def cal_date_str_spilt(date): '''' 处理形如"2020-3-26" 使用字符串的spilt方法解析 ''' _year = int(date.split('-')[0]) _month = int(date.split('-')[1]) _day = int(date.split('-')[2]) return [_year, _month, _day] def cal_date_str_time(date): ''' 使用time库内置函数strptime(string, format) return struct_time对象 传入参数:字符串 + 处理格式 ''' _date = time.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') _year = _date.tm_year _month = _date.tm_mon _day = _date.tm_mday return [_year, _month, _day]
def judge_leap_year(year, month): # 只有闰年且月份大于2月才加多一天 if year % 400 == 0 or year % 100 and year % 4 == 0 and month > 2: return 1 else: return 0
def main(): date = input("请输入日期,以'-'分隔:") sum_1, sum_2 = 0, 0 date_list_1 = cal_date_str_spilt(date) date_list_2 = cal_date_str_time(date) month_day = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] month_day_lep = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] sum_1 += sum(month_day[:date_list_1[1] - 1]) + date_list_1[2] + judge_leap_year(date_list_1[0], date_list_1[1]) sum_2 += sum(month_day[:date_list_2[1] - 1]) + date_list_2[2] + judge_leap_year(date_list_2[0], date_list_2[1]) print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_1) + '天') print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_2) + '天') ''' 这一段是使用了datetime库的方法,python本身就有处理该类问题的方法 ''' _sum = datetime.date(date_list_1[0], date_list_1[1], date_list_1[2]) sum_3 = _sum.strftime('%j') if sum_3[0] == '0' and sum_3[1] == '0': print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_3[-1:]) + '天') elif sum_3[0] == '0': print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_3[-2:]) + '天') else: print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_3) + '天') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import datetime import time def cal_date_str_spilt(date): '''' 处理形如"2020-3-26" 使用字符串的spilt方法解析 ''' _year = int(date.split('-')[0]) _month = int(date.split('-')[1]) _day = int(date.split('-')[2]) return [_year, _month, _day] def cal_date_str_time(date): ''' 使用time库内置函数strptime(string, format) return struct_time对象 传入参数:字符串 + 处理格式 ''' _date = time.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') _year = _date.tm_year _month = _date.tm_mon _day = _date.tm_mday return [_year, _month, _day] def judge_leap_year(year, month): # 只有闰年且月份大于2月才加多一天 if year % 400 == 0 or year % 100 and year % 4 == 0 and month > 2: return 1 else: return 0 def main(): date = input("请输入日期,以'-'分隔:") sum_1, sum_2 = 0, 0 date_list_1 = cal_date_str_spilt(date) date_list_2 = cal_date_str_time(date) month_day = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] month_day_lep = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] sum_1 += sum(month_day[:date_list_1[1] - 1]) + date_list_1[2] + judge_leap_year(date_list_1[0], date_list_1[1]) sum_2 += sum(month_day[:date_list_2[1] - 1]) + date_list_2[2] + judge_leap_year(date_list_2[0], date_list_2[1]) print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_1) + '天') print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_2) + '天') ''' 这一段是使用了datetime库的方法,python本身就有处理该类问题的方法 ''' _sum = datetime.date(date_list_1[0], date_list_1[1], date_list_1[2]) sum_3 = _sum.strftime('%j') if sum_3[0] == '0' and sum_3[1] == '0': print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_3[-1:]) + '天') elif sum_3[0] == '0': print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_3[-2:]) + '天') else: print('今天是今年的第' + str(sum_3) + '天') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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