2台SQL Server 2012 Always ON服务
Always ON服务正常,同步正常,应用正常。
Second Server Server Agent 启动数秒后就自动停止。
1、查看Windows 系统日志,显示如下信息:
2、在SQL Studio 中查看当前Error Log
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Information,[098] SQLServerAgent terminated (normally)
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Error,[382] Logon to server 'domain\SQLInstance' failed (DisableAgentXPs)
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Error,[165] ODBC Error: 0
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Error,[165] ODBC Error: 0
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Error,[165] ODBC Error: 0
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Error,[165] ODBC Error: 0
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Error,[165] ODBC Error: 0
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Error,[000] Unable to connect to server 'domain\SQLInstance'; SQLServerAgent cannot start
09/25/2018 13:54:07,,Error,[150] SQL Server does not accept the connection (error: 0). Waiting for Sql Server to allow connections. Operation attempted was: Verify Connection On Start.
09/25/2018 13:53:37,,Error,[150] SQL Server does not accept the connection (error: 0). Waiting for Sql Server to allow connections. Operation attempted was: Verify Connection On Start.
09/25/2018 13:53:07,,Error,[150] SQL Server does not accept the connection (error: 0). Waiting for Sql Server to allow connections. Operation attempted was: Verify Connection On Start.
09/25/2018 13:52:37,,Error,[150] SQL Server does not accept the connection (error: 0). Waiting for Sql Server to allow connections. Operation attempted was: Verify Connection On Start.
09/25/2018 13:52:07,,Error,[150] SQL Server does not accept the connection (error: 0). Waiting for Sql Server to allow connections. Operation attempted was: Verify Connection On Start.
09/25/2018 13:52:07,,Information,[495] The SQL Server Agent startup service account is domain\dbadmin.
09/25/2018 13:52:07,,Information,[100] Microsoft SQLServerAgent version 11.0.3000.0 (X64 unicode retail build) : Process ID 1008
3、结合以上错误,似乎都指向ODBC,打开ODBC,发现ODBC 64bit 中Driver为空
正常是应该有SQL Server和 SQL Native Client 11这两个驱动的。
4、在SQL Server 2012 安装包中找到sqlncli.msi 重新安装SQL Native Client 11(注意选择重装,而不是修复)。
5、再次在ODBC中查看,SQL Native Client 11已经有了。
6、重启SQL Agent ,观察几分钟后没有再出现自动停止的现象,问题解决。
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