%_______________________________________________________________________________________% % Sea-Horse optimizer (SHO) % Developed in MATLAB R2018a % optimization problems. % Applied Intelligence %_______________________________________________________________________________________% clear all clc close all popsize=30; % Number of search agents Max_iter=100; % Maximum iteration F_name='F4'; % Name of the test function that can be from F1 to F23 (Table 2,3,4 in the paper) [LB,UB,Dim,fobj]=BenchmarkFunctions(F_name);% Load details of the selected benchmark function tic [ObjectiveFitness,ObjectivePosition,Convergence_curve,Trajectories,fitness_history, population_history]=SHO(popsize,Max_iter,LB,UB,Dim,fobj); time=toc; figure('Position',[454 445 694 297]); subplot(1,2,1); func_plot(F_name); title('Parameter space') xlabel('x_1'); ylabel('x_2'); zlabel([F_name,'( x_1 , x_2 )']) subplot(1,2,2); semilogy(1:Max_iter,Convergence_curve,'color','r','linewidth',2.5); title('Convergence curve'); xlabel('Iteration'); ylabel('Best score obtained so far') display(['The running time is:', num2str(time)]); display(['The best solution obtained by SHO is : ', num2str(ObjectiveFitness)]); display(['The best optimal sea horse of the objective funciton found by SHO is : ', num2str(ObjectivePosition)]);
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