Jun 28 10:28:06 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:06 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:06 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:07 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:08 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:08 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:08 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:08 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:08 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:08 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none Jun 28 10:28:08 localhost su: (to nginx) chuangyw on none严重影响message的阅读和过滤;
auth.* /var/log/su
# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher. # Don't log private authentication messages! *.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none;auth.none /var/log/messages # The authpriv file has restricted access. authpriv.* /var/log/secure auth.* /var/log/su # Log all the mail messages in one place. mail.* -/var/log/maillog记得重启rsyslog生效
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