这篇文章给大家介绍CentOS 7与CentOS 6的区别是什么,内容非常详细,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考借鉴,希望对大家能有所帮助。
创新互联公司专注于龙安网站建设服务及定制,我们拥有丰富的企业做网站经验。 热诚为您提供龙安营销型网站建设,龙安网站制作、龙安网页设计、龙安网站官网定制、重庆小程序开发服务,打造龙安网络公司原创品牌,更为您提供龙安网站排名全网营销落地服务。
[CentOS 6] GNOME 2.x
[CentOS 7] GNOME 3.x(GNOME Shell)
[CentOS 6] ext4
[CentOS 7] xfs
[CentOS 6] 2.6.x-x
[CentOS 7] 3.10.x-x
[CentOS 6] 2.6
[CentOS 7] 2.7
[CentOS 6] iptables
[CentOS 7] firewalld
[CentOS 6] MySQL
[CentOS 7] MariaDB
[CentOS 6] /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /lib64在/下
[CentOS 7] /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /lib64在/usr下
[CentOS 6] /etc/sysconfig/network
[CentOS 7] /etc/hostname
[CentOS 6]
$ ntp
$ ntpq -p
[CentOS 7]
$ chrony
$ chronyc sources
[CentOS 6]
$ vim /etc/sysconfig/clock
$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo/etc/localtime
[CentOS 7]
$ timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo
$ timedatectl status
[CentOS 6]
$ vim /etc/sysconfig/i18n
$ /etc/sysconfig/i18n
$ locale
[CentOS 7]
$ localectl set-locale.utf8
$ localectl status
实际修改的是文件 /etc/locale.conf
修改 Secure CRT 的Terminal—>Appearance—>“Character encoding”为 UTF-8,控制台方能正常显示中文。
[CentOS 6]
$ service service_name start
$ service service_name stop
$ service sshd restart/status/reload
[CentOS 7]
$ systemctl start service_name
$ systemctl stop service_name
$ systemctl restart/status/reload sshd
[CentOS 6]
$ chkconfig service_name on/off
[CentOS 7]
$ systemctl enable service_name
$ systemctl disable service_name
[CentOS 6]
$ chkconfig --list
[CentOS 7]
$ systemctl list-unit-files
$ systemctl --type service
[CentOS 6]
$ kill -9
[CentOS 7]
$ systemctl kill --signal=9 sshd
[CentOS 6]
$ netstat
$ netstat -I
$ netstat -n
[CentOS 7]
$ ip n
$ ip -s l
$ ss
[CentOS 6]
$ ifconfig -a
[CentOS 7]
$ ip address show
[CentOS 6]
$ route -n
$ route -A inet6 -n
[CentOS 7]
$ ip route show
$ ip -6 route show
[CentOS 6]
$ shutdown -h now
[CentOS 7]
$ poweroff
$ systemctl poweroff
[CentOS 6]
$ reboot
$ shutdown -r now
[CentOS 7]
$ reboot
$ systemctl reboot
[CentOS 6]
$ init S
[CentOS 7]
$ systemctl rescue
[CentOS 6]
$ vim /etc/inittab
$ startx
[CentOS 7]
$ systemctl isolate multi-user.target
$systemctl isolate graphical.target
$ systemctl set-default graphical.target
$ systemctl set-default multi-user.target
$ systemctl get-default
[CentOS 6]
[CentOS 7]
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