本文主要通过一个bug来记录一下如何分析一个MySQL bug的崩溃信息。
版本:Percona 5.7.17-11
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): vector::_M_range_check 04:10:09 UTC - mysqld got signal 6 ; mysqld got signal 6 ; ...... Thread pointer: 0x0 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went terribly wrong... stack_bottom = 0 thread_stack 0x40000 /dbdata/mysql3306/bin/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace+0x35)[0xf3e175] /dbdata/mysql3306/bin/mysqld(handle_fatal_signal+0x4b4)[0x7c3b94] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0xf7e0)[0x7f79f28e87e0] /lib64/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x35)[0x7f79f137d495] /lib64/libc.so.6(abort+0x175)[0x7f79f137ec75] /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(_ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv+0x12d)[0x7f79f1c37a8d] /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0xbcbe6)[0x7f79f1c35be6] /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0xbcc13)[0x7f79f1c35c13] /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0xbcd32)[0x7f79f1c35d32] /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(_ZSt20__throw_out_of_rangePKc+0x67)[0x7f79f1bdadb7] /dbdata/mysql3306/bin/mysqld[0x11d8f15] /dbdata/mysql3306/bin/mysqld[0x11d99d5] /dbdata/mysql3306/bin/mysqld(_Z17dict_stats_updateP12dict_table_t23dict_stats_upd_option_t+0x9dc)[0x11de0cc] /dbdata/mysql3306/bin/mysqld(dict_stats_thread+0x4f2)[0x11e0512] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x7aa1)[0x7f79f28e0aa1] /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d)[0x7f79f1433bcd] You may download the Percona Server operations manual by visiting http://www.percona.com/software/percona-server/. You may find information in the manual which will help you identify the cause of the crash.
这部分是数据库崩溃的时候的栈帧,因为收到的是信号6 SIGABRT,只要捕获信号后改变其行为即可。这部分在MySQL官方文档中叫做Stack Trace,参考: Using a Stack Trace
[0xf3e175] [0x7c3b94] [0x7f79f28e87e0] [0x7f79f137d495] [0x7f79f137ec75] [0x7f79f1c37a8d] [0x7f79f1c35be6] [0x7f79f1c35c13] [0x7f79f1c35d32] [0x7f79f1bdadb7] [0x11d8f15] [0x11d99d5] [0x11de0cc] [0x11e0512] [0x7f79f28e0aa1] [0x7f79f1433bcd]2、将这些地址放入一个文件
如:vi /tmp/err0222.log放入即可
3、通nm命令获取库文件链接文件如:nm -D -n ./mysqld > /tmp/mysqld.sym
[root@dyzsdb2 bin]# ./resolve_stack_dump -s /tmp/mysqld.sym -n /tmp/err0222.log | c++filt
0xf3e175 my_print_stacktrace + 53
0x7c3b94 handle_fatal_signal + 1204
0x7f79f28e87e0 _end + -258115144
0x7f79f137d495 _end + -280574355
0x7f79f137ec75 _end + -280568243
0x7f79f1c37a8d _end + -271422363
0x7f79f1c35be6 _end + -271430210
0x7f79f1c35c13 _end + -271430165
0x7f79f1c35d32 _end + -271429878
0x7f79f1bdadb7 _end + -271802481
0x11d8f15 dict_stats_analyze_index_for_n_prefix(dict_index_t*, unsigned long, std::vector> const*, n_diff_data_t*, mtr_t*) + 4949
0x11d99d5 dict_stats_analyze_index(dict_index_t*) + 2693
0x11de0cc dict_stats_update(dict_table_t*, dict_stats_upd_option_t) + 2524
0x11e0512 dict_stats_thread + 1266 0x7f79f28e0aa1 _end + -258147207
0x7f79f1433bcd _end + -279827035
三、通过官方网站查询Bug在报错信息中提起比较代表性的信息在官方网站中进行搜索通过在percona中查看发现本bug由上游MySQL代码造成BUG号:Bug #84940
[10 Feb 2017 8:12] Shane Bester Oli, Umesh, this would be same as internal: Bug 24585978 - INNODB: ASSERTION TOTAL_RECS > 0 FAILURE IN FILE DICT0STATS.CC
然后在git的commit log中搜索得到
git --no-pager log >/root/commitlog
vi /root/commitlog 找到commit号为:
commit 29acdaaaeef9afe32b42785f1da3d79d56ed7e59 Author: Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani Date: Wed Feb 8 12:00:52 2017 +0530 Bug #24585978 INNODB: ASSERTION TOTAL_RECS > 0 FAILURE IN FILE DICT0STATS.CC Analysis: ======== There was missing bracket for IF conditon in dict_stats_analyze_index_level() and it leads to wrong result. Fix: ==== Fix the IF condition in dict_stats_analyze_index_level() so that it satisfied the if condtion only if level is zero. Reviewed-by : Jimmy Yang diff --git a/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc b/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc index 3494070..55a2626 100644 --- a/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc +++ b/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc @@ -1099,10 +1099,10 @@ dict_stats_analyze_index_level( leaf-level delete marks because delete marks on non-leaf level do not make sense. */ - if (level == 0 && srv_stats_include_delete_marked? 0: + if (level == 0 && (srv_stats_include_delete_marked ? 0: rec_get_deleted_flag( rec, - page_is_comp(btr_pcur_get_page(&pcur)))) { + page_is_comp(btr_pcur_get_page(&pcur))))) { if (rec_is_last_on_page && !prev_rec_is_copied
if (level == 0 && srv_stats_include_delete_marked ? 0: rec_get_deleted_flag( rec, page_is_comp(btr_pcur_get_page(&pcur)))) 修改为了 if (level == 0 && (srv_stats_include_delete_marked ? 0: rec_get_deleted_flag( rec, page_is_comp(btr_pcur_get_page(&pcur)))))
如果level != 0 不管innodb_stats_include_delete_marked参数如何设置必然触发判断是否存在del_flag,然后通过设置偏移量的方式 跳过这行,但是随后的(*total_recs)++; 将不会触发,极端情况下可能为0。
/* if any of these is 0 then there is exactly one page in the B-tree and it is empty and we should have done full scan and should not be here */ ut_ad(total_recs > 0); ut_ad(n_diff_on_level[n_prefix - 1] > 0);
innodb-stats-persistent = 0
innodb-stats-transient-sample-pages = 20
innodb-stats-auto-recalc = 0
if (dict_stats_is_persistent_enabled(table)) { //参数innodb-stats-persistent 作用 if (counter > n_rows / 10 /* 10% */ && dict_stats_auto_recalc_is_enabled(table)) {//参数innodb-stats-auto-recalc 作用 dict_stats_recalc_pool_add(table); table->stat_modified_counter = 0; } return; } /* Calculate new statistics if 1 / 16 of table has been modified since the last time a statistics batch was run. We calculate statistics at most every 16th round, since we may have a counter table which is very small and updated very often. */ if (counter > 16 + n_rows / 16 /* 6.25% */) { ut_ad(!mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); /* this will reset table->stat_modified_counter to 0 */ dict_stats_update(table, DICT_STATS_RECALC_TRANSIENT); }
这样做的话肯定不会调用到触发bug的函数,有兴趣的可以看看dict_stats_update(table, DICT_STATS_RECALC_TRANSIENT);的逻辑。实际上使用的是老的方式断点可以打在btr_estimate_number_of_different_key_vals函数上。
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