { type: "application/octet-stream" }), "test.xlsx") } export function export_json_to_excel({ multiHeader = [], header, data, filename, merges = [], autoWidth = true, bookType = 'xlsx' } = {}) { /* original data */ filename = filename || 'excel-list' data = [...data] data.unshift(header); for (let i = multiHeader.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { data.unshift(multiHeader[i]) } var ws_name = "SheetJS"; var wb = new Workbook(), ws = sheet_from_array_of_arrays(data); if (merges.length > 0) { if (!ws['!merges']) ws['!merges'] = []; merges.forEach(item => { ws['!merges'].push(XLSX.utils.decode_range(item)) }) } if (autoWidth) { /*设置worksheet每列的最大宽度*/ const colWidth = data.map(row => row.map(val => { /*先判断是否为null/undefined*/ if (val == null) { return { 'wch': 10 }; } /*再判断是否为中文*/ else if (val.toString().charCodeAt(0) > 255) { return { 'wch': val.toString().length * 2 }; } else { return { 'wch': val.toString().length }; } })) /*以第一行为初始值*/ let result = colWidth[0]; for (let i = 1; i < colWidth.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < colWidth[i].length; j++) { if (result[j]['wch'] < colWidth[i][j]['wch']) { result[j]['wch'] = colWidth[i][j]['wch']; } } } ws['!cols'] = result; } /* add worksheet to workbook */ wb.SheetNames.push(ws_name); wb.Sheets[ws_name] = ws; var wbout = XLSX.write(wb, { bookType: bookType, bookSST: false, type: 'binary' }); saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], { type: "application/octet-stream" }), `${filename}.${bookType}`); }
export default { name: "exportExcelDialog", data() { return { // 列表内容 list: null, // loding窗口状态 listLoading: true, // 下载loding窗口状态 downloadLoading: false, // 导出文件名称 filename: "", // 导出表格宽度是否auto autoWidth: true, // 导出文件格式 bookType: "xlsx", // 默认导出文件后缀类型 options: ["xlsx", "csv", "txt"] }; }, methods: { // 导出Excel表格 handleDownload() { this.downloadLoading = true; // 懒加载该用法 import("@/vendor/Export2Excel").then(excel => { // 设置导出表格的头部 const tHeader = ["序号", "订单号", "菜品", "收银员", "金额", "时间"]; // 设置要导出的属性 const filterVal = [ "id", "title", "foods", "author", "pageviews", "display_time" ]; // 获取当前展示的表格数据 const list = this.list; // 将要导出的数据进行一个过滤 const data = this.formatJson(filterVal, list); // 调用我们封装好的方法进行导出Excel excel.export_json_to_excel({ // 导出的头部 header: tHeader, // 导出的内容 data, // 导出的文件名称 filename: this.filename, // 导出的表格宽度是否自动 autoWidth: this.autoWidth, // 导出文件的后缀类型 bookType: this.bookType }); this.downloadLoading = false; }); }, // 对要导出的内容进行过滤 formatJson(filterVal, jsonData) { return jsonData.map(v => filterVal.map(j => { if (j === "timestamp") { return this.parseTime(v[j]); } else { return v[j]; } }) ); }, // 过滤时间 parseTime(time, cFormat) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return null; } const format = cFormat || "{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}"; let date; if (typeof time === "object") { date = time; } else { if (typeof time === "string" && /^[0-9]+$/.test(time)) { time = parseInt(time); } if (typeof time === "number" && time.toString().length === 10) { time = time * 1000; } date = new Date(time); } const formatObj = { y: date.getFullYear(), m: date.getMonth() + 1, d: date.getDate(), h: date.getHours(), i: date.getMinutes(), s: date.getSeconds(), a: date.getDay() }; const timeStr = format.replace(/{(y|m|d|h|i|s|a)+}/g, (result, key) => { let value = formatObj[key]; // Note: getDay() returns 0 on Sunday if (key === "a") { return ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"][value]; } if (result.length > 0 && value < 10) { value = "0" + value; } return value || 0; }); return timeStr; } }, mounted() { // 模拟获取数据 setTimeout(() => { this.list = [ { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" }, { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" }, { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" }, { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" }, { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" }, { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" }, { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" }, { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" }, { timestamp: 1432179778664, author: "Charles", comment_disabled: true, content_short: "mock data", display_time: "1994-05-25 23:37:25", foods: "鸡翅、萝卜、牛肉、红烧大闸蟹、红烧鸡翅", id: 1, image_uri: "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3", importance: 3, pageviews: 2864, platforms: ["a-platform"], reviewer: "Sandra", status: "published", title: "O20190407135010000000001", type: "CN" } ]; this.listLoading = false; }, 2000); }, filters: { // 过滤时间 parseTime(time, cFormat) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return null; } const format = cFormat || "{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}"; let date; if (typeof time === "object") { date = time; } else { if (typeof time === "string" && /^[0-9]+$/.test(time)) { time = parseInt(time); } if (typeof time === "number" && time.toString().length === 10) { time = time * 1000; } date = new Date(time); } const formatObj = { y: date.getFullYear(), m: date.getMonth() + 1, d: date.getDate(), h: date.getHours(), i: date.getMinutes(), s: date.getSeconds(), a: date.getDay() }; const timeStr = format.replace(/{(y|m|d|h|i|s|a)+}/g, (result, key) => { let value = formatObj[key]; // Note: getDay() returns 0 on Sunday if (key === "a") { return ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"][value]; } if (result.length > 0 && value < 10) { value = "0" + value; } return value || 0; }); return timeStr; } } }True False export Excel {{ scope.$index }} {{ scope.row.title }} {{ scope.row.foods }} {{ scope.row.author }} {{ scope.row.pageviews }} {{ scope.row.timestamp | parseTime('{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}') }}
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