你想根据一组语法规则解析文本并执行命令,或者构造一个代表输入的抽象语法树。 如果语法非常简单,你可以不去使用一些框架,而是自己写这个解析器。
在这个问题中,我们集中讨论根据特殊语法去解析文本的问题。 为了这样做,你首先要以BNF或者EBNF形式指定一个标准语法。 比如,一个简单数学表达式语法可能像下面这样:
expr ::= expr + term
| expr - term
| termterm ::= term * factor
| term / factor
| factorfactor ::= ( expr )
expr ::= term { (+|-) term }*
term ::= factor { (*|/) factor }*
factor ::= ( expr )
在EBNF中,被包含在 {...}*
现在,如果你对BNF的工作机制还不是很明白的话,就把它当做是一组左右符号可相互替换的规则。 一般来讲,解析的原理就是你利用BNF完成多个替换和扩展以匹配输入文本和语法规则。 为了演示,假设你正在解析形如 3 + 4 * 5
的表达式。 这个表达式先要通过使用2.18节中介绍的技术分解为一组令牌流。 结果可能是像下列这样的令牌序列:
在此基础上, 解析动作会试着去通过替换操作匹配语法到输入令牌:
expr ::= term { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= factor { (*|/) factor }* { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM { (*|/) factor }* { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM + term { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM + factor { (*|/) factor }* { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM + NUM { (*|/) factor}* { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM + NUM * factor { (*|/) factor }* { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM + NUM * NUM { (*|/) factor }* { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM + NUM * NUM { (+|-) term }*
expr ::= NUM + NUM * NUM
下面所有的解析步骤可能需要花点时间弄明白,但是它们原理都是查找输入并试着去匹配语法规则。 第一个输入令牌是NUM,因此替换首先会匹配那个部分。 一旦匹配成功,就会进入下一个令牌+,以此类推。 当已经确定不能匹配下一个令牌的时候,右边的部分(比如 { (*/) factor }* )就会被清理掉。 在一个成功的解析中,整个右边部分会完全展开来匹配输入令牌流。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ Topic: 下降解析器 Desc : """ import re import collections # Token specification NUM = r'(?P\d+)' PLUS = r'(?P \+)' MINUS = r'(?P -)' TIMES = r'(?P \*)' DIVIDE = r'(?P /)' LPAREN = r'(?P \()' RPAREN = r'(?P \))' WS = r'(?P \s+)' master_pat = re.compile('|'.join([NUM, PLUS, MINUS, TIMES, DIVIDE, LPAREN, RPAREN, WS])) # Tokenizer Token = collections.namedtuple('Token', ['type', 'value']) def generate_tokens(text): scanner = master_pat.scanner(text) for m in iter(scanner.match, None): tok = Token(m.lastgroup, m.group()) if tok.type != 'WS': yield tok # Parser class ExpressionEvaluator: ''' Implementation of a recursive descent parser. Each method implements a single grammar rule. Use the ._accept() method to test and accept the current lookahead token. Use the ._expect() method to exactly match and discard the next token on on the input (or raise a SyntaxError if it doesn't match). ''' def parse(self, text): self.tokens = generate_tokens(text) self.tok = None # Last symbol consumed self.nexttok = None # Next symbol tokenized self._advance() # Load first lookahead token return self.expr() def _advance(self): 'Advance one token ahead' self.tok, self.nexttok = self.nexttok, next(self.tokens, None) def _accept(self, toktype): 'Test and consume the next token if it matches toktype' if self.nexttok and self.nexttok.type == toktype: self._advance() return True else: return False def _expect(self, toktype): 'Consume next token if it matches toktype or raise SyntaxError' if not self._accept(toktype): raise SyntaxError('Expected ' + toktype) # Grammar rules follow def expr(self): "expression ::= term { ('+'|'-') term }*" exprval = self.term() while self._accept('PLUS') or self._accept('MINUS'): op = self.tok.type right = self.term() if op == 'PLUS': exprval += right elif op == 'MINUS': exprval -= right return exprval def term(self): "term ::= factor { ('*'|'/') factor }*" termval = self.factor() while self._accept('TIMES') or self._accept('DIVIDE'): op = self.tok.type right = self.factor() if op == 'TIMES': termval *= right elif op == 'DIVIDE': termval /= right return termval def factor(self): "factor ::= NUM | ( expr )" if self._accept('NUM'): return int(self.tok.value) elif self._accept('LPAREN'): exprval = self.expr() self._expect('RPAREN') return exprval else: raise SyntaxError('Expected NUMBER or LPAREN') def descent_parser(): e = ExpressionEvaluator() print(e.parse('2')) print(e.parse('2 + 3')) print(e.parse('2 + 3 * 4')) print(e.parse('2 + (3 + 4) * 5')) # print(e.parse('2 + (3 + * 4)')) # Traceback (most recent call last): # File " ", line 1, in # File "exprparse.py", line 40, in parse # return self.expr() # File "exprparse.py", line 67, in expr # right = self.term() # File "exprparse.py", line 77, in term # termval = self.factor() # File "exprparse.py", line 93, in factor # exprval = self.expr() # File "exprparse.py", line 67, in expr # right = self.term() # File "exprparse.py", line 77, in term # termval = self.factor() # File "exprparse.py", line 97, in factor # raise SyntaxError("Expected NUMBER or LPAREN") # SyntaxError: Expected NUMBER or LPAREN if __name__ == '__main__': descent_parser()
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