from graphics import * from math import * import numpy as np def ai(): """ AI计算落子位置 """ maxmin(True, DEPTH, -99999999, 99999999) return next_point[0], next_point[1] def maxmin(is_ai, depth, alpha, beta): """ 负值极大算法搜索 alpha + beta剪枝 """ # 游戏是否结束 | | 探索的递归深度是否到边界 if game_win(list1) or game_win(list2) or depth == 0: return evaluation(is_ai) blank_list = list(set(list_all).difference(set(list3))) order(blank_list) # 搜索顺序排序 提高剪枝效率 # 遍历每一个候选步 for next_step in blank_list[0:60]: # 如果要评估的位置没有相邻的子, 则不去评估 减少计算 if not has_neightnor(next_step): continue if is_ai: list1.append(next_step) else: list2.append(next_step) list3.append(next_step) value = -maxmin(not is_ai, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha) if is_ai: list1.remove(next_step) else: list2.remove(next_step) list3.remove(next_step) if value > alpha: if depth == DEPTH: next_point[0] = next_step[0] next_point[1] = next_step[1] # alpha + beta剪枝点 if value >= beta: return beta alpha = value return alpha def order(blank_list): """ 离最后落子的邻居位置最有可能是最优点 计算最后落子点的8个方向邻居节点 若未落子,则插入到blank列表的最前端 :param blank_list: 未落子节点集合 :return: blank_list """ last_pt = list3[-1] # for item in blank_list: for i in range(-1, 2): for j in range(-1, 2): if i == 0 and j == 0: continue if (last_pt[0] + i, last_pt[1] + j) in blank_list: blank_list.remove((last_pt[0] + i, last_pt[1] + j)) blank_list.insert(0, (last_pt[0] + i, last_pt[1] + j)) def has_neightnor(pt): """ 判断是否有邻居节点 :param pt: 待评测节点 :return: """ for i in range(-1, 2): for j in range(-1, 2): if i == 0 and j == 0: continue if (pt[0] + i, pt[1] + j) in list3: return True return False def evaluation(is_ai): """ 评估函数 """ if is_ai: my_list = list1 enemy_list = list2 else: my_list = list2 enemy_list = list1 # 算自己的得分 score_all_arr = [] # 得分形状的位置 用于计算如果有相交 得分翻倍 my_score = 0 for pt in my_list: m = pt[0] n = pt[1] my_score += cal_score(m, n, 0, 1, enemy_list, my_list, score_all_arr) my_score += cal_score(m, n, 1, 0, enemy_list, my_list, score_all_arr) my_score += cal_score(m, n, 1, 1, enemy_list, my_list, score_all_arr) my_score += cal_score(m, n, -1, 1, enemy_list, my_list, score_all_arr) # 算敌人的得分, 并减去 score_all_arr_enemy = [] enemy_score = 0 for pt in enemy_list: m = pt[0] n = pt[1] enemy_score += cal_score(m, n, 0, 1, my_list, enemy_list, score_all_arr_enemy) enemy_score += cal_score(m, n, 1, 0, my_list, enemy_list, score_all_arr_enemy) enemy_score += cal_score(m, n, 1, 1, my_list, enemy_list, score_all_arr_enemy) enemy_score += cal_score(m, n, -1, 1, my_list, enemy_list, score_all_arr_enemy) total_score = my_score - enemy_score * 0.1 return total_score def cal_score(m, n, x_decrict, y_derice, enemy_list, my_list, score_all_arr): """ 每个方向上的分值计算 :param m: :param n: :param x_decrict: :param y_derice: :param enemy_list: :param my_list: :param score_all_arr: :return: """ add_score = 0 # 加分项 # 在一个方向上, 只取大的得分项 max_score_shape = (0, None) # 如果此方向上,该点已经有得分形状,不重复计算 for item in score_all_arr: for pt in item[1]: if m == pt[0] and n == pt[1] and x_decrict == item[2][0] and y_derice == item[2][1]: return 0 # 在落子点 左右方向上循环查找得分形状 for offset in range(-5, 1): # offset = -2 pos = [] for i in range(0, 6): if (m + (i + offset) * x_decrict, n + (i + offset) * y_derice) in enemy_list: pos.append(2) elif (m + (i + offset) * x_decrict, n + (i + offset) * y_derice) in my_list: pos.append(1) else: pos.append(0) tmp_shap5 = (pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4]) tmp_shap6 = (pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4], pos[5]) for (score, shape) in shape_score: if tmp_shap5 == shape or tmp_shap6 == shape: if score > max_score_shape[0]: max_score_shape = (score, ((m + (0 + offset) * x_decrict, n + (0 + offset) * y_derice), (m + (1 + offset) * x_decrict, n + (1 + offset) * y_derice), (m + (2 + offset) * x_decrict, n + (2 + offset) * y_derice), (m + (3 + offset) * x_decrict, n + (3 + offset) * y_derice), (m + (4 + offset) * x_decrict, n + (4 + offset) * y_derice)), (x_decrict, y_derice)) # 计算两个形状相交, 如两个3活 相交, 得分增加 一个子的除外 if max_score_shape[1] is not None: for item in score_all_arr: for pt1 in item[1]: for pt2 in max_score_shape[1]: if pt1 == pt2 and max_score_shape[0] > 10 and item[0] > 10: add_score += item[0] + max_score_shape[0] score_all_arr.append(max_score_shape) return add_score + max_score_shape[0] def game_win(list): """ 胜利条件判断 """ # for m in range(COLUMN): # for n in range(ROW): # if n < ROW - 4 and (m, n) in list and (m, n + 1) in list and (m, n + 2) in list and ( # m, n + 3) in list and (m, n + 4) in list: # return True # elif m < ROW - 4 and (m, n) in list and (m + 1, n) in list and (m + 2, n) in list and ( # m + 3, n) in list and (m + 4, n) in list: # return True # elif m < ROW - 4 and n < ROW - 4 and (m, n) in list and (m + 1, n + 1) in list and ( # m + 2, n + 2) in list and (m + 3, n + 3) in list and (m + 4, n + 4) in list: # return True # elif m < ROW - 4 and n > 3 and (m, n) in list and (m + 1, n - 1) in list and ( # m + 2, n - 2) in list and (m + 3, n - 3) in list and (m + 4, n - 4) in list: # return True return False def draw_window(): """ 绘制棋盘 """ # 绘制画板 win = GraphWin("五子棋", GRAPH_HEIGHT, GRAPH_WIDTH) win.setBackground("gray") # 绘制列 i1 = 0 while i1 <= GRID_WIDTH * COLUMN: i1 = i1 + GRID_WIDTH l = Line(Point(i1, GRID_WIDTH), Point(i1, GRID_WIDTH * COLUMN)) l.draw(win) # 绘制行 i2 = 0 while i2 <= GRID_WIDTH * ROW: i2 = i2 + GRID_WIDTH l = Line(Point(GRID_WIDTH, i2), Point(GRID_WIDTH * ROW, i2)) l.draw(win) return win def main(): """ 程序循环 :return: """ mode = int(input("先手 AI先手 ? 1 0 \n")) # 绘制棋盘 win = draw_window() # 添加棋盘所有点 for i in range(COLUMN + 1): for j in range(ROW + 1): list_all.append((i, j)) # 循环条件 g = 0 change = 0 # 开始循环 while g == 0: # AI if change % 2 == mode: # AI先手 走天元 if change == 0: pos = (6, 6) else: pos = ai() # 添加落子 list1.append(pos) list3.append(pos) # 绘制白棋 piece = Circle(Point(GRID_WIDTH * (pos[0]), GRID_WIDTH * (pos[1])), 12) piece.setFill('white') piece.draw(win) # AI胜利 if game_win(list1): message = Text(Point(GRAPH_WIDTH / 2, GRID_WIDTH / 2), "AI获胜") message.draw(win) g = 1 change = change + 1 # User else: p2 = win.getMouse() x = round((p2.getX()) / GRID_WIDTH) y = round((p2.getY()) / GRID_WIDTH) # 若点未被选取过 if not (x, y) in list3: # 添加落子 list2.append((x, y)) list3.append((x, y)) # 绘制黑棋 piece = Circle(Point(GRID_WIDTH * x, GRID_WIDTH * y), 12) piece.setFill('black') piece.draw(win) # 胜利 if game_win(list2): message = Text(Point(GRAPH_WIDTH / 2, GRID_WIDTH / 2), "人类胜利") message.draw(win) g = 1 change = change + 1 message = Text(Point(GRAPH_WIDTH / 2 + 100, GRID_WIDTH / 2), "游戏结束") message.draw(win) win.getMouse() win.close() if __name__ == '__main__': GRID_WIDTH = 40 COLUMN = 11 ROW = 11 GRAPH_WIDTH = GRID_WIDTH * (ROW + 1) GRAPH_HEIGHT = GRID_WIDTH * (COLUMN + 1) list1 = [] # AI list2 = [] # human list3 = [] # all list_all = [] # 整个棋盘的点 next_point = [0, 0] # AI下一步最应该下的位置 mode=int(input("请选择: 快不准 或 慢却准 ? 1 : 0 \n")) if mode==1: DEPTH=1 elif mode==0: DEPTH=3 else: DEPTH=3 shape_score = [(50, (0, 1, 1, 0, 0)), (50, (0, 0, 1, 1, 0)), (200, (1, 1, 0, 1, 0)), (500, (0, 0, 1, 1, 1)), (500, (1, 1, 1, 0, 0)), (5000, (0, 1, 1, 1, 0)), (5000, (0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0)), (5000, (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0)), (5000, (1, 1, 1, 0, 1)), (5000, (1, 1, 0, 1, 1)), (5000, (1, 0, 1, 1, 1)), (5000, (1, 1, 1, 1, 0)), (5000, (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)), (50000, (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)), (99999999, (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))] main()
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