using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; public class Test2 { public void aaB(string a, int b) { if(a!=null) { Console.WriteLine("The stirng is " + a + ", the number is " + b); } else { Console.WriteLine("error"); } } public void checkType(object type) { Console.WriteLine("The "+type+" type is {0},", type.GetType()); } public static void Main() { Test2 ts = new Test2(); string a="my name is a"; int b=3662296; ts.aaB(a,b); //C#判断数据类型 int i = 5; string k="哈,今天的天氣不錯,我叫string "; Console.WriteLine("i is an int ? {0}" , i.GetType() == typeof(int)); Console.WriteLine("i is an int ? {0}" , typeof(int).IsInstanceOfType(i)); Console.WriteLine("k is an int ? {0}" , typeof(int).IsInstanceOfType(k)); Console.WriteLine("The type of k is {0},",k.GetType()); ts.checkType(k); ts.checkType(i); } }
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