H.264(个人不看好):这个编码器是苹果系统包括苹果手机中的编码器,拥有专利的视频编码器。在编码及传输过程中的任何部分都可能需要收取专利费。因此Safari(苹果的浏览器)和Intenet Explorer支持该编码器,但是在开源已经成为大势的当下,还在浏览器中收取专利费,个人实在是不看好啊。
AAC:音频编码器,与H.264相同,该音频编码器拥有专利限制,Safari、Chrome和Internet Explorer支持该音频编码器。
MP3:也是一个专利技术,Safari、Chrome和Internet Explorer支持该音频编码器。
PCM:存储由模拟数字转换器编码的完整数据,在音频CD上存储数据的一种格式。是以中国无损编码器,它的文件大小一般是AAC和MP3文件的几倍,Safari、Firefox和Internet Explorer支持该音频编码器。
Vorbis:文件扩展名为.ogg,有时候也被称为Ogg Vorbis,该音频编码器不受专利保护,因此版权免费。支持的浏览器包括Chrome、Firefox和Opera.
Demo 1 | Custom HTML5 Video Controls with jQuery Custom HTML5 Video Controls with jQuery
Demo 1
Custom HTML5 Video Controls
This is HTML5 video with custom controls
/* video container */ .videoContainer{ width:600px; height:350px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; background:#000; color:#ccc; } /* video caption css */ .caption{ display:none; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; padding:10px; color:#ccc; font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; box-sizing: border-box; -ms-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; background: #1F1F1F; /* fallback */ background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); } /*** VIDEO CONTROLS CSS ***/ /* control holder */ .control{ background:#333; color:#ccc; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:0; width:100%; z-index:5; display:none; } /* control top part */ .topControl{ height:11px; border-bottom:1px solid #404040; padding:1px 5px; background:#1F1F1F; /* fallback */ background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); } /* control bottom part */ .btmControl{ clear:both; background: #1F1F1F; /* fallback */ background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#242424 50%,#1F1F1F 50%,#171717 100%); } .control p.btn { float:left; width:34px; height:30px; padding:0 5px; border-right:1px solid #404040; cursor:pointer; } .control p.text{ font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; line-height:30px; text-align:center; font-family:verdana; width:20px; border:none; color:#777; } .control p.btnPlay{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat 0 0; border-left:1px solid #404040; } .control p.paused{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat 0 -30px; } .control p.btnStop{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat 0 -60px; } .control p.spdText{ border:none; font-size:14px; line-height:30px; font-style:italic; } .control p.selected{ font-size:15px; color:#ccc; } .control p.sound{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat -88px -30px; border:none; float:right; } .control p.sound2{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat -88px -60px !important; } .control p.muted{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat -88px 0 !important; } .control p.btnFS{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat -44px 0; float:right; } .control p.btnLight{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat -44px -60px; border-left:1px solid #404040; float:right; } .control p.lighton{ background:url(control.png) no-repeat -44px -30px !important; } /* PROGRESS BAR CSS */ /* Progress bar */ .progress { width:85%; height:10px; position:relative; float:left; cursor:pointer; background: #444; /* fallback */ background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#666,#333); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#666,#333); background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#666,#333); box-shadow:0 2px 3px #333 inset; -moz-box-shadow:0 2px 3px #333 inset; -webkit-box-shadow:0 2px 3px #333 inset; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; } .progress span { height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; display:block; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; } .timeBar{ z-index:10; width:0; background: #3FB7FC; /* fallback */ background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#A0DCFF 50%,#3FB7FC 50%,#16A9FF 100%); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#A0DCFF 50%,#3FB7FC 50%,#16A9FF 100%); background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#A0DCFF 50%,#3FB7FC 50%,#16A9FF 100%); box-shadow:0 0 1px #fff; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 1px #fff; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 1px #fff; } .bufferBar{ z-index:5; width:0; background: #777; background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#999,#666); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#999,#666); background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#999,#666); box-shadow:2px 0 5px #333; -moz-box-shadow:2px 0 5px #333; -webkit-box-shadow:2px 0 5px #333; } /* time and duration */ .time{ width:15%; float:right; text-align:center; font-size:11px; line-height:12px; } /* VOLUME BAR CSS */ /* volume bar */ .volume{ position:relative; cursor:pointer; width:70px; height:10px; float:right; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; } .volumeBar{ display:block; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; background-color:#eee; z-index:10; } /* OTHERS CSS */ /* video screen cover */ .loading, #init{ position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; background:url(loading.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%; z-index:2; display:none; } #init{ background:url(bigplay.png) no-repeat 50% 50% !important; cursor:pointer; }
$(document).ready(function(){ //INITIALIZE var video = $('#myVideo'); //remove default control when JS loaded video[0].removeAttribute("controls"); $('.control').show().css({'bottom':-45}); $('.loading').fadeIn(500); $('.caption').fadeIn(500); //before everything get started video.on('loadedmetadata', function() { $('.caption').animate({'top':-45},300); //set video properties $('.current').text(timeFormat(0)); $('.duration').text(timeFormat(video[0].duration)); updateVolume(0, 0.7); //start to get video buffering data setTimeout(startBuffer, 150); //bind video events $('.videoContainer') .append('') .hover(function() { $('.control').stop().animate({'bottom':0}, 500); $('.caption').stop().animate({'top':0}, 500); }, function() { if(!volumeDrag && !timeDrag){ $('.control').stop().animate({'bottom':-45}, 500); $('.caption').stop().animate({'top':-45}, 500); } }) .on('click', function() { $('#init').remove(); $('.btnPlay').addClass('paused'); $(this).unbind('click'); video[0].play(); }); $('#init').fadeIn(200); }); //display video buffering bar var startBuffer = function() { var currentBuffer = video[0].buffered.end(0); var maxduration = video[0].duration; var perc = 100 * currentBuffer / maxduration; $('.bufferBar').css('width',perc+'%'); if(currentBuffer < maxduration) { setTimeout(startBuffer, 500); } }; //display current video play time video.on('timeupdate', function() { var currentPos = video[0].currentTime; var maxduration = video[0].duration; var perc = 100 * currentPos / maxduration; $('.timeBar').css('width',perc+'%'); $('.current').text(timeFormat(currentPos)); }); //CONTROLS EVENTS //video screen and play button clicked video.on('click', function() { playpause(); } ); $('.btnPlay').on('click', function() { playpause(); } ); var playpause = function() { if(video[0].paused || video[0].ended) { $('.btnPlay').addClass('paused'); video[0].play(); } else { $('.btnPlay').removeClass('paused'); video[0].pause(); } }; //speed text clicked $('.btnx1').on('click', function() { fastfowrd(this, 1); }); $('.btnx3').on('click', function() { fastfowrd(this, 3); }); var fastfowrd = function(obj, spd) { $('.text').removeClass('selected'); $(obj).addClass('selected'); video[0].playbackRate = spd; video[0].play(); }; //stop button clicked $('.btnStop').on('click', function() { $('.btnPlay').removeClass('paused'); updatebar($('.progress').offset().left); video[0].pause(); }); //fullscreen button clicked $('.btnFS').on('click', function() { if($.isFunction(video[0].webkitEnterFullscreen)) { video[0].webkitEnterFullscreen(); } else if ($.isFunction(video[0].mozRequestFullScreen)) { video[0].mozRequestFullScreen(); } else { alert('Your browsers doesn\'t support fullscreen'); } }); //light bulb button clicked $('.btnLight').click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('lighton'); //if lightoff, create an overlay if(!$(this).hasClass('lighton')) { $('body').append(''); $('.overlay').css({ 'position':'absolute', 'width':100+'%', 'height':$(document).height(), 'background':'#000', 'opacity':0.9, 'top':0, 'left':0, 'z-index':999 }); $('.videoContainer').css({ 'z-index':1000 }); } //if lighton, remove overlay else { $('.overlay').remove(); } }); //sound button clicked $('.sound').click(function() { video[0].muted = !video[0].muted; $(this).toggleClass('muted'); if(video[0].muted) { $('.volumeBar').css('width',0); } else{ $('.volumeBar').css('width', video[0].volume*100+'%'); } }); //VIDEO EVENTS //video canplay event video.on('canplay', function() { $('.loading').fadeOut(100); }); //video canplaythrough event //solve Chrome cache issue var completeloaded = false; video.on('canplaythrough', function() { completeloaded = true; }); //video ended event video.on('ended', function() { $('.btnPlay').removeClass('paused'); video[0].pause(); }); //video seeking event video.on('seeking', function() { //if video fully loaded, ignore loading screen if(!completeloaded) { $('.loading').fadeIn(200); } }); //video seeked event video.on('seeked', function() { }); //video waiting for more data event video.on('waiting', function() { $('.loading').fadeIn(200); }); //VIDEO PROGRESS BAR //when video timebar clicked var timeDrag = false; /* check for drag event */ $('.progress').on('mousedown', function(e) { timeDrag = true; updatebar(e.pageX); }); $(document).on('mouseup', function(e) { if(timeDrag) { timeDrag = false; updatebar(e.pageX); } }); $(document).on('mousemove', function(e) { if(timeDrag) { updatebar(e.pageX); } }); var updatebar = function(x) { var progress = $('.progress'); //calculate drag position //and update video currenttime //as well as progress bar var maxduration = video[0].duration; var position = x - progress.offset().left; var percentage = 100 * position / progress.width(); if(percentage > 100) { percentage = 100; } if(percentage < 0) { percentage = 0; } $('.timeBar').css('width',percentage+'%'); video[0].currentTime = maxduration * percentage / 100; }; //VOLUME BAR //volume bar event var volumeDrag = false; $('.volume').on('mousedown', function(e) { volumeDrag = true; video[0].muted = false; $('.sound').removeClass('muted'); updateVolume(e.pageX); }); $(document).on('mouseup', function(e) { if(volumeDrag) { volumeDrag = false; updateVolume(e.pageX); } }); $(document).on('mousemove', function(e) { if(volumeDrag) { updateVolume(e.pageX); } }); var updateVolume = function(x, vol) { var volume = $('.volume'); var percentage; //if only volume have specificed //then direct update volume if(vol) { percentage = vol * 100; } else { var position = x - volume.offset().left; percentage = 100 * position / volume.width(); } if(percentage > 100) { percentage = 100; } if(percentage < 0) { percentage = 0; } //update volume bar and video volume $('.volumeBar').css('width',percentage+'%'); video[0].volume = percentage / 100; //change sound icon based on volume if(video[0].volume == 0){ $('.sound').removeClass('sound2').addClass('muted'); } else if(video[0].volume > 0.5){ $('.sound').removeClass('muted').addClass('sound2'); } else{ $('.sound').removeClass('muted').removeClass('sound2'); } }; //Time format converter - 00:00 var timeFormat = function(seconds){ var m = Math.floor(seconds/60)<10 ? "0"+Math.floor(seconds/60) : Math.floor(seconds/60); var s = Math.floor(seconds-(m*60))<10 ? "0"+Math.floor(seconds-(m*60)) :Math.floor(seconds-(m*60)); return m+":"+s; }; });
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