oracle sys用户无效对象 select owner,object_name , replace(object_type,' ','') object_type ,to_char(created,'yyyy-mm-dd') as created ,to_char(last_ddl_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') as last_ddl_time, status from dba_objects where status='INVALID' and owner='SYS'; OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE CREATED LAST_DDL_TIME STATUS ------ --------------------- ------------- ----------- -------------- ---------- SYS ALL_TAB_STATISTICS VIEW 2011-09-17 2012-05-16 INVALID SYS USER_TAB_STATISTICS VIEW 2011-09-17 2012-05-16 INVALID SYS ALL_IND_STATISTICS VIEW 2011-09-17 2012-05-16 INVALID SYS USER_IND_STATISTICS VIEW 2011-09-17 2012-05-16 INVALID SYS VALIDATE_ORDIM PROCEDURE 2011-09-17 2012-05-16 INVALID SYS DBMS_CUBE_ADVISE PACKAGEBODY 2011-09-17 2012-05-16 INVALID SYS DBMS_CUBE PACKAGEBODY 2011-09-17 2012-05-16 INVALID 方法1:手动重新rebuilt SQL>alter view sys.ALL_TAB_STATISTICS compile; SQL>alter view sys.USER_TAB_STATISTICS compile; SQL>alter view ALL_IND_STATISTICS compile; SQL>alter view sys.USER_IND_STATISTICS compile; SQL>alter procedure sys.VALIDATE_ORDIM compile; SQL>alter package DBMS_CUBE_ADVISE compile body; SQL>alter package DBMS_CUBE compile body; 方法2: oracle用户下执行 $cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin $sqlplus / as sysdba SQL>@utlprp.sql 编译完成后,再次查看 SQL> select owner,object_name 2 , replace(object_type,' ','') object_type 3 ,to_char(created,'yyyy-mm-dd') as created 4 ,to_char(last_ddl_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') as last_ddl_time, 5 status 6 from dba_objects where status='INVALID' and owner='SYS'; no rows selected 方法3: 以下是一个转帖的方法 --创建自动编译失效过程事务记录表 declare tabcnt integer := 0; begin select count(*) into tabcnt from dba_tables where table_name='RECOMPILE_LOG'; if tabcnt = 0 then execute immediate 'create table recompile_log(rdate date,errmsg varchar2(200))'; end if; end; / --创建编译失效对象的存储过程 create or replace procedure recompile_invalid_objects as str_sql varchar2(200); --中间用到的sql语句 p_owner varchar2(20); --所有者名称,即SCHEMA errm varchar2(200); --中间错误信息 begin /*****************************************************/ p_owner := 'owner';/***用户名*************************/ /*****************************************************/ insert into recompile_log(rdate, errmsg) values(sysdate,'time to recompile invalid objects'); --编译失效存储过程 for invalid_procedures in (select object_name from all_objects where status = 'INVALID' and object_type = 'PROCEDURE' and owner=upper(p_owner)) loop str_sql := 'alter procedure ' ||invalid_procedures.object_name || ' compile'; begin execute immediate str_sql; exception When Others Then begin errm := 'error by obj:'||invalid_procedures.object_name||' '||sqlerrm; insert into recompile_log(rdate, errmsg) values(sysdate,errm); end; end; end loop; --编译失效函数 for invalid_functions in (select object_name from all_objects where status = 'INVALID' and object_type = 'FUNCTION' and owner=upper(p_owner)) loop str_sql := 'alter function ' ||invalid_functions.object_name || ' compile'; begin execute immediate str_sql; exception When Others Then begin errm := 'error by obj:'||invalid_functions.object_name||' '||sqlerrm; insert into recompile_log(rdate, errmsg) values(sysdate,errm); end; end; end loop; --编译失效包 for invalid_packages in (select object_name from all_objects where status = 'INVALID' and object_type = 'PACKAGE' and owner=upper(p_owner)) loop str_sql := 'alter package ' ||invalid_packages.object_name || ' compile'; begin execute immediate str_sql; exception When Others Then begin errm := 'error by obj:'||invalid_packages.object_name||' '||sqlerrm; insert into recompile_log(rdate, errmsg) values(sysdate,errm); end; end; end loop; --编译失效类型 for invalid_types in (select object_name from all_objects where status = 'INVALID' and object_type = 'TYPE' and owner=upper(p_owner)) loop str_sql := 'alter type ' ||invalid_types.object_name || ' compile'; begin execute immediate str_sql; exception When Others Then begin errm := 'error by obj:'||invalid_types.object_name||' '||sqlerrm; insert into recompile_log(rdate, errmsg) values(sysdate,errm); end; end; end loop; --编译失效索引 for invalid_indexs in (select object_name from all_objects where status = 'INVALID' and object_type = 'INDEX' and owner=upper(p_owner)) loop str_sql := 'alter index ' ||invalid_indexs.object_name || ' rebuild'; begin execute immediate str_sql; exception When Others Then begin errm := 'error by obj:'||invalid_indexs.object_name||' '||sqlerrm; insert into recompile_log(rdate, errmsg) values(sysdate,errm); end; end; end loop; --编译失效触发器 for invalid_triggers in (select object_name from all_objects where status = 'INVALID' and object_type = 'TRIGGER' and owner=upper(p_owner)) loop str_sql := 'alter trigger ' ||invalid_triggers.object_name || ' compile'; begin execute immediate str_sql; exception When Others Then begin errm := 'error by obj:'||invalid_triggers.object_name||' '||sqlerrm; insert into recompile_log(rdate, errmsg) values(sysdate,errm); end; end; end loop; end; / --创建任务计划,每天早上8点整执行该任务,且保证此任务有且只有一个 declare jobcnt integer :=0; job_recompile number := 0; str_sql varchar2(200); begin select count(*) into jobcnt from all_jobs where what = 'recompile_invalid_objects;' and broken = 'N'; if jobcnt > 0 then for jobs in (select job from all_jobs where what = 'recompile_invalid_objects;' and broken = 'N') loop str_sql := 'begin dbms_job.remove('||jobs.job||'); end;'; begin execute immediate str_sql; exception When Others Then null; end; end loop; end if; --创建任务计划 dbms_job.submit(job_recompile,'recompile_invalid_objects;',sysdate,'TRUNC(SYSDATE + 1) + 8/24'); --启动任务计划; end; /
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