# 图像优化 # pip install Pillow import PIL # 裁剪 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = im.crop((34, 23, 100, 100)) # 调整大小 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = im.resize((50, 50)) # 翻转 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = im.transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) # 旋转 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = im.rotate(360) # 压缩 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im.save("Image1.jpg", optimize=True, quality=90) # 模糊化 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = im.filter(PIL.ImageFilter.BLUR) # 锐化 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = im.filter(PIL.ImageFilter.SHARPEN) # 设置亮度 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness(im) im = im.enhance(1.5) # 设置对比度 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = PIL.ImageEnhance.Contrast(im) im = im.enhance(1.5) # 添加过滤器 im = PIL.Image.open("Image1.jpg") im = PIL.ImageOps.grayscale(im) im = PIL.ImageOps.invert(im) im = PIL.ImageOps. posterize(im, 4) # 保存 im.save("Image1.jpg")
# 视频优化器 # pip install moviepy import moviepy.editor as pyedit # 加载视频 video = pyedit.VideoFileClip("vid.mp4") # 修剪 vid1 = video.subclip(0, 10) vid2 = video.subclip(20, 40) final_vid = pyedit.concatenate_videoclips([vid1, vid2]) # 加快视频的速度 final_vid = final_vid.speedx(2) # 在视频中添加音频 aud = pyedit.AudioFileClip("bg.mp3") final_vid = final_vid.set_audio(aud) # 反转视频 final_vid = final_vid.fx(pyedit.vfx.time_mirror) # 合并两个视频 vid1 = pyedit.VideoFileClip("vid1.mp4") vid2 = pyedit.VideoFileClip("vid2.mp4") final_vid = pyedit.concatenate_videoclips([vid1, vid2]) # 在视频中添加视觉特效 vid1 = final_vid.fx(pyedit.vfx.mirror_x) vid2 = final_vid.fx(pyedit.vfx.invert_colors) final_vid = pyedit.concatenate_videoclips([vid1, vid2]) # 在视频中添加图像 img1 = pyedit.ImageClip("img1.jpg") img2 = pyedit.ImageClip("img2.jpg") final_vid = pyedit.concatenate_videoclips([img1, img2]) # 保存视频 final_vid.write_videofile("final.mp4")
# PDF to Images # pip install PyMuPDF import fitz def pdf_to_images(pdf_file): doc = fitz.open(pdf_file) for p in doc: pix = p.get_pixmap() output = f "page{p.number}.png" pix.writePNG(output) pdf_to_images("test.pdf")
# pip install urllib3 输入urllib3 # 获取API数据 url = "https://api.github.com/users/psf/repos" http = urllib3.PoolManager() response = http.request('GET', url) print(response.status) print(response.data) # 发布API数据 url = "https://httpbin.org/post" http = urllib3.PoolManager() response = http.request('POST', url, fields={'hello': 'world'}) print(response.status)
# 电池通知器 # pip instal plyer from plyer import notification import psutil from time import sleep while True: battery = psutil.sensors_battery() life = battery.percent #寿命 = 电池百分比 if life < 50: notification.notify( title = "Battery Low" #电池电量不足 message = "Please connect to power source", timeout = 10 ) sleep(60)
# Grammer Fixer # pip install happytransformer from happytransformer import HappyTextToText as HappyTTT from happytransformer import TTSettings def Grammer_Fixer(Text): Grammer = HappyTTT("T5","prithivida/grammar_error_correcter_v1") config = TTSettings(do_sample=True, top_k=10, max_length=100) corrected = Grammer.generate_text(Text, args=config) print("Corrected Text: ", corrected.text) Text = "This is smple tet we how know this" Grammer_Fixer(Text)
# 拼写修正器 # pip 安装 textblob # pip install textblob from textblob import * def fix_paragraph_words(paragraph): sentence = TextBlob(paragraph) correction = sentence.correct() print(correction) # 修复字词拼写 def fix_word_spell(word): word = Word(word) 更正 = word.correct() print(correction) fix_paragraph_words("this is sammple tet!!") fix_word_spell("maangoo")
你可能使用下载软件从互联网上下载照片或视频,但现在你可以使用Python IDM模块创建自己的下载器。
# Python Downloader # pip install internetdownloadmanager import internetdownloadmanager as idm def Downloader(url, output): pydownloader = idm.Downloader(worker=20, part_size=1024*1024*10, resumable=True,) pydownloader .download(url, output) Downloader("Link url", "image.jpg") Downloader("Link url", "video.mp4")
# pip install requests import requests ApiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY" url = "https://api.worldnewsapi.com/search-news?text=hurricane&api-key={ApiKey}" headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) print("News: ", response.json())
这个自动化脚本将帮助你使用PySide2 Gui模块创建你的GUI应用程序。你可以在下面找到开始开发现代应用程序的前端所需的每一种方法。
# PySide2 # pip install PySide2 from PySide6.QtWidgets import * from PySide6.QtGui import * app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = QWidget() # 调整窗口的大小 window.resize(500, 500) # 设置窗口标题 window.setWindowTitle("PySide2 Window") # 添加按钮 button = QPushButton("Click Me", window) button.move(200, 200) # 添加标签文本 label = QLabel("Hello Medium", window) label.move(200, 150) # 添加输入框 input_box = QLineEdit(window) input_box.move(200, 250) print(input_box.text()) # 添加单选按钮 radio_button = QRadioButton("Radio Button", window) radio_button.move(200, 300) # 添加复选框 checkbox = QCheckBox("Checkbox", window) checkbox.move(200, 350) # 添加滑块 slider = QSlider(window) slider.move(200, 400) # 添加进度条 progress_bar = QProgressBar(window) progress_bar.move(200, 450) # 添加图片 image = QLabel(window) image.setPixmap(QPixmap("image.png")) # 添加消息框 msg = QMessageBox(window) msg.setText("Message Box") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.OK | QMessageBox.Cancel) window.show() sys.exit(app.exec())
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