//这是在上一个实例的基础上用strcat函数解决了回车换行的问题 #include#include #include int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int fd; //文件描述符 int temp; //临时变量 char writebuf[30]; //用于存放写入字符串 char endbuf[] = "\n"; //存放一个回车换行符号 if(argc != 2) //如果参考字符串错误 { printf("Plz input the correct file name as 'exam308WriteFun filename'\n"); //输出提示字符串 return 1; } else { fd = open(*(argv + 1),O_RDWR|O_CREAT,S_IRWXU); //打开文件,如果没有则创建 } printf("The File Descriptor is %d\n",fd); //打印文件描述符 printf("Plz input the strings!\n"); gets(writebuf); //将终端输入的数据写入文件 strcat(writebuf,endbuf); //添加换行符 temp = write(fd,writebuf,strlen(writebuf)); //使用文件描述符调用文件 printf("The input length is %d\n",temp); close(fd); return 0; }
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